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The next morning

As usual my tea in the morning my alarm rings and I will just snooze it anyways an whats weird is that my oppa didn't wake me up so I continue to sleep until 11am

y/n: *Yawn* I'm so tired *looks out the window* WAIT WHAT TIME ISIT NOW 9.30am SHITTT I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL AISH JINJJA

*Rush into the bathroom*

After you get ready you rush straight to the front door and you turn back wait let me check the date no no no please it's saturday NOOO its Friday aish I'm freaking late *Scream in fustrations*

Tae: Yah yah why are rushing

y/n: I'M FREAKING LATE OPPA *Rush to put on your converse*

Jk: Chill little sis you're ain't going to school today you are coming with us

y/n: Huh ?? *Raise your eyebrow in confusion*

Jk: Aish idiot I mean you're meeting someone with us

y/n: Who ???

Vkook: Can't tell you now find out yourself later

Jin: Yah early in the morning what's the yelling about and yeah y/n you are not going to school today

y/n pov

Now at this moment my stupid stomach growl ugh stupid

Jimin: Well someone's hungry now

y/n: Ani oppa *Runs to your room*

*Blushing* but who am I going to meet ?? I still can't get this out of my head who's that someone

Jin: Breakfast ready y/n

y/n: Ne oppa I'm coming but *trip on something and it makes you fall* AHHHHH

Tae: What happen y/n well I guess you trip and fall again

Jhope: Well I thought your period came

y/n: Stob it oppa come help me up

Jimin: You're just as clumsy as me I fall on stage well you fall mostly at home hahaha

Jhope and Jk help you up

y/n: When can I stop falling *Fustrated*

Yoongi: Until you stop your clumsiness well I gotta get my breakfast now *coldly and walks off*

y/n: Oof what's wrong with him

Tae: We should have our breakfast now

                                   Timeskip after breakfast ~

You guys were chilling by watching movie

Namjoon: So what movie you want to watch

y/n: As long as it's not horror movie

Jinhope: That's true no horror movies

Yoongi: Well someone is a scaredy cat that night when she watch a movie by herself how stupid it is but then jt's just a movie it won't happen in real life *coldly and smirk*

y/n: Yah oppa stop it you mention it like you're not afraid of it then let's watch it then some horror movies

Jinhope: Then we are out

Jk: C'mon hyung just enjoy it

Jinhope: How can we enjoy it when it's scary movie that will creep us out

Namjoon: Don't bother about them so what movie you want to watch

y/n: "Jigsaw"

Tae: Let's watch it

                                                 Timeskip ~

                                       ---After the movie---

It was the time to meet that someone I'm nervous because I don't know who was it and was it someone I know ???

On the way to the location

y/n: Oppa does that someone knows me

Namjoon: Well you will find out later just chill y/n don't be nervous

Jk: Hyung how can she not be nervous her face it's like tkmato now who knows what is she thinking about

y/n: Yah oppa jinjja *Smack him*

Yoongi: Can you all just shut up I'm trying to sleep *coldly*

y/n: *Sigh*

                                    ---Reach the location---

As I reached the cafe I walk in and...

???: Hey y/n I'm back

Who's that someone ??? Find out more on the next chapter 💜Sorry for the short chapter I'm tired and I need sleep so hope yall enjoys this chapter till the next chapter see ya -Author Nim 💕

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