Runway Lights.

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My world is empty now. I got home, Bruce's house felt oddly empty and lonely without his presence. I set down my stuff in my normal room, even though I was contemplating putting all my stuff in his room. I sat down on my bed and sighed. What is my purpose? My new boyfriend is miles away and I won't even see him for the holidays, maybe I'll see him on New Years, but I doubt it. They wanted to stay where they are to celebrate the holidays and wind down from a long tour.
  It's understandable, yet it's disheartening. I could go around town and get stuff for when Bruce does return. We only had about 2 weeks together after that, then we're proceeding into the final leg of the tour. Or he is.
  After all the shit that happened with Dylan, I don't know if Rod would want to work with me. Everything was mostly already planned when I was 'hired' and the only thing that had to be done by me was to tell where everything was. The weeks that me and Rod spent together was to finalize everything. Now all of that has gone to waste. Rod is going to hire someone stable and Bruce could easily get attached if it's a female, he could leave me and I'll be empty, and homeless. I went downstairs and picked up the house phone and dialed Bruce's number.
"Beep... Beep... Beep...
Hello, no one is available to take your call. Please leave a message after the beep."
"Hey, I made it home safe. I really miss you... I love you, please call me soon." The phone beeped, therefore ending the voicemail. He must've been asleep, or out with the guys. Sighing, I went down to the piano room and sat down at the piano. So much written sheet music, rough piano drafts for the song Chemical Wedding. Reading it and thinking of the beat of the original, it seemed accurate. I started playing it and humming the words quietly. Maybe I can just distract myself with music. Maybe then, I won't feel as empty.
Bruce's POV
  I went back to the hotel and wept quietly after she left. My new girlfriend, far away, alone. I wanted to be there. I wanted to hold her and kiss her, tell her I love her. There was a knock on my door around 7:00, I looked over at the door lazily to hear some sort of voice from the other side.
"Bruce, we're going out for breakfast." It was Dave. I looked back at the ceiling and sighed quietly.
"Brucy?" He asked.
"Yeah, I know. I'll meet you guys in the lobby."
"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.
"A bit emotionally drained. Just fine other than that." I answered as I got up from my bed to change into proper clothing. Davey didn't answer back, I heard him walk away. It's weird I guess, whenever I get saddened, I radiate it. Then no one talks to me and I'm left alone until I perk up and start talking.
I got dressed in a tight T-shirt and jeans. I threw on my boots, grabbed my wallet and phone then went down to the lobby to meet the others. My eyes were puffy from crying and I was a bit shaky, but I had to pretend I was alright. As soon as I got there, we all immediately left to go to breakfast. I sat next to Dave, Adrian, Janick and Nicko were smushed together in the way back, while Rod and Steve sat in front. I stared out the window while everyone else had conversations. What was I supposed to say? They knew I went with Y/N to the airport, and they don't know about our relationship. I guess the look in my face told them to fuck off for now.
We arrived and all sat in a big booth, it was originally meant to seat 8 people, thanks restaurant, you twat.
I ordered tea, something that normally calms me down. I was ignoring everyone for a reason, I didn't want to snap at them if they brought up Y/N, and I'm just a little too upset in general. I wonder what she's doing right now, hopefully resting at home. What if she's not home? She should've landed now, I think. What if something happened. God damn it, not now. I checked my phone surely enough to see my house phone try to call my mobile and a voicemail was left. I turned down my volume and held the phone up to my ear and played the message.
"Hey, I made it home safe. I really miss you... I love you, please call me soon."
Y/N had left the voicemail. I was going to call her, but the food came and I was starving. I ate and ignored everything and everyone, like usual. My heart ached that I still wouldn't see my girlfriend for another week, I wanted to see her so very badly, but of course her ex just had to get in the way of things. Everyone got done eating and we got back into the car, the others wanted to prowl the shops around town, I just wanted to be home and away from people. Davey has definitely picked up on my antisocial behavior, he's been giving me looks saying 'I know you're upset, I want to help. Just let me do so..'
We were having a walk around, Everyone talking about tomorrow's show, how excited they were for it. I don't blame them, we never did shows on holidays but that was for a reason, so we could see family. We passed by a jewelry store, and something caught my eye. A beautiful ruby heart shaped ring. Whilst I wasn't moping around and feeling sorry for my stupid actions, I thought about Christmas presents. I wanted Y/N to have a promise ring.
I promised her that I would protect her at all costs. I plan on keeping that promise until I reach my final resting place.
