The Past~V

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3rd Person

When they both said there names, they shook hands and smiled, but Rocky was thinking about Sanha's name, when he realized Sanha's name he quickly moved his hand away from Sanha. That is when the boss made a face that couldn't be explained as if he was mad, and disappointed with sadness in his eyes, but he was still smiling brightly. Rocky said "you are Yoon San-Ha, the top of the vocals in the business. I hope all the rumors about you are wrong".

Sanha P.O.V

I was shocked when Rocky moved his hand so suddenly, but what he said next made me so confused. What rumors was he talking about, I wanted to ask him, but I was scared of him right now. I wanted to cry, my weakness was always getting yelled at, like my parents did to me. Just the thought of my parents made my eyes water, I noticed that tears were down my face when I saw Rocky's expression soften. I turned immediately, I quickly wiped the tears and started to smile to cover the fact that I was crying in front of my boss, and the man that I am seriously attracted to.

Rocky P.O.V

I felt terrible when I saw him start crying, at first he gave me a confused face then when I started to yell at him, his eyes got watery. I was taken aback when he just wiped his tears, and smiled like nothing happend. I felt like the rumors I heard were not true at all.

3rd Person

After Sanha turned and smiled, his gaze went to his boss, he said "I would gladly go to the meeting with you, but I want to stop at the recording studio. I will be right back, you don't have to wait for me" Sanha ran to the elavortor, because his boss nodded at Sanha to allow him to go to the studio. "You know Rocky, you should not believe the rumors everyone says. I know Sanha well enough to know that he is a good kid, sure I have no idea what rumors you are talking about, but I truly know him".

Rocky P.O.V

Rocky was so confused to what happend durning the whole thing. Should I go to see if he is okay, I don't know. I'm just gonna leave it, I don't care about him anyways. I have to be top, prove everyone that I can rise up from nothing.

(In Rocky's eyes he had nothing as a child, he didn't feel the like he was given a chance, having two Moms that made him get bullied all the time. All the time they told him that he would end up like his mom, so he went and stood up for himself at age 17, he beat up the kids that bullied him, made them say sorry everyday. He punch them until they begged on their knees everyday. One day he got caught beating them up. So he started to dance, he was gonna show those people that he was gonna be a successful, straight, and happy family with his kids. He had to be top, always).

Sanha P.O.V

When I saw my boss nod his head, I ran to the elevator trying to get out of a awkward situatuion. When I got to the elevator I couldn't help, but wonder about what rumors he was talking about, were they bad about him. Did he have a bad rep with the other district of the business, was he hated. All I could think about was my parents hating me, my eyes started to tear up again. I didn't want to cry, no I had to be strong, I have come so far, I can't cry now. I ran so fast when the elevator doors opened, when I reached the studio, I started crying so much, I couldn't help it. "You are disgusting, why couldn't you be normal, why can't you like girls. You are such a big disappointment, why did God give us YOU, of all people, why YOU." Sanha remembered all the things his father said, even though his parents believed in using no violence the would beat up Sanha everyday, especially when they found out Sanha started to see a boy. His father punched him in his face that day, all he could hear was his little brother scream SANHA....

Thank you so much for reading my book the Rivals Muse, I really appreciate it. Did anyone notice that all chapters ended on Sanha's name. I made Sanha have a brother because it would add to the sadness.

Rivals Muse|||SOCKYWhere stories live. Discover now