The Water~U

498 24 60

3rd P.O.V

After everyone heard the gunshot the Soon~San called the police while the boss, and Jackson went inside. They saw a woman will a peice of glass inside Sanha's stomach then they saw another man holding a gun against the other man's forehead, ready to shoot.

The parents of Sanha turned to Jackson and the boss. The woman to out the glass and stabbed him again, the man then tighter his grip on the gun, and shot Sanha in the stomach. He enjoyed the sight of the men in pain, seeing Sanha in pain. They both started to run at them until the father shot Sanha in the stomach again. He said if they tried to get close the would shoot him again, but in the head. The mother went to the older men with a new shard of glass in her right hand. The father went and got rope, while keeping an eye on Sanha. The father grabbed the rope and tied the other men up (only there hands tho). Jackson kept asking why they are doing this, who are they to hurt the boy.


For your infornation , Sanha hasn't seen Jackson's face clearly, and Jackson hand seen Sanha's face either.


The Father than laughed at the comment Jackson said, he grabbed the gun and pointed it at Jackson's forehead. Sanha turned his head slightly to see what was happening. During the time he was getting shot and stabbed he worked so hard to get the rope loose, it was so close. Sanha didn't have anymore strength, until he saw his father point the gun to the Jackson's head (Sanha doesn't know it is Jackson, just putting Jackson's name so you can understand).

Sanha then broke free of the rope, ran in front of the man lighting fast, and in result he was shot in the thigh. Unfortunately, the bullet didn't go through and through, it is still in his body, possibly traveling and stabbing his insides.

(This sounds really werid, and while trying to find out where Sanha would get shot at, I had to use myself on a chair on my knees to see where Sanha would run in and get shot)

After Sanha was shot he still stood tall. Not wanting to fall to his knees, he wants to prove that he is strong. The mother then ran to Sanha, and then stabbed him in the lower spinal area. To their surprise Sanha was still standing tall, he then grabbed the knife out of his back. Reaching down to his boss, and the unknown man to him, he cut the rope while telling them to leave.

The mother and father where letting Sanha help his friends, only to grab Sanha by the hair. They dragged Sanha to the bathroom, the mother filled the batthtub while the father shot Sanha in the shoulder,knee, then the middle of his chest. After the bathtub was filled they trapped him in there, soon enough Sanha couldn't fight back any longer. Letting the water filling his lungs slowly killing him. His body gasping for air......


As soon as Sanha cut the rope, they were told to run, they ran. Going outside they ran to Soon, tried to contact the police again, hoping they were close. They got intrupted by many cars coming up to the house, the police get out of the car and walk up to all three of them. They then heard 3 gunshots, the police grabbed their weapons and tried to break the front door, only to just give up and throw a rock at the window. By the time they got to the bathroom they saw a motionless body only in the bathroom.

An ambulance was not to far behind the police, arriving after the police came out with Sanha's motionless body being carried out to the ambulance. Everyone was checked out and and got bandaged up. Until someone drove to the cite, and runs to the ambulance to see Sanha. It was Rocky, he ran up to the other 3 bandaged up people asking what happened to



Just had to end it on Sanha's name again. I am so sorry I didn't post of July 4th, put I hope you will continue to read my book. It did take a dramatic twist. ♡


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