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My brain foggy and my head throbbing slightly I walk through the car park, the rain pouring hard as we reach Darcy's Red Citroen. Wrapping her arms around my shoulders and kissing my cheek quickly, I step back watching her get into her tiny car.

"I'll see you in a bit." I tell her, trying to persuade my brain that going to the gym is a good thing.

"I'll pick you up in thirty minutes, be ready!" Darcy calls out before slamming her door shut, rolling my eyes I wave dramatically as I reach my car and hop in.
My wet clothes sticking to every inch of my skin, my blonde hair knotted and flat. I reach for my dashboard turning the heating on, hoping I can feel my hands soon. Wiggling my numb fingers against the warm air, I reach into my bag for my phone. No messages from Theo, I haven't heard from him all day. He was up and gone to work before I even woke up.

Ever since he landed that job a couple of months ago, he's never around. Always working late or starting far too early. I connect my phone to my radio, opening Spotify and chucking my phone back into my bag. Humming to 'Hurts- Somebody to die for' as I start my car, indicate and pull out of the car park.

After a long sing song in traffic I arrive at the flat, parking my car in the underground car park to avoid the rain. Making sure I have everything I step out of my car, the cold breeze hitting me hard as I rush through the quiet car park and into the damp basement towards the lifts. Stepping into the silver box, I press my floor number. So, I need to grab my gym bag, spare clothes and my shower bag. I'm almost thankful that Theo isn't home to distract me, but I hate that I never see him anymore.

Arriving on the fifth floor, I watch the door slide open and I step out into the brightly lit corridor. Hoping I haven't wasted too much time before Darcy comes to get me, I pick up my pace and speed towards my front door. Blindly reaching into my bag to find my keys, hearing the jingle I grab onto the cold steel. Finding the right key, I press it into the lock and turning it. Slowly pushing the door open and inhaling the smell of home. Our home.

Confusion hitting me, why are the lights on? Maybe Theo came back for his lunch hour? Doubt it. I scoff to myself as I walk through into the kitchen, the room bright. Theo has definitely been here then, I never turn the lights on until I get home in the evenings.
Rolling my eyes, I walk to the kitchen counter placing my handbag down. Grabbing my empty water bottle I turn on the tap, letting the water turn cold. My phone pings with a text message, I reach into my bag, hoping its Theo.

Text Message [From Darcy]: Be five minutes, I'm coming up I need to piss, leave the front door unlocked XOX

Why hasn't he text me back? I know he's busy with work, but not even on his lunch? I just want him to check in on me like he used to. Replying to Darcy's text I put my phone back into my bag, placing my bottle underneath the tap and filling it up. I catch something in the corner of my eye, a royal blue handbag sitting on the dining room table, that's not mine?

Nausea hitting me hard, I turn my head to look down the hallway to our bedroom door. Shutting the tap off, I slowly make my way out of the kitchen and towards my bedroom. The carpet silencing my footsteps, I stop abruptly with my hand reached out to the silver handle. My knees wobble as my heart stops, music playing and a girl's moan hits my ears, the moaning getting louder and louder. I take a large step back, but the sounds of pleasure follow me and all my trust in him dies. Maybe he's just watching porn to let of some steam from work? But that also wouldn't make sense, he should be at work, its only two thirty?

My brain coming up with different scenarios, he wouldn't do this to me? It's just the TV. I squeeze my eyes shut as I take a step forward and reaching the handle, I push the door wide open.
The sight I come to see shatters me indefinitely. Lauren, my oldest and bestest friend who I have trusted and loved my whole life is completely naked straddling my fiancé. "What the fuck?!" I scream out, my body shaking as I take in my view. Their heads snap towards me as I collapse to the floor, my hands in front of me as I try to calm my erratic heart slamming into my breast bone. I lift my head slightly, watching them as they take in my reaction. I fear I might pass out, they haven't even attempted to get off each other.

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