This is what friends do?

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Bruce's POV
I got up at 1 A.M. to start getting ready. I wanted to look presentable to any passengers who've gotten tickets. I packed a few nights in advance, so did Y/N, she also got her passport ready.
Sluggishly, I got dressed in my pilot outfit and packed some last minute things. I let Y/N sleep in while I got ready, I didn't want her to stand around while I got ready. Hesitantly, I opened her door. She looked peaceful, I didn't want to wake her, but we had to leave soon.
Slowly, I walked over to her bed. I lightly shook her, I wish I could give her a more pleasant awakening, but I'm afraid she'd consider that weird or uncomfortable.
Her eyes fluttered open, exposing her beautiful eyes.
"Hey Love, we got to get ready." I whispered, she tiredly moaned and rubbed her eyes. I found this adorable.
"Okay... I'll be ready in a few minutes." I nodded and left her alone so she could wake up and get dressed if she needed to. In the meantime, I checked if I had all my stuff. I had a little backpack filled with fights and general information about Ed Force One. I went downstairs with my luggage to see Y/N waiting for me, she looked like she wanted to go back to sleep, I didn't blame her, I felt the same way.
We got into my car and threw our shit in the back. We arrived at the airport and I saw that
Y/N had fallen back asleep. I quietly chuckled at this. I shook her on her shoulder again and she snapped awake. I smiled and got out of the car, before she could open her door, I rushed over and opened it for her, like a gentleman. She quietly thanked me and went into the back to get our stuff.
We grabbed all our stuff and started walking to the airport.
"You excited?" I asked her,
"Nervous more than anything."
"Why's that?"
"Never been on a plane." She admitted.
"Don't worry, we'll be okay." I reassured her. We walked into the airport and found our gate, we went through security and waited. I had to leave to talk to some staff. I could visibly see she was shaken up by all the new environment. I had to cheer her up before I left.
"Hey, everything will be okay. If you need me, you'll know where to find me. You'll be sitting in first class with the rest of the band and Rod." She nodded and hugged me. I hugged back, but lingered in it for a few moments. She let go and I left. I could've done something right there. It felt as though there was some type of emotion in that hug. Nothing I've ever felt. Of course our hugs were filled with love and appreciation for each other, but this one had some sort of desperation in it.
"Dickinson, a little late, aren't ya?" My co-worker pestered me.
"I had to find all my shit. Plus I had a lady friend I was taking care of." I stated absentmindedly, not caring about what I just said.
"Oooh, who's the lady?" He asked.
"Rod's helper. She's helping plan the tour. She's only a friend."
"Nothin more? Come on, Bruce! You need a lady at some point or another." I turned to look at him and just shrugged.
"I don't know, man. She's great and pretty. Don't think a girl like that would ever like me. I do want a girlfriend at one point again, but if it's not her then count me out." He looked at me with such amazement, granted I haven't shown such emotions for a girl ever since I married my ex wife. I know she's not like her deep down. One has emotions, the other is a spawn of Satan himself and is heartless. Big difference.
  "Welp, if you're in a relationship with that girl by the end of the tour, I will give you £100." He betted, I smirked.
"Watch me, cunt."

  After Bruce left, I felt anxious. We started boarding at 2:30 which was only 30 minutes away, but it still felt like eternity. I got up out of my seat and tried to find some food or coffee to wake up, but to no avail. I went back to where I sat down to see Dave and Adrian here with their stuff. I went up and talked to them for a bit until the others started coming here.
  "Excited for your first tour, Y/N?" Dave asked, I nodded.
"You have no idea. Only scared about flying." I admitted.
"Don't worry, I was too. Bruce helped me out with that though." Adrian said. I was almost certain that Bruce would do anything to make anyone's life comfortable.
  Nicko, Steve, Janick and Rod all came about the same time. Right when we had to board. Fans did come by and took pictures with all the guys and I stood off to the side.
  When the time came, we all started boarding. I found my way to the seat and sat in the window seat. No one sat next to me, which I was somewhat okay with. If I had a panic attack right now, no one could calm me down. Steve is a few seats back and was the only one other than Bruce that could calm me, he couldn't do it for obvious reasons.
  The flight attendants came out and talked about safety procedures. Bruce came over the intercom.
"Morning everyone, I'll keep this short and sweet because all of us are tired and want sleep. First stop is in Mumbai, India. First show is later that evening. Our nonstop flight is approximately 9 hours long. Have a nice flight and we will wake passengers for breakfast. Thank you and enjoy."
  Hearing his voice made me a little at ease. His voice when he was tired was pretty sexy if I do say so myself. I eventually fell asleep, Bruce was on my mind.

  "Y/N... Y/N!" I shot up and looked around me. Most of the Maiden members were around me. They looked concerned. I looked around more to see I was in the hospital, and I was in the bed.
Janick, Dave, Nicko, Adrian and Steve were gathered around my bed, and some nurses were in the room.
  "Why am I here?" I asked.
"You don't remember, lass?" Nicko asked as his worried face turned into a face of terror.
"No... What happened?" I asked.
"Bruce and you were in a car crash. Bruce is alright now  but you hit your head so many times. It- It was ugly..." Steve explained, tears threatening to fall. I've never seen the guys so upset.
  "Where is he?" I asked. The guys looked around nervously.
"He went to take a walk, I think. He needs a moment to clear his head, he's been upset ever since you got transferred to ICU." Dave spoke up.
I was so confused. How could something like this happen to me and my unrequited love of my life? How?
"Y/N!" I heard from the doorway, and there was Bruce. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was crazy. He rushed over to me and hugged me tightly, I returned the loving gesture.
"I'm so sorry about all of this, baby. I never want you to get hurt." Did he just call me baby?
He let go and kissed my forehead.
"I lo-."

  I woke up in a mild panic. There was turbulence on the plane. This made me even more anxious than I already was. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked at the time.
It was 7:00 in the morning.
How the fuck did I sleep for that long and have what seemed to be a short dream?
Bruce came back to check on all of us after he went and talked to all the regular passengers. Me, Dave and Janick were the only ones awake. We were the light sleepers. He made sure both were okay then came to me and sat down.
  "Are you okay? Did the turbulence wake you up?" I nodded.
"I'm so sorry, Love. We were approaching a thunderstorm, I had to avoid it the best I could." He explained. I put my head on his shoulder like I always did. He lifted up the armrest that separated the seats and put his arm around my waist.
"I'm sorry if I scared you,
Y/N..." He apologized quietly.
"There's no reason to be. I'd rather have just a little bit of turbulence than a lot. That's just me though." I joked, he giggled quietly. We sat there, enjoying the cuddles we had, this is what friends do. Right?
"Bruce, you're needed!" Another pilot shouted, Bruce groaned. I lifted my head off his shoulder and he removed his arm from around my waist.
"I'll be back, Love." Then he returned to the cockpit.
I can't believe I'm friends with my crush.
It feels as though I'm in high school again. I had crushes on friends or people way out of my league. I've landed both here.
A few minutes later Bruce came back and sat down next to me. This time he reclined his seat, he looked at me to say 'do the same' and I did. We faced towards each other and didn't say a word. I assumed he was tired and didn't want to sleep in the room that pilots had. Since there were 3 pilots aboard, he could rotate out with the others so he could get sleep.
The flight attendant came by with different light breakfasts. I didn't want anything at the moment and Bruce was already fast asleep. Poor guy must have been exhausted. I examined Bruce's face like it would be the last time I'd see it. He looked so at ease.
I loved this man so much.
In four hours, I'll be starting the countdown until showtime.

End of Chapter 6

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