"Fuck it."

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((Panic attack scene. Proceed with caution))

  I watched that whole performance backstage. All of them fucking rocked it. I saw a lot of girls with very minimal amount of clothing, they wanted Bruce to acknowledge them. Jealously was a bitch. All of them were definitely more attractive than me though, but still, I hated them looking at him.
We've done so many shows so far, I lost exact count of what concert we were on. All I knew is that it was almost Christmas time and were at the end of the 3rd leg of the tour. They had a concert on the 23rd of December, today, and then on Christmas Day.
I always felt anxious before shows, but this time in was more prominent. I felt paranoid and scared. I don't know why, I just did.
I've always had deadly senses when it came to bad things happening. I was sitting in my hotel room, panicking more and more. Normally in a situation like this, I'd go to Bruce. He went out for a drink with the guys.

Panic attacks are regular for me though.
I don't know why this one effected me so badly.

Don't do anything foolish...
Don't do anything...
You'll be okay...
Slowly, the thoughts became darker.
Bruce won't love you...
Why won't you disappear?
Adrian hates you...
Dave hates you...
Steve hates you...
Janick hates you...
Nicko hates you...
Tears were falling down my face and I backed myself into a corner. I wanted peace. I needed Bruce. But he wasn't here.

I need relief...
Shaking, I got up and went to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and tried to compose myself. I heard a knock on my hotel room though, I got up and slowly opened the door. There stood Bruce, looking worried.
  "Hey- Woah, what's wrong?" He asked. I was at a loss for words, I couldn't make my mouth move. He came into my room and sat down on my bed. He patted the spot next to him. I went over and sat down next to him.
  He reached over and grabbed my hand. His hands were soft and him holding my cold hands made me feel safe.
"Y/N, please, what happened?" He asked softly.
"I started overthinking about t-tonight's show. I feel like something bad will happen. I don't know, Bruce." I trailed off. He looked at me, care and worry in his eyes. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. I wish I could tell him how I felt. I wanted to do this and kiss him and love him, but I can't bring myself to ask him. These past months, I couldn't say a thing. I was so close to saying what I felt the night of the first show.
  He did kiss me that day though. It didn't mean anything though, did it?
"Y/N. Nothing bad will happen tonight, I promise you." He said holding me tight. There was another knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Bruce asked, there was silence.
"Ey, Bruce, we gotta get ready, they want us early for sound check!" It was Nicko. He got up, not letting go of me therefore forcing me to the door with him. I didn't care. All I needed right now was to feel safe and comforted. Bruce opened the door to find not just Nicko, but the whole band. Everyone gave us a weird look, but when they saw me, they understood, they didn't question, but just the thought that they might made me hold Bruce's hand tighter.
  "Let's go, they got all your costumes." Steve stated to Bruce, he nodded and we left the room. We walked down the hallway and eventually got to the SUV that had been waiting for us.
  Me and Bruce sat next to each other in the car while Nicko rode shotgun. Adrian and Dave were in the way back while Steve and Janick were in the way front.
  I could see Bruce kept looking at me to see if I was okay. I was thinking about how everything could go wrong.
Would Bruce get hurt?
Would there be some idiot in the crowd that would rush the stage?
What could happen?
  "Are you okay?" Bruce whispered. I gave him a look that said I'd be okay eventually. He didn't buy it. He, himself, looked afraid. I don't know why.

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