No I was wrong

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You walk into the cafeteria shock and pale

Namjoon: y/n are you ok you seems pale

y/n: N-e o-ppa I'm fine

Jhope: Are you really sure that you're ok you really look pale

Tae: Exactly what happen ???

y/n: ...silent

Jk: TELL US !!!

y/n: Ani oppa it's nothing *Tears threatening to fall*

Jin: You look like you are about to cry y/n ah

y/n: I will go to the washroom *Runs off to the washroom*

Bts wanted to go after her (except Jk)

Jk: Just let her have some alone time hyung she needs it

*In the washroom*

y/n pov

Previously Chanyeol and now Mingyu why does all this things always happen to me my ex and now my childhood friend I knew there were something wrong with Mingyu the day I met him I knew it and nkw what he team up with those queenkas wtf is he out of his mind or something to be honest I'm so done with him like literally how can he do this to me you have to stay strong  y/n ah

???: She's going down girls *Laugh*

???: Only after he help us

Wait these voice it's Jennie and Lisa the he they are refering isit Mingyu obviously it is y/n you even saw him and Jennie talking on the staircase I'm confused by how did they even meet Mingyu in the first place

???: Hey girls is everything settled

Jennie: Well it is settle just have to wait for the punishment time but shhh is there anyone in this washroom

*Hearing each and every cubicle door being slam open*

y/n pov

Oh no the sound it's coming towards me they are gonna find this can't be happening to me right well y/n you have been unlucky but please not this time

*Getting closer*

???: Are you guys done ?? Omg it took you guys so long

Rose: Yeah we're done

Jennie: Let's go girls

*Door close*

y/n pov

Ok phew I'm safe ok just when I stood out of the cubicle I received 4 pairs of glaring eyes which is the queenkas blackpink

Jennie: Well well well, did you overheard our conversation

y/n: No

Lisa: Tsk tsk it's so bad to lie y/n and it's bad to overheard something that you're not suppose to know

y/n: Well isn't that girl refering to me

Jisoo: When did we say it's you do you have proof or anything to prove that the girl we are saying is refering to you huh

y/n: You guys hated me and thats the proof

Rose: What makes you think like that y/n tsk tsk it's not good girl you should think positive

Jennie: It's not good if you make a conclusion so early

Lisa: We are nicer than you think y/n

y/n pov

Do you think that I would buy it save your breath bitches, if my oppa didn't do that to you guys would you guys even be this nice to me... whatever

*Leaving the washroom*
But then...

Jennie: Don't ever think like that y/n it will just land yourself in a trouble that you wouldn't want to be involved with

y/n: Whatever *Walks out*

Lisa: Aish Jennie ah why did you let her go she's a bitch

Jennie: Don't you remember she's Bts sister if we do anything to her means bts too

Jisoo: By the way did she just whatever to us

Rose: It's ok the game have just started just have to wait till when he will do it

Blackpink *Laughs*

y/n pov

When I reached my class I saw my oppa's outside my classroom

y/n: Oppa why are you guys here lesson it's about to start soon

Jin: There's nothing more precious than you y/n ah

y/n: Aww Jin oppa

Namjoon: Well what happen y/n

y/n: It's nothing oppa it's just that there are test coming up and I'm not sure whether I will do well

Tae: I'm sure you will do well y/n ah

Jhope: Yeah I'm sure too you studied very hard for every single test so don't worry too much little girl

y/n pov

But if I told you guys the truth you guys won't be smiling but mad and furious well I guess it's really just something I shouldn't let oppa know I can do it myself I'm strong I'm no longer weak

Jimin: We will be going to our class now y/n ah anything just give us a call okie

y/n: I will oppa

Jk: Good girl

Yoongi pov

Something surely is wrong she acting really weird just now nevermind gonna ask her after school

---After school---

Mingyu: Are you free today y/n

y/n pov

Cut off with the act Mingyu you are here to kill me so why would I even tell you if I'm free or not

y/n: Nope I'm not free I have plan with my oppa

Mingyu: Oh ok no worries we can meet up another day *smile*

y/n pov

Oh my god he's so weird this morning he's acted cold and now what the hell is wrong with him...whatever

y/n: If theres nothing else I will get going then see ya tomorrow

Mingyu: Bye y/n 

Little did she know that Mingyu have a condition that will cause him to change his emotion uncontrollably

Thats all for these chapter see yall in the next chapter sorry to keep you guys waiting for the update I apologise here because many things have happen recently so once again sorry  -Author Nim 💕

Find out more in the next chapter 💜

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