Plan A: Make Harry mad

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 I sat next to Zayn making sure I was really close. You see I have a plan. Since Harry thinks he can act like my father im going to make sure he knows im not his daughter so I dont have to listen. So im going to make sure I get real close to Zayn, and maybe the rest of the boys, but mostly Zayn because that will really piss off Harry.

Oh arent I such a great sister?? I think I am!

'So tell us about yourself' Niall said while eating chips

'Umm Im Harry's sister, and I was adopted, and you know those things, but im obviously american haha, and uhhh I dont know!' I chuckled, I was terrible about telling people about myself.

'Well yeah we figured you were american because you have an american accent' Liam said drinking some water.

'Wow captian obvious is on this bus!' Louis shouted

'Shut up Lou' Liam said

'So uh what do you guys usually do on the bus?' I asked 

'Well we play video games, and sleep, and eat, sleep again, and eat some more!' Niall said. Typical Niall sleep and eat.

Either Harry was still mad about the cabinet incident or he noticed me snuggling up to Zayn because he was giving us the death stare.

'Well Im going to take a nap' Louis announced

'But its the middle of the afternoon' i said confused

'So?  there is nothing else to do' He said going back to bunkbed area.

'I think im going to also' Liam said leaving too

Come on Niall go to sleep then Im alone with Zayn and Harry.

'Kelani' Harry said sternly

'Harry' I mocked sarcastically

'We need to talk' 

'We just did Harry' 

'Ok Im going to go to sleep also' Niall said leaving

Thankyou Niall!

'What do you want to talk about Harry' I said crossing my arms still leaning up against Zayn

'Um should I leave?' Zayn asked 

'No you can stay' I said before Harry could say anything

'Kelani' Harry said again

'Oh my god harry stop saying my name and if your freaking out about the cabinet thing get over it you do not own me! Your not my father Harry! I have no father! I dont need you trying to be my father because I havent had one for a long time and I have been fine! Dont try to control me Harry ok?!?' I shouted. My eyes were starting to tear up.

'Kel..' Harry started before I interuppted 

'Stop I told you dont say my name' I stood up and stood right in front of him with my arms crossed

I saw Zayn get up and go to the bunkbed section, I dont blame him it must be awkward for him.

'Look im just trying to protect you' He said

'No, no your not and you are overreacting so much we have been here not even one day, and your freaking out about nothing!' I screamed

'I dont want you to get hurt' He said quietly

'How will I get hurt?' 

'Zayn breaks hearts, and I dont want you to go through more pain' 

'I can deal with pain the issue with my parents made me stronger, and Zayn is a good guy' I screamd then walked back to the bunkbeds before he could say anything

I was crying alot now, and I dont know why, but I just want to be alone. When I went back to my bed I saw four heads looking out from their beds. Great they listened to thw whole thing.

'You ok?' Liam asked

'Im fine' I lied getting up on my bed and shutting the curtain

'Do you want to talk?' Zayn asked through the curtain

'No please just leave me alone' I said into my pillow

Harry was right I needed a Dad, and I did want one. I know Harry is trying to help, but hes being way to over protective. 

I havent even been here a whole day and there is already drama...

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