I am a lonely man.

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(Bruce's POV)
Our night ended at Janick's house, it was time for everyone to depart. I had to drive Y/N's car to my house, unfortunately, it was a little while away. Y/N was staring out the window, the sunset looked amazing. I never noticed the big camera in the center console. She grabbed it and started taking photos of the city lights and sunset. Then I noticed she was taking photos of me, not flash photos but there was enough light to see my face at least. She giggled and I started giggling too, I made funny faces to make her giggle and smile more.
"Awww, you look adorable!" She said, looking over the photos she took. I blushed in the faint orange light.
Y/N turned on her radio and switched on a song.
Wait, she had my albums?
Accident of Birth started playing. This was my favorite song to record. I started singing along quietly,
"Journey back to the dark side, back into the womb, back to where the spirits move like vapor from the tomb, the center of the cyclone, blowing out the sun, bring your shackles of the union to the light..." Y/N started tapping her feet happily to the beat. I sang along somewhat louder now then the chorus came up.
"Welcome home! It's been too long, we missed you. Welcome home! We've opened up the gates. Welcome home! To your brothers and sisters. Welcome home! To an accident of birth."
Y/N sang along with me, just as loud. We reached the end of the song, Y/N was such a great singer.
"That was better than the studio version." She complimented. I smiled and quietly thanked her.
"I wanna hear another song." She stated then went into her center console, she grabbed her No Prayer For The Dying CD and put it in the player. She went to the song Holy Smoke.
"Oh boy. Let's see if I got this." I laughed out. She clapped her hands excitedly and waited for it to start.
"Believe in me, send no money.
I died on the cross and that ain't funny. But my so called friends they're making me a joke. They missed out what I said like I never spoke!" I sang nearly perfectly, she joined me for the rest of the song.
Finally we arrived at my humble home. I grabbed her shopping bags that were in the back of her car.
I grabbed all of them easily and stepped out of the car.
"Oh no- Bruce. You don't have to do that." She said trying to grab the bags out of my hands, but I didn't let her. Giving up, she opened the door for me, I thanked her and set down the bags in the guest room, which was situated next to mine. Y/N followed behind me and started unloading the bags. Lots of Maiden shirts.
"Nice shirts, where'd you get them?" I joked, she just smiled and shook her head. I love her smile so much.
We sorted things out then she wanted to go to bed, I didn't blame her, it was really late.
I let her know my whereabouts if she ever needed me.
I went downstairs to my 'chill' room. It was where I could calm down whenever I was upset or I couldn't sleep. My acoustic guitar was in the corner and my piano that I was currently learning how to play was in the middle of the room.
I grabbed my guitar and played a calming tune. Being in this room brought back an emotion I've been feeling ever since my divorce, loneliness.
I never noticed how alone and sad I've become.
"Cold sunlight falling on me, cold sunlight falling on me, I am a lonely man, sorrow is my friend. Fall asleep as the dawn comes up, a ray of hope again. Oh the crystal visions, for a second let it pass, oh the crystal vision, for a moment make it last. Summer's so quickly gone, darkness be my friend. Nothing lasts forever, but the certainty of change..."
I never realized how lonely I've become. I was so afraid of falling in love with the wrong person.
I set the guitar back and sighed.
"A man of sorrows wept, with thoughts that dare not speak their name, trapped inside a body, made to feel only guilt and shame. His anger all his life, I hate myself! He cried." I sang quietly. My heart ached in the sorrow I felt.
My mind was fuzzy with negative thoughts, I figured it was time for bed.
I went upstairs and got ready for bed, taking off my shirt and putting on comfy sweatpants.
I lied there for what feels like forever. Forever being two hours. It was 1 in the morning. I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in." And Y/N opened the door, she looked like she just saw a ghost. She was shaking. I got out of bed and went over to her.
"What's wring darling? What happened?" I questioned worriedly, wiping the tear away from her face.
"I had a bad nightmare..." She looked away. I hugged her close and stroked her hair. I picked her up and sat her on my bed.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, she looked down.
"Y-You died. M-My ex came b-back and you a-and the guys d-died in front of my eyes. Y-You we're trying to save me. It was j-just so scary. I thought it was all real..." My heart broke, she really cared about us. I hugged her again.
"He will never hurt you. He will never find you. I l- I care about you. A lot." I admitted quietly.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I was shocked. But I smiled.
"Of course you can. Anything to make you feel okay." I let her go and she got under the covers. I crawled under the covers and sighed. She grabbed at my arm and put it around her waist. I smiled and kissed her forehead.
I went into a dreamless sleep.
End of Chapter 4

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