where's your oppa ??

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y/n pov

Oppa right's don't think too much y/n just sleep now you have school tmr hais I wonder what will Chanyeol do again hais don't thibk about it too much everything will be fine...

Without thinking much you fall asleep...

The next morning

You woke up as usual timing you get ready and this is what you wear:

You woke up as usual timing you get ready and this is what you wear:

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(My fashion sense it's really terrible...)

When I walk down the stairs

Bodyguard: Good Morning miss

y/n: From now onwards you can call me y/n and I will address you guys as oppa's since my oppa's is not around with me so yeah anyways I have no appetite to eat let's just go to school

Bodyguards: Yes miss opps we mean y/n

y/n: okie let's go now oppa's

---On the way to school---

y/n: Well oppa I will be in school today until very late so you guys can go and chill alrights

Bodyguard: Call us when you're done

y/n: Sure

---Reached School---
y/n pov

I step out the car just to meet and face Blackpink

y/n: You guys can go off now

Bodyguard: Ok see you after school

---《They drove off》---

Lisa: Where did our oppa go

y/n: For your information they are my oppa not your's bitch

Lisa: How dare you talk back to me *Slap me but fail*

y/n: *Holds Lisa hand* So what if I talk back to you huh what are you gonna do pathetic bitch and I won't hold back to you guys anymore do you think that I'm afraid of you sorry bitch I ain't have the time for this *push her and walks away*

Lisa: Ugh bitch

Jisoo: Her personality change heh

Jennie: Let us see how long can she be strong *smirk* well girls let's go to class before we are late

y/n pov

While walking to class I saw Chanyeol...whatever I just pretend that I didn't see him...I was about to walk into the class until then I felt a harsh grip on my wrist I knew it it's chanyeol

y/n: What you want and can you please let go

Chanyeol: We need to talk now

y/n: I ain't talking to you let go now

Chanyeol: Listen here bitch I don't care if you want to talk to me or not just come with me

y/n: *Punch him on his face* I SAID LET ME GO JERK

Chanyeol: How dare you ruin my face geez

y/n: So what if i ruin your face it's better than I kick your brotherhood and make you no fathers day right whatever *roll eyes and walks off*

Chanyeol pov

What the hell is wrong with her attitude totally change man whats wrong with her geez my face hurt

*Enter class*

I saw her resting her head on the table but seriously what's wrong with her

---After a long boring lesson---

---《Lunch break》---

y/n pov

Finally lesson ended I'm hungry since I never ate breakfast so I stand up and ready to walks out of class but then blackpink walk towards me

Jennie: Hey y/n *smile*

y/n: *Roll eyes* What do you want

Jisoo: Nothing we just want to sit with you

y/n: Whatever anything you want *Walks off*

Lisa: Did she just roll her eyes at us

y/n pov

I know they're planning something well I will just play it cool and see what game they want to play

I bought my food and settle down on a table I was enjoying my food until they sit with me

Jisoo: So where did our oppa's go

y/n: Why should I tell you guys

Rose: Don't test our patience y/n

y/n: Don't test mine too *Smirk* you guys makes me lost my appetite *Walks off*

Lisa: Ugh she such a bitch

Jennie: It's ok girls *smirk* let's start plan B

Sorry for the late update cause I wasn't feeling well geez I felt bad anyways hope yall enjoy this chapter.Let's see what happen next be sure to look out on the next chapter. Feel free to comment I would like to read comments💜

See yall on on the next chapter -Author Nim💕

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