"I'll catch up with you guys soon, I need to get something." I stated quickly then walked over to the little store. Necklaces, rings, lockets, earrings, and bracelets were strewn around the store. All very pretty, but also incredibly expensive. I looked at the rings, diamond rings, pearl rings, so many jewels to pick from. Ruby just seemed right to get for her. Red was such an intense, burning color. I loved it, and I hoped she would to. I did have to guess on her ring size, oh well I guess.
I bought the ring and I planned on giving it to her once I got home. I eventually caught up to the others as well, I hid the ring in my pocket so they wouldn't see what I had purchased. They did give me looks, but I brushed them off. We walked for what felt hours, I again, kept my mouth shut. Rod insisted we walked out asses back to the hotel, Steve protested. Which was surprising for the football player, even his legs were tired. Rod called our specific SUV to our area. We sat around for awhile, waiting. Rod leaned over to me,
"We need to talk when we get back. Privately."
We got back to the hotel and I followed Rod to his room. He sat down at the desk and sighed.
"I can't have you this upset for tomorrow, Bruce. What the hell is wrong?" He asked frustrated.
"I'm angry at the bastard that scared my girlfriend so bad, she had a panic attack and I needed to send her home before she got hurt. I'm sad she had to leave. I wanted to spend more time with her." Rod looked at me, confused.
"Girlfriend? Y/N is your girlfriend now? When did this 'appen?" He questioned.
"When I went to the airport with her." I answered back slowly. He sat there, looking at the ground for a solid minute before he spoke up again.
  "Bruce. I am sorry that your new lady is not with you, but you can't be actin' like this. We got work to do. I'll see what I can do about this, but for now, get your head in the game." He basically shoved me out of his room into the hallway of the hotel. I sighed angrily and went back to my room. I pulled out my phone and called Y/N. She answered immediately.
"Hey Baby!"
"Brucy! Thank god you called. I needed to hear your voice."
"Well you have no idea how much I needed to hear yours. I'm really sorry about earlier as well, I didn't even notice my phone go off."
"You were asleep or busy, babe. I forgot you guys were gonna be busy today. No reason to be sorry."
"Well, yknow. I can't help it but be apologetic. Anyways, how are you?"
"Lonely, I wish you were here."
"I want to be there with you as well. I feel the same way."
  We talked for a few hours after that. I wished my afternoon with her could've gone on forever with her, but I promised to go out with the others for drinks. When I got out, I was more sociable with the others. Dave took notice, and seemed pleased with my perkiness.
  "How ya feeling, Brucy?" Dave asked, I smiled.
"Good! Sorry about earlier, last night was just a shitshow for me."
"I get it, Y/N needed to be okay though, you didn't do anything inherently wrong. It was just-."
"Excuse me?" A guy interrupted us, I knew that face from somewhere, I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Yes, sir?" Dave asked suspiciously.
"Name's Dylan, I'm looking for a girl by the name of Y/N, I thought I saw her with you guys last night, do you, by any chance, know where she is?"
My blood boiled, it was him. The guy who hurt, intimidated, and threatened the love of my life. I got up and Dave looked at me worried.
"Look here, you fucking dickhead. That girl isn't yours anymore, she's mine." I stated furiously. He got really upset by this.
"She's my bitch. Fuck out of here. Tell me where she is cunt before I fuck you up!"
"She's not a bitch and she's my girlfriend. I can get the police on the line and talk about your past. Like, RAPE and HARASSMENT and ABUSE. Just to name a few." I threatened smugly. He went in for a punch and nailed me right in cheek. I backed down for a moment and held my cheek. The bartender had already dialed the authorities, and the others had rushed by my side to see if I was okay. I tasted blood all in my mouth, I didn't care.
"Bruce! Jesus Christ, who the hell was that?" Janick asked.
"The reason why Y/N went home." I answered back, everyone just looked at each other. The police came in and took him away, the bartender came up to see if I was alright. I nodded and said I was fine then turned to the others and said it was time to leave. We all hurried off to our hotel and all of us agreed to head to bed. I couldn't though.
While on our way home I thought about certain situations, like going home to see Y/N. I'd surprise her when I got home, I'd hold her tight in my arms and give her the promise ring. I wanted to come home. I wanted to write all my thoughts down on like a book, but I ended up rhyming words and it ended up being a song about coming home.
