By.. accepting is..

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y/n: WHAT !?! I wouldn't do that .. that's too much oppa

Jimin: y/n I'm just saying that you can just help them do the chores helping them to buy things maybe they will soften and will finally accept this relationship

y/n:  That will never happen oppa , they wouldn't let me go out alone and did you remember what I did when Jin oppa asked me to clean up and do the chores .. and also what heppen when you guys wanted me to get the groceries ..

3 years back when I'm only 16

People says when they grow older they can do chores correctly but for me is .. definitely not my thing

Jin: y/n ah can you help me do those dishes in the kitchen because I have to do some other house chores

y/n: Ok oppa

I can still the moment when I step in into the kitchen I saw tons of plates waiting for me to wash.. and then the clumsiness of me broke all the plates and got myself alot of cuts and then my oppa went rushing in to the kitchen just to see me sitting on the ground crying in pain ..

Jin: Aigoo why are you so clumsy such a simple thing and yet you cant do it what if in the future I ask you to do skme other heavy house chores

Namjoon: Tsk hyung don't you think your words are hurting her .. 

Jin: I'm just stating the facts ( That hurts man jin)

And there was these other time..

Taehyung:  We should watch movie tonight what do you guys think ?

Bts: Yeah I'm fine with it

y/n: I shall get the snacks ?

Jungkook: Yea ofc as the youngest you should go y/n it's time to get you to be independent ;)

Yoongi: She's already 16 guys she would be able to handle it

y/n: So I will get going then ! See ya later oppa's :))

And then it took you the whole entire afternoon just to get your favourite as well as your oppa's favourite ..

All this time 7 guys were still following you which is your oppa's even though they say to train you to be independent they still can't let you do it alone and they are super over protective of you especially if there are any guys that goes near you THEY ARE DOOM !!

Like this ..

While I was waiting for my bus to come suddenly there was these guys that come towards me which makes me feel damn uncomfortable .. Just sayin the bus stop was empty with not even one ppl is spotted and so..

Random guy: Do you need me to help you by carrying your groceries *walking nearer to you"

y/n: No no I-I'm fine *Saying abit scared*

Random guy: Don't worry lady I'm gonna bring you home just tell me where your house is then *Continue walking closer to you*

While he was walking towards you you continue to back away till you have no space and till your back hit against the wall

y/n: The fuck you want geez you are holding my patience *Annoyed*

Random guy: I want you babygirl let's have fun annoyed girl is my style of taste *smirk*

My eyes widen and they forcefully pulled me against them


Random guys: I WON'T HURT YOU LETS JUST HAVE FUN ! *Forcefully pulling you*

??: Fuckers let her go

Random guy: Who-ar (He was being cut off by a punch by yoongi)

y/n: Oppa's *Run to Tae and Cry*

Jhope: Don't even fucking thinking of getting our sister without our permission you psychopath

With that they ran away and also ever since then my oppa's doesn't allow me going out alone since this was once the experince they had and they would company me wherever I want to go .. sigh protective brothers I'm fine but they are just over protective that scene happen 3 years back and now I'm older enough to understand what I will need to do .. but still they wouldn't allow me 🤷‍♀️ so there is no point bargaining with them

Flashback end ~

y/n: So thats what happen Jimin oppa don't you remember *pout*

Jimin: .. Well you aish I don't know what you can do tho

Little do you know that the whole conversation was heard by them your oppa's so ..

Jin: y/n ah do you really love him ?

y/n: Yea oppa :( but sadly probably this relationship just doesn't work out you know.. *sacarstic tone*

Jk: Hey hey let me tell you something y/n I-I mean I agree on to this relationship just if he dare to hurt you I will just throw him off the roof

Yoongi: Thats too fast Jungkook we will need to teach him a lesson *smirk*

All the bts gather and discuss about the plan ..

y/n: Yah yah what are you guys planning don't hurt my man yall

Namjoon: We won't hurt him y/n but about the plan you don't have to know y/n *Dimple smile*

y/n: Yah oppa *pout*

Jin: You look cute when you pout sis

y/n: And you look disgusting when you say that

Jin: Hey hey I'm the world wide handsome you know

Jk: Yeah yeah but isn't Taehyung the visual hehe

Jin: Oh shut up Jungkook shii

Jk: It's the fact hyung

Jin: You -little coconut head come back here

Yoongi: You did a great choice sis *smirk* (Walks out of the room)

y/n: Whats that smirk for yah yoongi oppa

yoongi: I don't know

y/n: Hmph gonna see whats gonna happen tomorrow

With that you went back to your bed , and because you're tired you fall asleep immediately

When I woke up the next morning ,,

Tae: Yo little sis it's time to wake up yo don't be a sleepy pig

y/n: What you want it's saturday today oppa

Tae: We need find Chanyeol don't you remember

y/n pov

I immediately woke up and sit up straight

y/n: Yah why do we need to find him !

Tae: You don't have to know y/n *box smile* so hurry up and massage him ! 

y/n: I don't want to unless you tell me what are you guys gonna do ..

So what will happen will y/n message Chanyeol find out more in the next chapter :) 💜

Hey guys it's author nim here it took me a million years to update this chapter and I know that , but I still hope yall will continue to support me and ofc I'm really grateful that I have so many regular readers Thank you so much I love yall ❤ See yall next time :))

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