I missed you.

380 13 1

Bruce's POV
When I landed, I couldn't hold in my excitement. I was going to be home with the love of my life. I hailed a cab and told the gentleman my address, he nodded and started driving. I looked out the window smiling like a doof, the sun was already down but you could see the snow lightly spilling down from the heavens by the dim street lights.
We reached my comfy and cozy home. I had a bit of anxiety, but it was like the anxiety I got before the show. It would all be worth it soon. I walked up the steps to my door, I grabbed my key that was expertly hidden under the welcome mat and put it in the keyhole as quietly as I could. I knocked to see if she would just come to the door, she didn't. I grabbed my suitcase and turned the key, and opened the door. She was looking straight at me, it took her a moment to register what was happening.
  "Bruce?!" She asked, covering her smile.
"You shouldn't cover up that smile, love. It looks great when you wear one." I said taking off my leather jacket and throwing my backpack on the ground. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug. I returned it and kissed the top of her head.
  "Bruce, I thought you'd be home next week. What happened?" She asked pulling away, crying tears of happiness. I smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Rod flew me home. See you for today and tomorrow, then you're flying back with me!" I said happily, she put her arms around my neck and brought me into a sweet and loving kiss. I kissed back with passion whilst picking her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I held onto her thighs, for her own security.
  She pulled away and looked at me directly.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too, baby."
She brought me in for another hug, I happily accepted it as she slowly climbed off of me.
  "Well we should eat now, shouldn't we?" I asked looking over at the food she served. She nodded and went over to her spot while I went to mine.

  We got done eating, washing dishes and putting food away, we were laying down on the couch, cuddling and enjoy each other's company. Nothing but comfortable silence, Y/N laying across my lap facing the opposite direction as I played with her hair.
  "Bruce?" She asked, turning over to me.
"Yes dear?"
"Do you think I'll be apart of the 4th leg of the tour? Or do you think I'll have any chance at being hired permanently?"
"Has this been on your mind as of recent?" I asked moving her hair away from her face. She slowly nodded looking away.
  "I don't know. It's just after that whole fiasco with Dylan, I don't know if he'd think I'm stable. I guess I'm just scared, I don't wanna spend time away from you." She admitted quietly.
"Listen, you'd be a great asset to the team. And honestly after spending a few days without, this, I don't think I could handle you being away." She looked at me understandingly. I remembered about the ring that was currently sitting in my back pocket.
"I want to give you something." I said getting up and grabbing the ring box from my pocket. She looked at me curiously.
  "I promised you I would protect you no matter the cost. Ever since I met you, I wanted to be yours and if I was going to be, I needed to prove to you I'd do anything for you." I opened the box to reveal the ring to her. She covered her mouth in awe.
"This ring is for a promise I never plan on breaking. I hope you like it." I said looking up at her.
"Brucy... I love it." I grabbed the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger. She looked the ring more in depth.
"Thank you, my love." She thanked quietly. I got up and kissed her on the cheek then put my arm around her.
"I love you, so much."
"I love you too."
"I did get you a present, Bruce." She said leaning over to the tree and grabbing a soft looking wrapped present. I smiled as she handed it to me. I started unwrapping it and saw it was a black hoodie of some kind. I picked it up out of the package and looked at it.
  It was a Powerslave design. I loved the design and the album.
"It's not necessarily a ring or something really meaningful. But when I was buying lights I saw it in a shop and I knew you loved Powerslave."
"I love it so much. Thank you, Y/N!" I said engulfing her in a hug, she giggled as I brought her down to the couch. I kissed her one last time and brought myself back up. She yawned quietly and tried to hide it.
"Alright, time for bed!" I said picking her up bridal style.
"Last time you did this, you threw me." She recalled smirking. I giggled at the memory, the look on her and Steve's face was priceless.
  We reached my room and I set her down on my bed, or should I say, our bed. I turned around embarrassed slightly and took off my shirt. I felt a bit more awkward, maybe that's because I haven't undressed in front of a female in awhile per say. I turned back around to go to my dresser to find some shorts.
"Nice tits." She commented, smirking smugly. I looked over at her smiling at her comment.
"Not like you got a nice pair yourself." I joked. I saw her blush from the corner of my eye, and giggle.
"What can I say love? I like your body as much as you like my man breasts." I said back grabbing a pair of shorts and quickly putting them on. I turned back around to see her in her bra and underwear. Black. I smiled and hopped in bed, turning the lights off on my way over. Y/N got under the covers and I did the same. I was on the edge of falling asleep until Y/N reached over and grabbed my hand, she then put it around her waist. I smiled and got closer to her.
"Merry Christmas, Bruce."
"Merry Christmas, Y/N."
End of Chapter 13.
This was long overdue, apologies for that. I was a little obsessed with getting my other book done. I'll update when I get back home, and Happy Birthday to the most beautiful man ever, Bruce Dickinson. By the time this is out it isn't really his birthday, but tomorrow I won't be updating I don't think,  sooooo yeah. Happy early birthday to a man I look up to a lot. Cheers guys!

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