12 Commandments.

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Bruce's POV
We got our food and ate our lunch. I was pretty silent throughout the whole meal, Dave did try and talk to me but Adrian took my place. Rod and Steve were talking to Y/N and Nicko, Dave and Adrian were all talking.
I've always been like this. If someone didn't want to talk to me, so be it. I have no reason to talk.
It was no surprise, I'm not so sociable. All of us gathered outside after our lunch. I dismissed everyone and immediately went into our car.
I must've sat in there for 20 minutes before everyone finally parted their ways. I now just wanted to get the day over with.
I was bitter to say the least. I wanted to talk to Y/N but I didn't want to disturb her. She seemed so much happier with the others. I wasn't needed.
"Aye, mate, you alright?" Steve asked me. I didn't even noticed he sat next to me, I've been staring at the ground for the past few minutes. I nodded, but it wasn't enough to convince him.
"Ya clearly got something on your mind. What ya thinking 'bout?" He questioned.
"Well, just thinking about the tour, you guys and Y/N."
"Ooo, what about the lass?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes while blushing. He's the only one that knows about my crush on her.
"Just, stuff. Nothin' weird. By the way, what the hell happened earlier?" Steve smiled. He fucking knew something, that's what frightens me.
"I'll tell ya once we get there." He started smirking.
Now I'm terrified.

  We arrived at Janick's house in one piece. Y/N's car rolled up behind ours and she stepped out. Steve noticed I was staring.
"Somebody has a crush.~" he cooed at me. I playfully punched him and he giggled. We all exited the car and proceeded inside, Janick showed us the way to his bar.
"I'll be back." Y/N said as she exited the bar, leaving her phone on the bar.
Everyone else had already gone into conversation, I saw her phone turn on. It was a text from a man she named Dylan.
"Please come back"
"Where the fuck did you go"
"You cunt"
"I will fucking find you"
"And those assholes your hanging with"
Nice try, twat. You're not touching this girl ever again. Not on my watch.
She came back and looked at her phone, her casual smile turned into a saddened frown.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, pretending I didn't know.
She showed me the texts. I was upset.
"May I see your phone?" I asked politely, she looked confused but she complied.
I grabbed her phone and replied to the texts.
"*you're, also nice try. You're not going near her. Thank you. -Bruce"
I sent it and gave her phone back, she didn't bother reading what I put. That's okay with me.
"Aye! Bruce! Is that music video you did out?" Nicko asked randomly. I smiled and nodded.
"Wanna see it, mate?" Everyone nodded, even Y/N looked very interested.
I brought up the video on Janick's computer.
Back in 2006 I shot the music video for my song The Tower. It only took the guys a few years, I'm still somewhat bitter about that project being put on standby.
The music started and everyone huddled around.
"There are 12 commandments. There are 12 divisions. Twelve are the pagans who have mapped the sky. In the outer circle
To the inner sanctum. From the octave at the end of time. The fountain, the trinity. The pilgrim is searching for blood
To look for his own free will
The stone of infinity, washed in the flood..."
"Lovers in the tower. The moon and sun divide and the hanged man smiles.~" I quietly sang along. I saw Y/N cringe at the part where I was hanging upside down and in a straight jacket. Filming that scene was pretty difficult, we had to do it all before the blood rushed to my head. I had a headache the rest of the shoot.
  "That was amazing! Nice job Brucy!" Dave complimented enthusiastically. Everyone gave me a compliment and I thanked them.
"That was such a good video. You did really well!" Y/N said. I was as red as a tomato and my heart started beating faster.
We all went back to the bar and sat around and talked. As always, no one talked to me so I sat and thought about certain things. Song ideas, tours, Y/N. The usual stuff.
Sometime when I was thinking, Y/N ran off, she was no longer with the others. I went up to Adrian and asked where she was. He said she went outside.
  Immediately I went outside to see Y/N sitting the opposite direction and quietly crying. My heart broke in two.
"Y/N...?" I asked carefully. She turned around, her eyes red from the crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat next to her, not touching her.
"I-It's nothing..." She said quivering.
"Bullshit, what happened?"
"Ju-Just, I'm scared. The tour is coming up a-and I don't have anywhere to s-stay. I'm s-scared my ex is going to find me..." I brought her closer to me and hugged her. She wept into the crook of my neck while I tried to remain calm.
"He's not touching you because I won't let him touch you. You can stay with me for the month being. He will not find you." I assured her as I held her closer.
"Thank you, Bruce."
"Anything for you, my dear."
She looked at me and I looked back at her. Do I kiss her? What do I do?
She then held me close and sat in my lap.
This will be a fun month.
End of Chapter 3

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