Sister ?!?

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Omg did that teaser make you guys more excited about the comeback tomorow well I am...❤❤❤

Back to the previous Chapter ...
Go to my room*

Well y/n you have to sleep now I'm tired omg without thinking much I fall asleep

Back to today's chapter:

Timeskip Sunday has passed by...

Monday ~6am~

Alarm Rings

y/n: Omg I just fall asleep and now it's already morning why *Whining*

Jin: No whining y/n get ready now

Forget to mention your ankle had heal since its just a slightly small sprain(Clumsiness is me in real life too)

y/n: But why oppa ???

Jin: JUST DO AS I SAY *Yells*

y/n pov

Why is Jin oppa temper so weird today something must have gone wrong

y/n: Ne oppa *Walks to your bathroom*

After 15 minutes you're finally ready and this is what you wear

After 15 minutes you're finally ready and this is what you wear

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y/n: Finally I'm done

*I walk down the stairs*

What's wrong with oppa's why are they so quiet today and Jin oppa behavior is really weird and to be honest he had never shouted at me before which cause me to be in shock is it about yesterday that he's mad at me


y/n: Jin oppa you're really getting on my nerve yah give me back my phone
As if you don't know what happen I posted a picture like this on my social media( But thats not me ofc I'm ugly in real life)

Is this even really that revealing but you know what my oppa's create alot of comotions of me posting this pic it's just abit of showing my boobs whats wrong with that omg hais I don't even know why as you know they are always over-protective of me

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Is this even really that revealing but you know what my oppa's create alot of comotions of me posting this pic it's just abit of showing my boobs whats wrong with that omg hais I don't even know why as you know they are always over-protective of me

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