Falling from the sky? Not the best first impression.
Falling from the sky and crashing into someone? Even worse.
And to top it all off? I was literally trapped in a maze with him.
Waking up surrounded by boys and only boys may seem like a dream co...
"What the shuck?" Alby yelled as Minho threw a rock towards the Cliff and it vanished. The Cliff looked normal but if you threw something in that spot, it would disappear as if there was something behind the Maze wall.
We had just figured out the other day that the Maze was a code and it spelled out some words. I can only remember some of the words like bleed, stiff and push, but I was able to help by finding the "Griever hole".
"We leave tonight. After the hole, they will probably ask us for the words- like a password. Gather all the shuckfaces in the Glade so that we can get out of this hellhole," Minho ordered, almost taking Alby's place. He had dark circles under his eyes from restless nights and had obviously been suffering since Cassie's disappearance. Ever since she was kidnapped by the Creators, everyone had been working way harder than we had been before to get out of the Maze, especially Minho. It was almost as if everyone was in a trance because she meant so much to everyone. It also helped that her closest friends were the leaders of the Glade, the people that got things done.
No one said anything after Minho decided that we would attempt to escape the Maze tonight. It was a lot to process, after so many years we are going to try to make one final attempt to get out of here. Too bad it took the kidnapping of a friend to motivate us to do it.
We finally arrived back at the Glade with only two hours of daylight left. Newt announced the plan to everyone and people left to complete their individual jobs while furiously discussing their plans. A few people refused to come along with us, including Gally. I wasn't there when Gally's outburst took place, but from what Newt told me, I was glad that I wasn't. The thought of staying in the Glade briefly crossed my mind but then I realized that I had to escape, for Cassidy.
Eventually, everyone gathered at the door with Minho, Newt, Thomas and I at the front of the line. We headed out into the Maze and I could hear many people panting and breathing heavily. It was easy for me along with the Runners to navigate through the Maze, however, we had to stop multiple times because many people hadn't run since they were sent into the Maze- or maybe they never ran. I fought hard to stifle my laughs because we were in a very serious situation but for some reason, I couldn't help but feel as giddy as Cassie does when she gets a new hair curler from the Creators.
It didn't take long for the sounds of whirring and creaking to fill our ears. Everyone voices died down and many people had looks of pure horror plastered across their faces. Take a good look because some of these faces may never show emotion again. As everyone reached out to grab a weapon, three Grievers came tumbling down the hallway of the Maze. Minho, Thomas, a few other people and I ran towards the same Griever. I clenched the makeshift spear that I grabbed before leaving the Glade and attempted to stab the Griever. In the end, it was Minho would kill the Griever, disabling him by puncturing a sensitive spot. As we stood over the dead body, a high pitched screech filled everyone's ears.
I whipped my head around only to see blood splattering everywhere as a Griever ran over a boy. If I was reading a book where the same thing happened, I would have laughed. Getting run over by a slimy ball of skin? What a heroic ending. But the only difference this time was that this is reality and reality struck me when I realized I recognized the body underneath.
Eventually, everyone climbed through the vanishing hole and Chuck entered the password to escape the Maze. After the door opened, Gladers began cheering only to enter into an all-white room with benches lined along the edges. The room felt vaguely familiar but I couldn't bring myself to recall what happened here. There was a door at the end so Minho and Thomas rushed to it in efforts to break out. All I could do was stand there and watch because my brain refused to function. After banging on the metal door multiple times, Thomas backed up realizing that we wouldn't be able to get through, at least not with brute force, but Minho kept on trying to break through the door.
"Minho! Minho! Stop, we will get to her, but not if you can't pull yourself together" Thomas went up to Minho and held his shoulder back in an attempt to stop him from hurting himself. Newt started to calm down Minho but I wasn't listening because all that was running through my mind was at least there is still the possibility that she is alive - I saw Alby's dead body with my own eyes.
I slid down onto one of the benches that were positioned against the wall only able to focus on my own thoughts. I only partially noticed Gladers attempting to get out of the room we were placed in, but I couldn't bring myself to join their efforts. I watched as one by one, as the boys gave up on trying to break out. Eventually, everything was silent as everyone lined up along the benches too absorbed in their own brains to say anything. In the midst of dead silence, the white walls flashed to life. The words "Subject B3. Day 1." appeared on the wall that was probably a TV. But as murmurs erupted across the room, something struck me- Subject B3. Cassidy.
I obviously wasn't the only one to leap to that conclusion because Minho, Newt, and Thomas immediately sprung onto their feet anticipating what's to come.
Ahhh- I'm so so so so sorry that it's been so long since I've updated this story. I was thinking of writing another story as well and I spent a lot of time focusing on that one. It wasn't until a few days ago that I realized that I haven't updated this story in such a long time. I also have to admit that I lost motivation to write this story - which is pretty stupid considering I'm only ten chapters in, but I promise that everything is okay now. Actually, I want to thank anyone who has ever commented on my story - even if it was just one comment because when I was looking through my story, rereading( and reading!) some things that people have said helped me realize that I need to continue writing this story. But- even if you didn't comment or vote or anything I just want to thank you for reading this weird story (I feel like I always say this)!
Smile! :)
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--Sorry- I'm so obsessed with this :)
Lots of love and guilt that I didn't update sooner ,