Got into a Accident !?!

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y/n: Don't test mine too *Smirk* you guys makes me lost my appetite *Walks off*

Lisa: Ugh she such a bitch

Jennie: It's ok girls *smirk* let's start plan B

y/n pov

While walking back to class I saw that jerk you know who I mean Chanyeol I roll my eyes at him and walk into the class

Chanyeol pov

Seriously what's wrong with her, but wait why isn't bts in school today?? Aish Chanyeol it's none of your buisness...

Back to y/n pov

I'm so tired and I still have to stay back till 5pm in school just because of some stupid project that I have to do with some annoying ass (Blackpink) When I saw teacher coming in I sigh

---《After a long boring lesson school finally ended》---

But guess what I still have to stay back ok nevermind hwaiting y/n you can do this

Blackpink pov

Today it's the day that we will make y/n regret for not telling where our oppa go and she shall pay the price that making bts hate us more *Smirk* Plan B starts now

Back to y/n pov

We decided to meet in the library but I waited for them for the past 1 hour and yet they still didn't come well guess what I will just take a walk around the school then since it's so boring waiting for them here

*Walks out of Library*

While walking I could feel someone following me I turned and look behind me but there isn't anyone so I don't pay much attention to it probably it's just my imagination playing with me I put on my earpiece and played some music and continue walking

Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder as a form of defence I twist and turn that person hand

???: AHHH wth y/n

Wait I recognize this voice I turned and I was shook it was Chanyeol

y/n: Wth Chanyeol what are you doing here

Chanyeol:Well I just saw you randomly walking around alone it might be dangerous for you

y/n: Since when did you even care about me

Chanyeol: Yah at least we were once a couple, even though we broke up for quite some time but I still care for you ok *Walks away*

y/n: Yah you come back here I'm not done with you yet *Runs towards Chanyeol*

While walking with Chanyeol you remember that you have to do project with Blackpink

y/n: Oh shit I forget that I have to do project with those girls in the library

Chanyeol: I will walk you to the library

y/n: Well whatever you want

---《Reached Library》---

Jennie: Where the hell were you y/n you made us waited for you like for the past 1 hour and Chanyeol what are you doing here

Chanyeol: Well I was just walking around the school and wanted to visit the library to borrow some books recently I seems caught up to some books hahaha

y/n: Well whatever let's start doing the project

---《After a few hours》---

y/n: Finally we're done I'm so tired I will get going first

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