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Throughout the week, Emily has made it her personal mission to piss me off. I do not trust her intentions, as happy as she may be now, she's apparently dating Nick. I believe she has some unfinished business to handle, me.

Luca and I have never gotten on so well, he's been round mine almost every night. Chloe has started to warm up to the idea that Luca and I are dating? In a relationship? I haven't got a clue. All I know is that we are exclusive. Which scares the crap out of me, I never thought I would feel like this ever again.

The feeling of fancying the hell out of someone, or maybe even more. I'm not so sure yet on how I feel, I just know that I don't want this to end, I feel happy, finally.

"Slut." Emily's voice appears behind me as I slam into the wall, I turn to face her but she's already strutting down the corridor towards the lifts. I roll my right shoulder trying to ignore the shooting pain. Fucking bitch.

Finally, five thirty arrives and I'm ready to leave this bloody office for today, the weekend has come around so fast and I need a break from Emily's knocking about. Trying to keep my calm and not rip her head off is killing me, but I cannot jeopardise losing my job over her pathetic games.

"Hello gorgeous." I look up from my desk to see Luca leaning down, his white t-shirt hugging him tight, black skinny jeans, his hair flopping over his eyes slightly. I stand up, pulling his T-shirt towards me he takes hold of my waist and pressing his lips against mine.

"You're both disgusting." Her bloody voice rips through my happiness, I pull away from Luca to glare at the evil bitch leaning on my desk, her face full of amusement.

"Shove it Emily." Luca growls at her, I roll my eyes whilst picking up my handbag. Luca's hand held out for me to take, his warm fingers intertwine with mine as he pulls me out of the office and into the lift.

"How many times has she shoved into you today then?" He raises his eyebrows, I slap his arm before giggling myself.

"Fuck off it's not funny, at least five times, I'm starting to bruise." I rub my sore arm, making him laugh even more.

"A new record, yesterday it was four." He laughs a genuine laugh, I stand on my tiptoes glaring into his beautiful blue eyes. He holds his own staring back at me; his fingers come up to pinch my chin holding my face in place.

"You are so gorgeous." He pulls my face closer pecking my lips hard, my stomach flops and my back tingles at the contact.

"I guess you're not so bad either." I wink at him as the lift door opens and I walk out first, leaving him open mouthed.

"Baby I know you don't think that." Catching up with me and taking hold of my hand, with a big smile on his face.

"Of course, I do." I smirk up at him, god I don't think that at all, he is honestly the most beautiful person I have ever seen, I almost believe he knows it to.

On the drive home I can't help but think about Emily, as much as I want to kill her, I can see why she hates me. I pity her, she's just being super childish, like she wants me to retaliate and lose my job. It wouldn't surprise me.

"Can we pop into Tesco please? I need some fags." Luca parks his car in the flat car park and I jump out with him, reaching over and wrapping his arm around waist we walk towards Tesco express.

"I'll be outside." I stop in front of the shop lifting my fag packet, hinting that I'm going to have a smoke. He kisses my forehead before stepping into the busy shop.

Lighting it, I inhale the strong chemicals and blowing the grey smoke into the air, taking a deep breath I feel better instantly. Today with Emily has just been a nightmare. I study the shop through the glass doors, I can't see Luca and he's probably in the sweet section or grabbing some beers for tonight.

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