Stay strong y/n...

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y/n enters the house

y/n pov

Well the house is now big and quiet although oppa just left I missed them already... I missed how they scream and shout at each other... aish y/n they will be back soon its not like they are not coming back stay positive hwaiting

I have nothing to do ahh should I go shopping since it's boring to stay home alone

y/n: bodyguard!!!

Bodyguard: Ne Miss

Anyways if you're wondering why there are bodyguards with me cause my oppa worried that I will not be safe alone so they assign me 4 bodyguard well I know 4 is too much but these oppa's order so yeah

y/n: I want to go shopping

Bodyguard: But miss, sir told us that you are not suppose to go to the mall as it might be dangerous for you

y/n: Then what are you guys here for !!!

Bodyguard: Miss but ...

y/n: Ok enough thats it I'm going (Aish y/n you're so stubborn but thats me in real life too)

Bodyguard: If thats you want miss...

*y/n walks out*

Bodyguard pov

As expected she won't listen to us I have to call sir the rest of you follow miss I will come right after you guys reach the mall

*Calls Namjoon*

---(Random place you guys want them to be)---

*phone rings*

*Looks at the caller ID*
Namjoon: Hello how's y/n

Bodyguard: Sir please forgive me I have done my very best but I can't stopped miss from going out

Namjoon: What do you mean by you can't stop her Aish jinjja why did I hire such a useless bodyguard

Jk: What happen hyung

Namjoon: Wait Jk I will talk to you later let me finish first so where is y/n now

Bodyguard: I'm afraid she's already reached the mall sir

Namjoon: You let her go alone

Bodyguard: No sir we followed her secretly

Namjoon: Good listen DO NOT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HER UNDERSTAND (Woah Namjoon you're so fierce)

Bodyguard: I will sir I will get going now

Namjoon: Aish I wanna go back to Seoul now

Jk:So hyung what happen ???

Namjoon: y/n is so stubborn she insist on going out

Jhope: Well didn't us know her well enough she's stubborn Namjoon sometimes even us can't stop her and so how will those so call bodyguard stopped her from doing what she wants

Jimin: Ahh I'm so tired *sits down* I totally agree hyung

Jk: Well now we can just hope that nothing bad happen to her

All: Yeah

Back to y/n pov

---《Reached the mall》---

y/n: It's shopping time *shop from one shop to another*

After a few hours of shopping...

I stopped when I saw Chanyeol wth is he doing here omg isn't he suppose to be in school in this hour I must hide but you know what it failed

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