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Waking up early I jump out of bed, rushing around my room trying to figure out what I'm going to wear. Luca will be here in an hour and a half and I still need to shave everything, if it's hot enough I plan on taking a bikini.

After my shower I slip on a black bikini, packing a spare pair of knickers, I go over to my wardrobe. I decide on my high waisted denim shorts and a black crop top. My hair a curly wet mess once the time hits eight-forty-five, but I like it. I look down at my phone to see Luca has text me.

Text Message [From: Luca] Be five minutes xx

My stomach flips with nerves and I can't understand why, it isn't a date, just a day at the seaside with a friend. After brushing my teeth I make sure I've packed my purse and towel, I leave my bedroom. Both Darcy and Chloe are possibly still asleep when I enter the kitchen, so I grab a water bottle and an apple, heading out of the flat and down the lift.

Only waiting for two minutes before I notice his gorgeous Mercedes pull into the car park, my stomach filling with butterflies as my anxiety goes through the roof. Just chill out Rose. He's a friend. A very, fucking sexy friend.

The shiny black car halts to a stop next to me, I'm surprised when Luca jumps out and comes over to where I'm standing. My knees weaken at the sight of him, knee length denim shorts and a black vest top, his Ray Ban's giving him the bad boy attitude that fits him perfectly. Lord give me strength.

"Hello beautiful." He beams, giving me a genuine smile before wrapping his arms around my waist. Hugging me quickly before stepping away.

"Morning." I finally say back, after catching up with my breath.

"Shall we?" He gestures his right arm to his car, we have the day to ourselves and I'm honestly so excited. I smile at him as he opens the passenger door and watches me hop inside.

"Nice bum." He chuckles, flipping him the finger I watch him from inside the car, he's grinning to himself as he makes his way round to the driver's side.

"So how long does the drive take?" I ask him, intrigued.

"About two hours depending on traffic, it's not too far from that beach we went to." He replies, suddenly remembering signs to Hythe or maybe even driving through the town as kids.

As Luca begins to drive, we sit in silence, not sure if I could call it an awkward silence, maybe it's my stupid nerves kicking in and making it difficult to talk. His radio playing at a low volume I lean forward turning it up a little, I notice the song playing is my favourite. I close my eyes and smile to myself as I listen.

"Of course, you'd like this song." I hear Luca scoff to himself, I open my eyes giving him a stern look.

"I don't 'like' this song, I 'love' this song and it's surprising what a song can do to help you figure yourself out." I scoff back at him, everything I've ever been through traumatised me for fucking life, but listening to this beautiful song keeps me calm. 'Just stop your crying, it'll be alright'.

"No, you just like Harry Styles." He speaks again. I can't hold back the laugh, that's what everyone says.

"Hell, yeah I do, he's fucking sexy." I answer honestly, rolling my eyes at his disgusted face.

"You like a guy with tattoos then?" His question surprises me, I thought it would be another dig about Harry.

"On the right guy, yes." Answering honestly, he smiles to himself whilst watching the road.

"Am I the right kind of guy?" He questions me, god he's arrogant.

"Don't push your luck, you're lucky we're friends." I playfully smile at him, he opens his mouth in shock but chuckles instead.

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