Lets partayyy

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'Kelani' I heard someone saying I didnt bother to open my eyes though

'Kelani wake up' It sounded like it could be Zayn 

'hmm' I groaned

'We are at a hotel' He said

I fluttered my eyes open to find a very sexy looking Zayn staring at me.

'Ok' I answered

I got out of bed and changed into some black skinny jeans, black flip flops and a white tank top. Then I put my hair into a bun.

I got my suitcase and got out of the bed section to find all five boys waiting for me. oops.

'What are you boys staring at? I put on pants' I said 

'You look uh..' Zayn started

They were probably looking at my boobs. They were like perfect so I have been told. 

'Nevermind we have to go' Harry said

I followed the boys into the hotel room. It was kind of small so of course me and Harry had to share the pullout couch. Zayn and Liam got the room and Niall and Louis had the other pullout couch.

'So how long are we staying here?' I asked harry

'one week'  he said not even making eye contact with me

'Why so long?'

'They decided to do more concerts here i dont know'

We continued unpacking in silence till Louis came out

'So who wants to go to a party?' Louis shouted

'Kelani is 15 Louis' Harry said

There is no way this boy is going to stop me from partying.

'No not a club i have a friend that lives down the street and is having a huge party tonight'

'I want to go!' 

'See Kelani wants to go' Louis said

'Fine but Kelani you better not take a sip of any alcohol' Harry said finally looking at me

'You dont own me Harry' I said going into the kitchen so he couldnt say anything else.

'So Kelani your up for a party tonight?' Louis asked getting some carrots

'Yeah totally'

I really was excited. I love to party, although I never really get too

---Later at night----

'Kelani hurry up we have to go!' I heard Harry yell

'Im coming hold on!' I yelled back

I wore this http://weheartit.com/entry/33497416 and some black heels. I curled my hair and pulled it up in a cute clip.

I walked out of the bathroom and all five boys were waiting.

'Kelani you look...' Zayn started before Harry gave him a death stare

Liam got us limo to take us there. It wasnt a long drive which was good because no body said a word. Zayn was staring at me with the wierd look on his face the whole time though.

'Finally we are here!' Liam shouted once we got there.

We walked into a pretty big mansion full of people. Once I realized how many people were actually there I started to feel wierd. Everyone was older then me and drinking. Harry went off somewhere as well as Liam, Niall, and Louis. Zayn grabbed my hand and led me to a small area with a couch that only a few people were in.

'Wait here' Zayn demanded sitting me on the couch.

'What? Why? Where are you going?' i asked confused and kind of nervous to be left alone

'Im going to get us some drinks dont worry ill be right back' Zayn assured me

He better not be getting alcohol. I dont even want to drink. Not yet atleast. Im not even aloud yet!

'Here you go' Zayn said coming and sitting next to me with two drinks

'Zayn im not aloud to have alcohol' I said worried it might be

'Dont worry its Mt Dew' 

Oh thank god..

'But im sorry mine is not' Zayn said. 

'So why does Harry not want you to date us?' Zayn yelled because the music got louder

'I have no idea' I started feeling really wierd...This is just Mt Dew it shouldnt be bothering me..

'Oh well you shouldnt listen to him' Zayn said taking the last sip of his drink

Wow that went fast..

'Dont worry I dont usually listen'

'Well im going to get another drink want another soda?' Zayn asked getting up

'Uh no im good' I had atleast half a glass still so I was ok

A few minutes later Zayn came back with with his drink

'Hey Kelani miss me?' He asked standing in front of me

'Uh you were gone like five minutes Zayn' He was acting really wierd, must be the alcohol

I was starting to feel wierd too. I finished my Mt Dew, maybe it was old? Oh well

'Want to dance?' Zayn asked taking my hand

'Sure I want another soda though' I said 

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