The real world

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Hey everybody Katie here(: 

Sorry in this chapter and the last two I think it keeps speeding ahead a couple months, but im just getting to the good stuff when Josh is older:) Hope you enjoy comment/vote please! 


-A year and a half later-

woke up to the sound of Josh crying. I looked at the alarm clock and saw it was 3 am. Josh still cries alot at night. It gets a little annoying, but I know I cant do anything about it. 

Josh was two years old now and I was 17. I have become so mature in the last year its crazy. Me and Zayn have actually been talking about getting married. Harry thinks its a terrible idea, but Josh needs a commited dad, and in order to have one me and Zayn need to get married. Harry has been so paranoid about me and Zayn right now. Because we sleep in the same bed, live in the same house obviously, and do everything together, but we have a child we need to..

I walked over to Josh's room and some him crying. I gave into anything when this boy cried. I picked him up and just held him for a little bit. He was getting so big, and it was hard to believe this little boy came out of me. Which actually kind of gross's me out.

While I was holding Josh he calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. I was startled when I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

'Lani you ok?' Zayn whispered in my ear. I turned my head so I could see him, but it was too dark. I found my way to his lips and kissd them. When I kissed him he seemed a little more rough then usual. After a couple minutes we were out of breath. I layed Josh down in his bed, and went up to Zayn. He was still breathing heavily. He was standing by the window and the moonlight was showing so I could see his face a little. He looked mysterious right now, and like he wanted more then my lips..

We started kissing roughly til we were in a full makeout session. I knew what he wanted, but I cant not right now atleast. I want to do it when it is special, and perfect. Because I dont even remember my first time which sucks..

'Zayn' I whispered in between kisses. I felt him try to lift up my shirt. 'Zayn we are in Josh's room' If anything was going to happen I wasnt going to do it in front of my child.

'Follow me' Zayn demanded. He grabbed my hand and walked quickly to the bedroom. I knew he wanted to have sex. But i wasnt ready. This technically was my first time because I dont remember anything.

Zayn pushed me onto the bed and tried to take off my shirt, but I stopped him.

'Lani come on' Zayn whispered in my ear while sucking on my neck

'No Zayn I cant' I pushed him off me and got up.

'Why babe its not like we havent before' He said. He looked hurt. I didnt mean to make him sad just I didnt want to right now.

'Yeah well i dont remember our first time and i dont count that, but im not ready' I got back in bed and turned my back to him. I know his gorgeous eyes would make me give in.

'Fine' Zayn said. He got in on the other side and fell asleep. I couldnt fall asleep so I listened to his slow breathing. It was peaceful and made me relax.

I woke up the next morning and looked over and didnt see Zayn. I went and got in the shower and washed my body and hair. Then I changed into this

I walked down the hall to Josh's room. He was still sleeping. I picked him up and held him for a little bit. He was getting bigger so I couldnt hold him like I did when he was a newborn. He opened his eyes slowly and looked up at me. His big brown eyes looked just like Zayns.

'Good morning baby' I said to him smiling

'Mommy' He smiled at me and it looked just like Zayn. Why does this kid look so much like Zayn..

'Want some breakfast?' I asked him. He nodded and I carried him downstairs. Harry was sitting at the bar eating some cereal. Where is everybody?

'Morning Harry' I said. I put Josh in his highchair and went to get some food

'Hey Lani' Harry looked sad. Whats wrong with him?

'You ok? you seem sad' I got out a bowl and made some oatmeal for Josh.

'Yeah just your going to be moving out soon and probably with Zayn' I did not want to talk about this now..

'Harry, Zayn is the dad, and I want him to be Josh's dad' I sighed then handed Josh his oatmeal and a spoon. He started eating it very sloppily and getting it everywhere.

'I know, but I dont want you to be with him' Why is Harry so stubborn?!?!

'Harry this is my life now ok its real and I have Josh, and once you have a kid with some girl you will realize you have to be the dad of it, and I dont care if you dont want me to be with Zayn I am ok! He is Josh's dad and always will be!' I shouted at him. He looked at me with no expression. 'Where is Zayn?' I added

'I dont know he left an hour ago' He mumbled

'Oh' Where did he go?

When Josh was done eating I took him upstairs so he could take a bath. All I could think about was where was Zayn and why didnt he tell me he was leaving?...

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