Let's see who's worse

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*On the previous chapter*
Jhope:Shhh don't cry if you cry you won't be beautiful anymore

Taehyung: Mi-mianhae y/n ah I didn't mean to shout at you

Yoongi: They will pay for making you cry *Including Chanyeol*

Back to todays chapter...
Nurse: Ok y/n you need alot of rest okie please take good care of yourself don't let your oppa's worry about you

y/n: Ne I will Nurse-Nim

Namjoon: You will rest here until school ended

Magical Timeskip~
---Btw its end of their boring lesson---

---School ended---

*In the Van*

Jk: Shall we go shopping today

Jhope: *Flicks forehead* Yah Jk have you forgotten y/n needs rest

y/n: Oppa I will be fine just go without me

Taehyung: ...

Y/n pov
I saw Tae oppa felt bad for shouting at me so I decided to lighten up his mood so I...

y/n: Tae oppa didn't you love Gucci product get one for me

Tae: Huh*Jungshook* sorry y/n I wasn't paying attention to what you were saying

y/n: Tae oppa don't felt bad actually I deserve it was so serious and I didn't told you guys about it

Jhope: Yah yah what's happening trying to show your love more to Taehyung ahh I'm so heart broken *Fake cries*

y/n: Ani oppa I love each of you the same nothing more or less its all the same

Jk: So you should buy Timberland

y/n: Waeyo?? I don't want to

Jk: Wae Timberland product its also good

Tae: No Gucci product is better

So they fight quarelling about which brands are better until we reach home...

---Reach home---

Jimin: y/n ah you need alot rest

y/n: Ne oppa I know I'm going upstairs now to rest

*In the Bedroom*

I'm so tired I just lie down on the bed well just than I was about to sleep I receive a message from "Unknown" I open up the messages and I was Definitely shook

"Hey babygirl ahat are you doing now did you enjoy the gift that I gave you" -???

"Who the hell are you" -y/n

"Wait don't tell me you are Chanyeol" -y/n

"Bingo babygirl its me" -Chanyeol

I immediately Block him why does he have my number other than my oppa I didn't gave anyone my number.Aish jinjja *Screams in Fustration*

Without thinking much I fall asleep...

---The next day---

Jin: y/n ah wake up it's time for school

Jimin:As always a new day a new start

y/n: Ne oppa I'm awake now

After getting ready this is what you wear:

After getting ready this is what you wear:

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