The Father Figure~A

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3rd Person

Sanha stood there in silence, he stopped crying, but those feelings still haunted him. He couldn't help but to scream, he needed to get the feelings out. He ran out of the room when he realized he needed to go to the meeting. While Sanha was screaming Rocky started to close his fist in anger, he wanted to just punch something. But then he remembered the meeting, completely forgetting who else was going. When Rocky got there, he was met with Sanha's eyes.

Rocky P.O.V

I ran to the room, when a opened the door, a very tall man turned around like he just got on the room themself. Our eyes met, his eyes were sparkling, but with sadness his eyes were red like he was crying earlier. That is when I realized I was face to face with my enemy Sanha.....

3rd Person

Sanha backed up, he went to his boss to get the meeting started. Rocky then went to his seat, he took out a pen and notebook. The room went VERY quiet, until the boss spoke up and said " let's get on with the meeting then, this meeting was called because their was an outburst at a concert for a Kpop star. They got injured in the process of making peace, so we suggest that we should put people in groups to make sure that they can keep each other safe. So we will look for more recruits, look at old auditions and start putting idols in groups. That will be all for now, thanks guys for coming". Everyone got out of the room with almost their whole notebook filled out, they then went back to work and continued their day, like nothing happened. So the boss just sighed in response, then he walked his way to Sanha who did not leave yet, he said "Umm, Sanha is everything okay. You were crying over, does it have to do with rent, did you see your family, I know you said you are not in a talking stage with them, but I want you to tell you feelings please, you can always talk to me you know that right?" Sanha just nodded in return. (Their boss doesn't know their stories, but he knows Sanha does not talk to his parents. He always asked the boy to talk to him, but Sanha never does. Sanha holds it in until he breaks).

Sanha P.O.V

I just stood quiet during the meeting, I was listening, but I was just scared what everyone thought of me, and if Rocky or my boss are gonna talk to me about what happens earlier. After everyone left, and went back to work, my boss stared at me and had a HUGE speech planned out, wow he really was a good talker. He made my want to tell him everything, I am just scared I will be judged for being gay. Anytime someone asked me I would lie and say I am BI, but people still looked at me werid. Is it because their is a chance I like boys, the whole reason why I said I am BI, is to not get that look of disgust. One time a friend of mine said they liked this girl, but she liked me. So when I told him I am BI, he stared at me like he didn't know me. The truth is, I liked him, I would hang out with him, have pictures of us in my room. When my parents found out about him, they beat me up. The next day I told him. That is when my parents beat me up and kicked me out if the house. They gave me nothing, so I worked on the street. Until my now boss saw me sing on the street, trying to get tips, he said he would like to recruit me for his business. That day I smiled so brightly, like he was father to me. Cared for me. He would call me everyday to see if I was okay. "How are you



Wow yet again ended on Sanha's name.
Just want to say thank you so much for reading, please leave your thought in the comments. It would really help, thanks again!!

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