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I somehow make it to work on time, Luca left me around six this morning to go home and get ready. Applying more makeup than usual to cover my puffy swollen eyes, my hair tied up in a messy bun, choosing to wear a navy blue bodycon dress and black heels.

"Happy hump day." Emily bounces over to my desk, her bright ginger hair curled perfectly, wearing the cutest baby pink dress.

"Morning, you ok?" I sit myself down smiling up at her. She rests her elbows against my desk looking at me.

"Yes, you seem cheery this morning." She raises her perfectly shaped eyebrow, pouting her plump lips.

"Yeah I guess I am." I answer, hesitant and slightly confused.

"You had sex last night didn't you?" She slaps my hand and opens her mouth in approval.

"No! No, I didn't, I did have company though." I answer honestly, why am I telling her this? I'm not that close with her, am I? I question myself confused.

"Yes girl, get over that stupid ex!" She preaches, I chuckle at her as she stands up straight, rolling her shoulders.

"So, what's happening with you and that guy?" I ask, intrigued. Her face falls slightly and she swallows hard, uh oh sensitive subject. Shit.

"I haven't heard from him since Sunday, I like him a lot. I might try and meet him tonight." I nod at her in understanding.

"Well if he's being like that then maybe good riddance." I try to cheer her up, giving her my biggest fake smile.

"His best mates super-hot so I might just shag him." I burst out laughing, god she sounds like Darcy.

"Maybe you should." I joke with her, before she waves at me and walks through the office to her desk. I can't help but think about Luca, what was last night? What does this mean now?
Trying to keep myself occupied I set to work, blocking out any thoughts of Luca and last night's incident with Chloe. I'm still in shock and I don't know how we can resolve it, I will speak to her tonight but I'm just taken back.

Text Message[From: Luca] You free after work?x

My stomach flips with happiness as I look down at my screen, I'm not sure how to answer him as I know I do need to see Chloe tonight and maybe work something out.

Text Message [To: Luca] Might have to get back to you on that one, need to fix my friendship x

I bite the tip of my pen lid waiting for his reply, since when did I get like this over a boy? After Theo I would never text a guy after a one-night stand, apart from Jacob, but that's just because he's such a genuine guy.

Text Message [From: Luca] Ok let me know and I'll come round tonight? x

I smile to myself, the thought of seeing him again really has me feeling giddy. I know I like him in some way, it's only been a few weeks, but he just has something pulling me in.

Text Message[To: Luca] See you tonight x

I get back to work with no distractions, completing all the work assigned to me for the day. Just before it hits five-thirty. I stand up, pulling my dress down to the appropriate length, I watch as Emily makes her way over to me with a massive smile on my face.

"I'm seeing him, he's coming over mine for dinner." Seeing her look this happy makes me warm.

"Good, let me know how it goes!" She grins at me before walking out of the office, with a bounce in her step. Leaving my office, I decide to quickly pop into Tesco express to buy a packet of cigarettes. Standing in the queue waiting to be served I notice Lauren standing outside, I roll my eyes stepping towards the counter asking for my usual Pall Mall double capsule.

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