The Filler~L

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3rd Person

After Sanha had the urge to talk with his boss, or his father figure, he just said everything was okay, and hugged his boss. The boss hugged him back, making Sanha have a genuine smile, Sanha told his boss he was gonna go back to work.

Sanha P.O.V

I told my boss that I was gonna go back to work, I started to head towards the recording room. On my way there I passed the dance practice room, there I saw the gorgeous Rocky, he danced so amazing. He was so concentrated he bit his lip, I could help, but swoon over his expression. I just wanted to confront him, he made me feel different, made want to kiss him. Wait......what I am i talking about....I am not attracted to him. He just another guy, so I need to stay professional. After I came to realization, I continued to walk towards the recording room. I had been writhing a song, but I got stuck, but when I was thinking about Rocky, the words just came to me.

When I look at him this way~
Why can't I turn away~
Dodo do doo~
Why I am I drawn to his eyes~
There is a secret I want to find~
Dodo do doo~
When he walks my way~
Why do I have nothing to say~
Oh ohh~
Nothing to say~
Nothing to say~
Oh ohhhh oh~
Why do you make me feel this way~
Why is it only you~
Do dodododo do
Yeah, when you look at me this way, I can't help but stare at you the same way. Our connections are getting stronger everyday,
Do you feel the same, everyday your smile look brighter than the day before, why is it you are the only one that makes me feel this way, I can't help stare at you everyday, why do I like you, no wait I love you,

Sanha was shocked that he wrote that, but it was written on a thought about Rocky. I love how this sounds, why can't I always write like this, it makes me happy just thinking about singing it to Rocky, wait what I am i talking about, who cared if Rocky listens to it.

Rocky P.O.V

After the meeting I left the room, I want to the practice room. I still haven't finished all the songs yet, better get a move on. All I remember is fainting on the floor, i danced to beat, if i messed up i would just restart from the beginning. Now it was 7 hours since the meeting. Everyone basically left to go home, I mean it was almost 4 pm. Alot of jobs on the weekend ended at 2 because of the city hall wanted to conduct a meeting for all of the businesses. (I don't know what I am talking about!!!HELP). I get off the ground and go to the closest coffee shop, since the meeting should be over now. So I can get some coffee, I got a cup that had a heart shaped design. I couldn't help but smile at the workers, I say thanks and start to make my journey home, before I start to get really hungry for some noodles( if u haven't noticed I am really hungry, I am gonna make so instant noodles later! I WILL BE QUIET NOW). When I got home I just washed up, and went on my phone to watch my favorite group BTS interacting with one of my favorites Seventeen. I soon passed out on my phone watching one of my favorite ships Yoongi, and Hobi.

Sanha P.O.V

After a while of practicing I just decided to go home, go to the train. I saw some dancers on my way, there was this group of people surrounding some people singing spring day from BTS, I was gonna join, but some other man joined in. They both had amazing voices, I ended up staying there until the song ended. They said thanks to everyone that took their time to listen to them, then I walked home with a bright smile on my face. I walk home to see a message from my little brother, he started with "it has been awhile, Sanha
I seriously just made a filler for my book, because I forgot to ask for you guys opion. Should I make the boss make the group Astro, or just leave an AU. Also when I did the lyric part, I just looked at a picture of Rocky, and tried to imagine that I was looking at him, like Sanha would( if that makes sense)

I just wanted you guys to look up BTS cover of spring day, I will have it linked cause it us beautiful. I don't know if I can get copyrited so please inform me, so I know if I have to take it down thanks.

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