Don't touch our sister (2)

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Recap of the last chapter:

y/n pov
I was resting until I heard someone introduce himself -Annyeonghasaeyo my name is Chanyeol-... C-Chanyeol it couldn't be him there are others that name that is Chanyeol too *Looks up* I was shock at what I see it is really him oh no what am I suppose to do.

Back to todays chapter:

Teacher(Mr Joon): You shall sit beside y/n, y/n plsase raise your hand (Lol Idk why Mr Joon tho I just suddenly have a idea that I should name him Mr Joon)

y/n pov

Ugh having him in class already gave me a headache and now he had to sit beside me are you serious right now omg this shit ain't funny anymore gotta let oppa's know about it I have no choice but to raise up my hand when he walk to me there was a smirk out of his face oh gosh please how I wish I could wipe this smirk off his face

When he finally settled down he turned and face me

Chanyeol: Hey sup y/n you look good today ain't you *In a Sacastic way*

y/n: W-what do you w-want from me *Stutter*

Oh gosh y/n why are you stuttering you gotta be strong and act like you are not afraid of him

Chanyeol: You know what I will follow everywhere you go just be aware of your surroundings *whisper* with that a evil smirk appeared on his face

y/n: *Tears rolled down your cheeks * Mr Joon may I use the washroom please

Mr Joon: Sure y/n

With that confirmation from Mr Joon y/n ran to the washroom
*In the washroom*
y/n: CHANYEOL WHY ARE YOU HERE TO RUIN MY LIFE UGH WHY WHY WHY *Break down to tears* w-why are you doing this to me
With that y/n stumbled down onto the floor crying

Back to Chanyeol pov
Chanyeol: Mr Joon may you excuse me for awhile

Mr Joon: Ok

Hmm this thing is about to get fun,bitch I left you there but its too bad someone save you. Now I will make you suffer more

I went to the bathroom where y/n is I just stand there, I heard her crying but why does my heart ache aish chanyeol you have to hate her she the cause of Irene death so I decided to tease her

Chanyeol: Hey babe you doing ok inside do you need me to help you *Chuckle*

y/n: Leave me alone you asshole

Chanyeol:Ahh okay I will go but y/n this is not over I will have plenty of time with you since now I'm in the same school and same class as you bitch

y/n: Aish y/n you gotta stay strong *walk towards the sink*

I wash my face and all set I'm ready to go back to class

*While walking back to the class*
I felt that someone is following me, I looked back and I saw nobody behind me when I turn back to the front chanyeol was infront of me

y/n:Aish you scare the freak out of me what do you really want from me

Chanyeol: Didn't you hear me say that it is not over I want your heart *Evil laugh* with that he walks away

y/n: He's weird aish jinjja I just shrug it off and went back to class

---After a long period of boring lessons---
*Bell rings*
y/n: Aish finally lunch break

Just when I want to walk off Chanyeol grab my wrist

y/n: Let go !!

Chanyeol: No I won't until you allowed me sit with you

y/n: Aish jinjja I'm tired of it can you stop being childish

Chanyeol: I'm also sick and tired of it what makes you thinks that I'm not...Yeah I'm childish yeah but all of this who's the cause of it*yells*

y/n: So now you are blaming me about it, you know what I have no time for this *walks away*

You went in to the cafeteria you saw bunch of girls standing infront of bts you got furious you went there and pushed them away well those fangirls understand because you are their sister

Namjoon: y/n ah have you been crying your eyes is red and swollen

y/n: Ani oppa I'm just tired

Jin: Aigoo what makes my babygirl tired

y/n: A guy *Sigh*

I quickly covers my mouth realising what I just said

Jimin: A guy ?!?

y/n: Nothing oppa you heard it wrongly I said Agust D yoongi oppa right *Nervous laugh*

Yoongi: Yeah y/n said that

Yoongi pov
I agreed helping her even though I heard her saying a guy just gonna ask her after school

Back to y/n pov
Shitz I saw Chanyeol walking into the cafeteria I quickly cover my face with my hands

Bts pov

y/n covers her face with her hands out of curious we look towards the direction where y/n is looking at A GUY ?!?

Find out more on the next chapter, this story is getting boring aish sorry I'm a horrible writer. Love yall💜

See you all on the next chapter -Author Nim💕

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