The truth of Fake friends

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Listen to fake love while reading this chapter❤

"Good Morning Y/N" Momo and Tzuyu ran to me and hug me tight until I can't breath.

Y/N: I can't b-breath

Momo: Opps Sorry 😜 I just missed you

Tzuyu: Sorry😓

Y/N: Wh-what we just met yesterday😂

Momo: *Eye contact* You forget someone. *smirk*

All(BTS): Yah no hugs are allowed

Y/N: Wae ??? They are my friends there is nothing wrong hugging friends right.*Whinning*

*Bell Rings*

Yoongi: Stop whinning like a baby it's time let's enter school now.

Without saying anything we follow after he enters.

Jin: You need to grab anything Y/N

Y/N: Ne oppa you guys go first I will be fine.

Jimin: You sure *Staring at you*

Y/N: Yah oppa its time for lesson isn't go

*All of them left*

* I quickly grab my books needed for first lesson and before I turn. Someone pushed me and I fell onto the ground. I look up and saw the Queenkas.

Well the Queenkas if you are curious there are 4 of them. Jennie the leader, Jisoo,Rose and last but not least Lisa. (I'm sorry if you like Bp)

Jisoo: Well who do we have here. A nerdy bitch right ladies*Chuckles*

Rose: Stay away from Jungkook or else you will suffer

Lisa: Most importantly stay away from BTS

Y/N mind pov : They are My OPPA'S THEY ARE MINE *CRIES*

Y/N: I felt tears escape my eyes

Jennie: Aww a crybaby doesn't deserve to be in school *Giggling*

After they say that they left me alone on the cold hard floor crying.

Momo: Hey do you hear someone crying

Tzuyu and Momo walk toward where the voice came from and they were shocked

Momo and Tzuyu: Y/N !!!

Y/N pov

I heard someone screaming my name I look up and I saw Tzuyu and Momo running towards me

Tzuyu: Y/N are you ok why are you crying

Momo: Are you feeling unwell

I'm too sad to even speak I just walk to the 3rd class ignoring them calling me. I missed my first and second class by crying.

Tzuyu: What wrong with her

Momo: yeah

You left them dumbfound.

[Just for your Information

The hyung line have their class on the 6th floor

The Maknae line have their class on the 5rd floor

Y/N have her class on 3rd floor which is the same class as the queenkas. (Hais I felt so sad for Y/N)]

Y/N pov

As I walk into classes only to see many glaring. *As expected*

Mr Park: Why are you late and where were you for the first 2 lessons. DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL IS THAT CLEAR

*I stayed silent*


Y/N: Yes sir

Mr Park: Ok go back to your sit

I walked towards my seat I sat down and I rested my head on the table,I cried silently.

~Time skip~
Lunch break

The queenkas left laughing

Tzuyu and Momo knows theres something wrong with you so they confronted you.

*slams* Y/N!!!

*Shocked* YES TEACHER!!! oh its just you guys I thought who was it. (Red Swollen eyes)

Tzuyu and Momo: Whats wrong Y/N we knows there something wrong don't deny it.

Y/N mind pov : should I tell them or not. Yes

Y/N:*cries* I don't know what to do

Tzuyu: what do you mean??

Y/N: The queenkas 😭

Tzuyu: That 4 bitches 😡 They are gonna pay *hugs you*

Momo: I heard that you get detention from that evil Mr Park

Y/N: Yeah

Momo: How are you gonna tell your brothers about it.

Y/N: Thinking about how to tell my brothers I cried again😭

*sees your brothers entering the class*
Momo and Tzuyu: Shhh

Fangirls: Oppa Saranghae
Fangirls: Marry me please

Y/N pov

I heard the screams I know it's my brothers (BTS)

I looked up with red swollen eyes

All(BTS): Are you okay Y/N why are you crying ??

Y/N: Nothing just got some dust into my eyes *smiles*

All (BTS): Then shall we go for lunch :)) ~

Tae: Hyung I'm so hungry let's go faster *dragging hyungs out of the classroom*

Jungkook pov

I know that things are not that simple there must be something serious going on. The last time when she cried her heart out was when the boyfriend decided to cheat on her and dump her.

Back to Y/N pov

*Enters to cafeteria*
Y/N: oppa's I'm not hungry you guys can go ahead to order food ~  *smiles*

Namjoon: But wait you didnt eat this morning tho

Jin: She did tho she almost-

Y/N: choke on those pancakes this morning how could you forget that i almost choke to death

*bts laughing*

Well the laughter did not distract her from thinking..

Y/N mind: Where is Tzuyu and Momo

Namjoon and Jimin: Since you say so hyung lets go and get our lunch ~

Y/N: *After Jimin and Namjoon walks off* Oppa I will go to the Washroom

Bts except Namjoon and Jimin: Okay 😊

Once I entered the washroom I went into a vacant cubicle ( Sorry Idk what isit called)

I heard the washroom door open

???: It is so hard to act infront that crybaby nerd

???: Yeah anyways we are just closed to her because of her brothers

Y/N: *shocked* I know these voices it is Tzuyu and Momo *Cries silently* why are they doing this to me I thought they were my real friends my trustworthy friends. No its not OUR FRIENDSHIP IS OVER.


Tzuyu and Momo: It is not what you think Y/N listen to our explaination.

What will happend?? Find out in the next chapter. As usual comment ❤ I'm sorry for a long and draggy story😜 -Author Nim

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