Flight 666

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(Bruce's POV)
  Iron Maiden's tour began tomorrow with Ed Force One. I had an interview with an international news outlet about the whole thing, only because this is a world tour. I showed up to the studio and soon enough, we were in air.
"Good morning, and give a warm welcome to Iron Maiden's frontman, Bruce Dickinson. Good morning, Bruce!" The cheerful news caster said.
"'Morning, thank you, thank you for having me."
"So. World tour starts tomorrow, how ya feelin?" He immediately started questioning, I was ready though.
"This is gonna be an interesting tour to say the very least. Traveling is gonna be a little bit more fun." I hinted.
"That's right! For those who don't know, Bruce is a licensed pilot."
"Don't think there's such thing as an unlicensed commercial pilot." I joked, and they laughed.
"But, you're flying the band around, aren't you?" I nodded.
"Yeah- We got a 757 and I will be flying around the world with the band and some of the crew and passengers, all that fun stuff." I added, they nodded in interest.
"I want to talk about more of the tour, but first, I want to talk about your rejoining. We've all heard about your rejoining, but we don't have a lot of context why you left and why you're back. I know the drummer kinda talked about it but not too much detail. So, could you explain your leaving back in 1993?" It was a hard hitting question but I could answer it.
"Before I left, another one of our band mates left, one of the guitars. After that- don't get me wrong I love our guitarist that replaced him but I also have a lot of respect for Adrian, it didn't feel the same. I had started putting out solo stuff on the side of Maiden. I enjoyed that so much, so I stepped down. Adrian came to me and helped me out with a lot of my solo songs." I explained, they nodded.
"How did the band take it? When you said you wanted to leave?" Those memories hurt to think about.
"They understood, but there were angry words. We had such a good thing going and thinking, 'oh, our stage presence is gone' but Blaze, the guy who replaced me, he had a good stage presence too. He was great but I couldn't stand being away forever, these guys were my friends." I said gently. The news casters ate this up.
"You rejoined with Adrian Smith in 1999, correct?" I nodded. "Can you explain the process of rejoining now?" Thinking all about my rejoining made me kinda happy. Those were some great times.
"I- I got a call from Steve, our bass player, and he wanted to just talk to me. We met up and talked and talked. I said if I could, I'd go back to Maiden. But I couldn't stop thinking about Adrain, we had no idea about him. Apparently, Steve wasn't originally sold on the idea of me comin' back. Now I see that he had a bit of a point. Having two key members of the band up and leave was difficult to wrap your head around. A few months later he said he wanted me and Adrian back. I asked about the guitarist that replaced him. I loved his response, he said, 'I've always wanted 3 guitarists anyway.' And that's what motivated us. We joined back and we immediately started working on Brave New World." I said happily, even the news team looked happy about the story.
"You've gone through a lot in the past few years, Bruce! You had your rejoining, you had some solo stuff come out a few years back, you had tours, you had some problems with your marriage. How did you feel during those times?" I laughed at this, there were tons of emotions I felt.
"Well, I felt complete and fulfilled. Marriages can have their downfalls sometimes, but after that I was even more motivated to just rush into rehearsals and write songs, and preform. Everything just made me want to do more."
They smiled at my genuine words.
"That's all the time we have I believe, so thank you Bruce for joining us, remember to get your tickets while you still can! Flight 666 will be taking off and we will be in India tomorrow. Once again, thank you Bruce." They held out their hands to shake and I shook both of them. I thanked them for having me and I got off set. I went into the back and got some coffee to wake myself up. I was still rather tired.
"Hey there." A female walked up to me flirtatiously. She looked like she was in her early twenties, she was pretty, but I was having none of it.
"Sorry, Love, I have to leave." I said silently panicking.
"Where you going, hottie?" She grabbed my arm, that's where I got angry.
"I'm sorry, but no means no." I stated firmly, pulling my arm away from her. She scoffed and walked away. Thank fucking Christ.
I walked out of the studio and got into my car, I went home a little angry.
I arrived home in one piece and I went into the kitchen. Then I started wondering where the hell Y/N was. I looked in her room, downstairs, my office. No where. I eventually gave up, I slowly started gaining more anxiety. There was a note on the counter I never even noticed.
'Dear Bruce, if you come home and I am not there, don't worry, I'm currently with Rod discussing plans for tomorrow. Please get rest. You will need it. I'll be home later tonight
-Y/N <3
This was a big sigh of relief, I was worried her ex followed us home yesterday. I went upstairs and lied in bed. This past month has been insane. Rehearsal after rehearsal and Y/N staying with me. My feelings for her have not gone away, in fact they've become stronger. I am worried that I will say something and ruin everything, I love her a lot. I don't think she shares the same feelings, nor will she ever.
Maybe one day I'll have someone. Someone like her.
With that I drifted to sleep.

  I woke up in my bed. I looked to the left of me, Y/N was curled up next to me. When is this? She slowly woke up, she looked so upset. "Y/N..?" I asked, she didn't hear me. I tried to touch her, my hand went right through her. Was I dead? She went downstairs and I followed behind her. It wasn't sunny, clouds covered the sky and the ground had snow all over it. It was 4:00 in the afternoon, she normally took naps around this time. Her eyes weren't filled with love, only filled with pain and loneliness. She started prepping a dinner, not just a normal one though, it was a Christmas dinner. She set the table for two people, one sat at the end of the table, one sat at the other end. A Christmas tree had been set up in the living room, no presents were set underneath. She finished the food around 6:30 at night, the normal time we ate. She set down two plates full of food for herself and the other half of the table. The food looked delicious.
She grabbed her camera and started browsing through the photos. All the photos from the first day she stayed at my house then tons from what looked like the tour. Some photos caught my eye, it was a picture of us looking at the camera smiling, then another one of us looking at each other smiling, then the last one of her kissing my cheek.
"I miss you, Brucy..." She whispered out, then there was a knock on the door, a few feet away from the table.
"Bruce... Bruce... Wake up..."
  I woke up from my dream, not knowing where I was. Y/N was looking at, slight confusion on her face.
"It's time to eat. I made you food." She spoke softly, I rubbed my eyes and got up from my bed. We went downstairs and ate dinner.
"Is it alright?" She asked, I found this to be to a dumb question.
"It's delicious Y/N! I loved it! She finished all her food before me, when I was done she grabbed my plate and started cleaning them. I put all the leftover food in the fridge.
I looked at her one last time before going upstairs. I've fallen so hard for this girl, I fell fast and hard for her. I loved her so very much. Before I went upstairs I hugged her.
"Thank you for the nice meal." I said in a raspy voice.
"Anything for you, Bruce."
With that, we headed off to sleep, ready to leave at 2:00 A.M. tomorrow morning.

End of Chapter 5

Sunrise to Sunset (Bruce Dickinson)Where stories live. Discover now