The Final Frontier

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     "Waters of Chaos have invaded all space to flood the Earth again, I have to find the whales. That once did guide us to the dry lands of life, I won't despair, I'll break this dark all around. Under the heavy sea, I'll search the flight of whales."
  I watched out the window as Bruce drove us to the airport, I had my earbuds in listening to music. Bruce reached over and grabbed my hand, smiling. We were both exhausted after the months of planning for this tour, this is what everything was building up to. Tomorrow was the official start to The Final Frontier Tour.

     We arrived at the airport, sluggishly getting out of the car to board our 4 A.M flight to Dallas, Texas. My stress was still here and it will most likely be there for most of the tour. I hope at least some of my ideas come along and appear on stage. If not, then, fuck.

     Adrian, Dave, Steve, Nicko and Janick were all standing around, waiting for them to call us for boarding.
   "This is my least favorite part of this process. Waiting for those bloody knobheads to get everything situated." Bruce whispered to me. We had been waiting for a good 15 minutes already.
    "I'm assuming most of the pilots here are not the sharpest?" I asked and he nodded slowly, emphasizing it.
    "Don't worry, babe. We'll be on there soon." I reassured him.
30 minutes pass, Bruce looked more agitated and so did the others, he looked over at the board for our flight, of course, it said is was delayed.
    "God fucking damnit." He mumbled under his breath. I decided to ask the lady that was up at the front desk what was happening.

     "There were some technical issues with the plane. They're trying to get everything done quickly." She stated, trying to be cheery.
     "How much longer?"
     "Just about an hour."
       I walked over to the band and told them what was happening, Bruce was still stirring in his own anger. The rest of the guys groaned and sat down in the chairs near the boarding area. Janick and Nicko both passed out and fell asleep. Steve went out to look for some kind of breakfast while Dave, Bruce and I sat down and chatted. Well, more like Dave and Bruce started chatting. I grabbed out of my carry-on my sketchbook and a pencil. I shuffled it to a random son and started doodling.

"How happy is the human soul?
Not enslaved by dull control
Left to dream and roam and play
Shed the guilt of former days
Walking on the foggy shore
Watch the waves come rolling home
Through the veil of pale moonlight
My shadow stretches on its hand
And so we lay
We lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day..."

     Nearly a half an hour later, the lady calls for our flight. We all handed her our tickets and passports, then proceeded to board the plane. Maiden and some of the other crew members were in first class. Bruce and I sat down and settled in. I looked out the window of the plane and took in the view. I noticed on the plane wing that there was some duct tape and smoke coming out of the engine. We sat there for 5 minutes, wondering why we weren't taking off. Just as I thought that, the pilot came over the plane's intercom.
       "Sorry for the small delay, we're having some problems with our air conditioning."
I looked out the window once more to look at the wing, smoke still billowing out.
      "Yeah. Air-conditioning..." I said to myself as I leaned on Bruce's shoulder, soon enough I was in a dreamless slumber.

     "Welcome to Dallas, Texas. Thank you for flying with us. Enjoy your stay."

"Fina-fucking-lly." Bruce said as he got up, stretching his legs.
"Are we finally free?" Janick said looking up, taking off his earphones. I could hear Smoke on The Water being blasted through them. Oh Jan.
      We all shuffled out of there, somehow managing to get through the mob of fans blocking the way to our pick up that was outside the airport. We arrived at the hotel, with only 6 hours before showtime. Bruce threw his suitcase on the other bed of our hotel room and basically fell into the other bed, exaggerating a sigh of relief.
       "You alright, love?" I asked him, he got up and picked me up, then proceeded to playfully throw me onto the bed.
        "Baby!" I laughed out, he gave me his cute dimple smile and smother me in kisses. I giggled then gave him one final kiss.
"My God I love you." He said hugging me tightly.
"I love you more, babe."

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