The Scream~E

469 26 20

Rocky P.O.V

After asking Soon some questions, I just kept asking and asking. The more he answered the more I had, when did Sanha leave the house, did he have problems with his parents all the time, what did he do to deserve this. The more I kept thinking the more I realized that the rumors were more and more false.

Sanha never talked bad about people, never had a spoiled life, never cheated on his partners.......Because he never dated, he never bribed his way up, never used auto tone to try to win a trophy...he would never do something like THAT. Sanha was a brave and unique person, never showed pain, never made people feel sorry for him, and never made them worry about him. He was just a humble, caring person. He was willing to come here after he left, came back for his brother. Was willing to die for people he didn't know.....all I can do is hope that he lives through this, Sanha is an amazing person. I can't help but like him more and more, his smile, the way his eyes had a glare from crying, his nose red, and cute. I can't get these images out of my head. Soon looks just like Sanha, with an amazing smile. Even though Soon just smiled quickly at a joke the boss made, then went back to being a emotionless human being.

3rd Person

Soon was getting tired, the boss had a meeting in the morning so he couldn't take care of Soon. Leaving Soon to be taken cared from Rocky, Rocky has never taken care of a kid before so that is new to him..... The boss left the restaurant, and started to drive home, while Rocky took Soon in his car and drove to a few stores to get Soon some stuff. Soon only got a few things from the house before leaving, he got hygiene care, and some clothes, but he had no things for fun, not even a toy or a stuffed animal. So Rocky went got a few more pillows (cause Rocky doesn't have any extra bedding and stuff) he also got some blankets, two stuffed animals, a game that was child friendly that can be put in his systems, and snacks for them. Rocky wasn't a terrible cook, it is just that he didn't have time to cook. Rocky left the store and headed home, Soon actually fell asleep in the car along the way, so Rocky had to carry him to the house with a few bags in hand. He was happy that Soon was light, he thought he couldn't get his keys out If his pocket!

Rocky went and put the pillows with some new sheets, and put the snacks away. He then grabbed the stuffed animals and put them around Soon, Rocky decided that he needed to go to sleep too. He washed up, went and changed to some very comfy pajamas, and wrapped himself and Soon in blankets.




"YAHHHHHH........MOMMY.................SANHA..........COME BACK....HE IS COMING.......I DONT WANNA HIDE AGAIN.....PLEASE.....PLEASE COME BACK.........YAHHHHHHHHHHH" Rocky was awoken by Soon screaming......He panicked he went and tried waking him up, comfort him but he was still screaming.......He said he wanted Sanha.....

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