Aces High

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  Bruce's POV
  We landed in Mumbai about 4ish hours later. I went back into the first class section of the plane and I fell asleep next to Y/N. I wish I could wake up next to her every day. One may dream.
I woke up awhile before we landed so I could see the passengers as they exited the plane. I'm always happy to see the fans happy. Some of the Killer Crew and my band mates got off last along with Rod and Y/N. The look in her eyes when she saw all the fans chanting 'Maiden! Maiden! Maiden!' was amazing. Wonder filled her eyes as she looked around. I saw in her eyes what Janick's eyes looked like when he joined the band and did his first concert with us. Just disbelief and wonder.
I smiled to myself. This will be an experience she'll never forget. I still get the same feeling when I walk on stage. The small anxiety I had before I went on stage is all released and it turns into excitement and childish wonder.
We were escorted to a big SUV and we were driven to our hotel where we could put all our stuff and we could hang out until the show starts. We all got separate room except for the crew members who had significant others.
Me and the band decided to go swimming at the outside swimming pool the hotel provided. I asked Y/N if she wanted to join, she accepted.
I put on my swimming trunks and grabbed a towel then waited outside Y/N's door, she walked out in a black bikini.
I swear she could look sexy in anything at this point.
"You should wear black more often." I subtly flirted, seeing her cheeks go pink told me it worked.
I may be old but I can still flirt.
We all met up at the pool which just happened to be empty, that's always nice I guess. Janick, the excitable boy he was, immediately cannonballed into the deep pool. Nicko laughed his ass off while the rest of us got a kick out of it as well. His laugh was the greatest. Dave slowly inched into the cold pool, sometimes I think he's the most civilized out of us guys. Steve got in normally. Nicko attempted to dive in but ended up bellyflopping. Y/N was rolling on the floor laughing and I just giggled. He was so goofy. I fucking loved that guy.
Y/N walked over to the edge of the pool and nearly slipped back. I quickly rushed over and caught her. She put her hand on my chest to catch herself and stabilize herself. I blushed at bit at this, then I had a funny idea.
"Oi! Steve!" I called out to him, he turned and looked at me and Y/N. I picked her up bridal style and mischievously smiled. He knew what was gonna happen.
"BRUCE! Put me down!" She laughed out whilst trying to wiggle out of my arms.
"Plug your nose, Love." I advised.
"Steve, catch!" I threw her into the pool and Steve attempted to catch her. He failed.
Y/N came back up and laughed.
"You cunt! Get in here! I'm gonna beat your ass!" She joked, I jumped in and splashed Steve and Y/N.
I'm such a dick.
  I had to escape the wrath of Y/N and Steve. It was unsuccessful but me and Nicko made an alliance to destroy
Y/N and Steve in a splash war.
I got up on Nicko's shoulders and yelled at him to charge forward. Steve took notice and motioned her to get on his shoulders. We charged towards each other and me and Y/N started splashing each other. I grabbed her shoulders and tried to get her off of Steve. This was where I went wrong, she disabled my attack and threw Nicko off balance. I tried grabbing her arm to bring her down as one last move, in this I succeeded.
We were underwater and she was so close to me, her hair was all in her face. I could kiss her right now if I wanted. But we needed to breathe. When I resurfaced I looked at her, she flipped her hair out of her face and looked at me. I walked over to her to see if she was alright. I saw her smirk then she grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. God damn it I love her.

  We all were tired after an hour or so of swimming. Only Davey was seriously swimming. Janick, Steve and Nicko were swimming laps around the perimeter of the pool laughing and talking. We walked up to our rooms, and said we'd see each other soon enough.
  I lied in bed contemplating wether or not I should shower. I ended up doing so because I hated the managers nagging me. I got a quick shower and started getting dressed until I heard a knock on my door. I wrapped a towel around myself and checked who was at my door. It was Y/N.
  I opened the door and greeted her. She was blushing red. I saw she was still in her swimsuit, although she was holding her like luggage.
"Need something?" I asked.
"The bathroom in my hotel room doesn't work at all. Rod said it would be easier if I just roomed with one of you for the night, is it okay if I stay with you?" I was shocked but I agreed.
"Yeah! Of course! If you need a shower, help yourself." I let her in and she put her stuff in the corner of the room. As soon as she went into the bathroom I got dressed and lied down in bed again and started watching television. About 20 minutes later she came out dressed. She saw what I was watching and decided to join me, she sat down next to me and watched along. I looked over at her.
One day I will hold her in my arms.
One day I can call her mine.
One day I will look her in the eye and say I love her.
I memorized the details of her face, her smooth skin complimented her beautiful eyes that stared into the television.
"Bruce? Are you okay?" She asked. I had been staring at her for a hot minute.
"Oh! Sorry... Lost in thought." I lied, she looked a bit disappointed.
  We sat in silence, only the sounds of the TV filled the room.
"Hey, Bruce?" She asked, I looked over at her.
"Is it weird to love someone older than you?" Random question, but I could ask her is it weird to love someone younger.
"I don't think it's weird. Adrian has a younger lass, you can't really find someone really good our age." I was a bit upset, only because I knew I'd never get a girl. I can only dream of being with Y/N.
"I dunno, I really trust you with this, but I think I like older guys. Guys my age are stupid."
  I felt a little bit of hope.
"Darling, you'll find a man. You're so beautiful and you deserve so much. I won't find a lady. I do like a certain little lady, I'll never get her." She took pity.
"Don't say that, Brucey. You'll find her. Who knows? That certain little lady might like you back." She looked upset and confused. Hair fell on her face and I tucked it back behind her ear. I pulled her into a tight hug. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear her.
"What'd you say?" She was silent. I didn't question it further, when we pulled away though, she looked flustered.
"I-I s-said I-." Just then there was a knock on the door.
"Bruce! We have to get going! Show starts in like 30 minutes!" Rod yelled.
God damn it.
  Y/N looked at me, regretfully then nodded. She grabbed at duffel bag of all my costumes and we left the hotel room.

  We were hustled backstage before any fans would see us. We all had about 10 minutes to warm up. I did a few good screams all around our room while Janick, Adrian, Dave and Steve all practiced with their instruments and Nicko just fiddling with his drumsticks on the side of the couch.
  "Guys, lets go!" We all got up from our seats and left our little warm up area.
Nicko got behind his drum kit quietly so the fans wouldn't start freaking out. I put on my beanie and waited for Churchill's Speech to start. Everyone else grabbed their proper and respected instruments and made sure they were in tune.
"We shall go onto the end..."
My heart started racing.
"We shall fight in France..."
I tried to calm myself and let out my energy when I get out on stage. I could already hear the screams from fans.
"We shall fight over the seas and oceans...
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air!
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be...
We shall fight on the beaches...
We shall fight on the landing grounds...
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets...
We shall fight on the hills...
We shall never surrender!"
  Then the music kicked in. I composed myself and grabbed the microphone that was sitting on the table.
"Bruce!" A familiar voice called out. I looked behind me to reveal Y/N. She ran over and gave me a quick hug.
"Have fun..." She spoke softly. I gained the confidence to give her a kiss on the forehead. She looked up at me, smiling and blushing. By this time the others already went out and started playing. I saw one of the stage managers hold open a little curtain for me so I could run out.
I did just that. Just then, 50,000 Maiden fans, lost their sanity.
End of Chapter 8

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