Did I just...

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Y/n pov

Tomorrow it's the day where it determind whether if I will success or not I have to do my best don't stress yourself too much y/n sleep now so you have more energy tomorrow

---The next day---

Jhope: y/n ah you should wake up now

y/n: Ani oppa

Tae: Aish why do you always have to drag so long before you're finally up

y/n: *yawn* Ok ok oppa I'm up stop it

---After your morning routine---

y/n: All done *smile*

--Walk down the stairs---

Hearing oppa quarreling early in the morning aish what happen this time

y/n: Good morning oppa's *smile*

Jin: Yah kookie give me back my food stop stealing it

Jk: Ani this is mine *Continue taking Jin food*

Namjoon: Can you guys stop it you're so childish

y/n: I agree Namjoon oppa exactly childish

Jinkook: Yah we are still older than you

Tae: By the way y/n are you ready

y/n: What ?? * Suddenly remember* Ani oppa I'm not ready I'm nervous *face palm*

Jhope: Just relax yourself y/n ah everythings gonna be fine

y/n: Just hope so that nothing will happen and will be like what you said Hobi oppa *Worried face*

Jimin: Don't worry y/n ah you will do fine *silly face*

y/n: *Laugh*

Jin: That's the energy y/n hwaiting

Namjoon: I think it's time now to go for practice

y/n: Yeah *breathe in and out*

---On the trip to Big Hit entertainment---

y/n *tense up*

Namjoon: Aigoo y/n ah just chill

y/n: Ani oppa what if I can't do well what if I just fail immediately after singing or dancing I can't stop all these negative thoughts in my mind oppa

Jhope: y/n ah you reallg need to calm down and put away all these negative thoughts you will do just fine trust me

---Reached the destination---

---Stepped out the van---

y/n*Trip and fall*

y/n: Ahhh aish stupid I'm so freaking clumsy *Furious and sad*

Jk *Help you up*

Tae: It's ok sometimes we does too especially hyung

Jimin: Yeah *Nervous laugh*

y/n: Starting my day with this crap thing happen *Fustrated*

---Walks in---

Cheorographer *Staring at you*

Cheorographer: What are you doing here ?

y/n: Ur...urm well I'm here to meet pd-nim

Cheorographer: Don't make me laugh how would pd-nim look up to someone like you which looks almost terrible

Yoongi: Watch what you're saying *grab cheorographer collar*

y/n: Ani it's ok oppa

Cheorographer: Oppa ? I see it's your sister huh well wish you have a bad luck for your audition *walks off*

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