"Coming home, when I see the runway lights! In the misty dawn the night is fading fast! Coming home, far away, as their vapor trails align. Where I've been tonight, you know I will not stay!" I sang quietly not to wake my neighbors. I wanted this to be a song just for Y/N, but I also wanted it to be a Maiden song. Maybe it can be, I might talk about it to Steve when the time comes. Before I went to bed I decided to call Y/N, she didn't pick up. It was pretty early in London, so I just left a voicemail.
"Hey darling, when you hear this, I might be asleep. But good morning to you, I'll call you when I wake up. I love you."
I ended the voicemail, and fell asleep, ready for the show tomorrow.

(Time skip: Showtime)
I was dressed and ready to run out. For some reason, I was scared. I wasn't scared normally, I was nervous then I'd be excited and happy. This is the only concert that would be shown and televised all over the world, live. We did move around some songs, the last song was going to be Revelations instead of Hallowed Be Thy Name. They were just reversed for no particular reason. The crew did put Christmas decorations all over the stage and I believe they dressed up Eddie in a Santa outfit. A little over the top? Maybe.
Once I ran out and started singing and giving it all I got, I was still scared and this overwhelming feeling of dread and sadness. Maybe it was because I didn't have Y/N here. I didn't know what was wrong, which in return just made me more panicked.
It was nearly the end of the show, we started Revelations.
"Oh God Of Earth and Alter, bow down and hear our cry. Our Earthly rulers falter! Our people drift and die. The walls of gold entomb us, the swords of scorn divide. Take not thy thunder from us, take away our pride." I felt all my emotions come out in that one verse. My emotions of sadness started tearing through my heart. The second verse came up and I was on the line of tears.
  "Just a babe in a black abyss. No reason for a place like this, the walls are cold and souls cry out in pain! An easy way for the blind to go, a clever path for the fools who know. The secret of the hanged man. The smile on his lips!" I held it in the best I could, but all hell was released on the second part.
"She came to me with a serpents' kiss. As the eye of the sun rose on her lips. Moonlight catches the silver tears I cry. So we lay in a black embrace, and the seed is sworn in a holy place and I watched and waited for the dawn." All I could think of was Y/N. Her beauty, the feeling of her lips against mine was the best feeling I've ever experienced. I was sweating so much on stage that the tears weren't noticeable, but I sat down near Nicko's drum set and waited for the ending. I sighed and looked out at the screaming fans. I smiled and wiped the liquid from my cheeks. All I can say, is that I was hurt.
"Bind all of us together. Ablaze with hope and free. No storm or heavy weather will rock the boat, you'll see. The time has come to close your eyes, Still the wind and rain. For the one who will be king. The watcher in the ring, it is you, oh..." I got up, eyes puffy and face slightly red.
"It is you." I finished as I pointed to the crowd. They cheered, screamed and applauded. Tears were still streaming down my face, the cameras were focused on me for the final ending word I always gave.
"Thank you everyone for coming out. Merry Christmas to all of you, please spend them with your loved ones. As for the people watching at home, I hope you had a great time listening." I wiped the liquid that was pouring from my eyes.
"Thank you all, have a good night." I thanked quickly then rushed off whilst the others stayed on stage throwing their guitar picks and Nicko threw his drumsticks. I quickly barricaded myself in my dressing room, trying to compose myself. I then got a call from Y/N, I picked up immediately.
"Hey, you did really well out there."
She watched the concert, I didn't think she knew about it.
"Eh, not the best I could've done. I was just so emotionally exhausted as I went on stage."
"Wait, Brucy are you okay? Did something happen?"
"No, nothing inherently bad, just. I just- wish you were here. I was so anxious and I just needed to be assured I'd be okay." She was silent for a moment.
"Were you crying..?"
"Yeah." I mumbled quietly.
"I'm so sorry, I can't be there. If it weren't for him ruining everything, we'd be okay." I smiled a little bit. I never told her what happened to him.
"No need to worry about him, darling. Not anymore."
"What? Why?"
"He's in jail. He approached me and Dave yesterday at the bar and he punched me when I said you moved on. Apparently he's in jail for all sorts of stuff, including the shit he did to you and other women."
"Was this yesterday?"
"I love you so fucking much."
We talked for a few more minutes until I had a knock on my door. I opened it to see Rod.
"I think you're going home for a bit." He said. I looked at him confused.
"What? No, I don't- I can't. I have to be here and discuss plans for the next album and the last leg."
"I'm flying you home tomorrow morning, Bruce. You're coming home and coming back with your lady. You really need it." This is why I fucking like Rod.
I was coming home.

(End of Chapter 11.

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