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Stepping into her bedroom feels weird, like I've never been in here before, never slept in her bed, all our late-night conversations until she fell asleep on my chest, where I made love to her. She walked in front of me and sat on the bed, leaning up against her silly number of decorative cushions. She looks beautiful, so exquisite that I can't stand to look at her.

"I came here to say I'm sorry, I don't expect I anything in return." I tell her straight. Sitting opposite her, but at a safe distance. I can't risk fucking up again, touching her will do just that. She looks sad as her eyes meet mine.

"Tell me why." She whispers, I can hear the pain I've caused in her voice. Everything runs through my head. Where can I begin? What does she want to know?

"The night I met you, I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. I'd heard about the rule but I didn't have any intentions on messing with you, until we went to the beach with everyone." I start, her eyes never leaving mine, her hands shaking as she picks at the skin around her long-painted nails.

"So, the day at the beach was the day your game started? Before then it was just innocent flirting?" She questions me, her voice timid. I've really broken her. I'm an arsehole.

"Yes, my cruel thoughts towards Daniel died down quickly, when I found out about Wayne and your dad. I wanted to stop my plan, the night we kissed was never to hurt Daniel, my feelings where there." I speak up again, remembering everything.

"When he nearly caught us in my room and you walked out, I was going fucking crazy. I hated myself, but you had me from the first kiss Rose." I close my eyes, my voice shaking as my heart thumps over and over again, painfully.
"After the kiss, everything became so real, but I had already told Nick and Emily got in the way, they became obsessed with the idea to ruin you. I don't even know why they cared so much, I was so angry with your brother at first." My blood boiling at Nick's cruel personality, how good it felt to break his nose under my fists that night. "I have never met two people so perfect for each other, they are twisted." I growl, trying to calm myself down. I look up at her, her eyes glassed over and her blonde hair flowing down her chest.

"Why didn't you show them the picture?" She asks, her voice louder, more confident than before. I take a deep breath remembering the first time she fell asleep on my chest, her naked body against mine. It only took one second to get the perfect picture, her naked body on show.
"I couldn't go through with it, I told Nick I had the picture but deleted it as soon as he went to grab my phone, I felt protective and foolish for even thinking I could do that to you. I had already fallen in love with you, I don't know what I thought would happen if I betrayed you like that." My body feeling hotter by the second, I can't read her face.

"Did you mean what you said?" She looks up at me, my heart bursts and now I'm scared where this is going.

"Yes, every word Rose, I understand if you don't feel the same." I can't look at her anymore, this was a bad idea coming here. I've told her what I needed to, she knows the truth.

"I love you." Her voice slices through me, my head shoots up to face her once again. Her beauty throwing me off the rails as always, I need to control myself, I can't ruin her, I can't ruin myself anymore.
"I have loved you this whole time." Her voice cuts through me again, I realize I never replied to her. Her face holding so much emotion, this stunning girl has just told me she loves me after everything.
I lean forward gripping at her waist and pulling her towards me, she obliges climbing onto my lap. Her lips soft but the kiss urgent and hungry. What am I doing? I can't do this? My whole body is betraying me, I need to stop myself.
"Luca please." She whimpers into my mouth, I can't even lie to myself anymore. I need her even if she regrets it in the morning, when she realizes, she deserves better. Holding onto her face and taking full control. My fingers raking through her soft hair as I lean forward, her body follows as I place my elbows on either side of her head, never breaking the kiss.

"You are so beautiful baby." I whisper, kissing down her jaw. My hands leave her face as I lower them onto the hem of her top, slowly lifting it up revealing her tight stomach. Lowering my head kissing just below her belly button, she arches her back as I wrap my fingers around her leggings and knickers pulling them down her legs and over her ankles.
Leaving her pussy bare, I look at her flawless beauty. Taking in her slender frame, noticing her under boob peeking out from her scrunched-up top. I sit over her, lifting the material up and over her head revealing her gorgeous boobs. She's naked underneath me, my body ignites as I take in my girls' angelic figure. Her hair sprawled over the cushions, her skin golden and soft as silk.

"Please." She whispers as I sit up stripping my upper body of any clothing, I feel her getting frantic at my jeans trying to get them off me quickly. Her fingers gliding over my hard cock as she pulls my jeans and boxers down, I stand up quickly trying to get them over my ankles. Her soft laugh catches me, my heart flipping with passion as I take her in.
I don't even know how long I'll last, just looking at her has me close. I climb back on the bed until my face is between her legs, I kiss the top of her thighs. Her moans making my dick twitch as I hover over her sweet spot, my warm breath has her whimpering again. She knows I'm close to her, but I enjoy seeing her struggle because of me, what I can do to her.

I press my lips against her core, she gasps at the contact as I begin kissing and sucking her sensitive clit. I let my hands runs up and down her stomach, as she flexes and twitches with every movement my mouth and tongue make against her soaking pussy. I enjoy watching her, taking in every inch of her delicious body, her taste, every sound she makes. I'll cherish and worship her forever.
"I'm going to cum Lu-uca!" She cries as I carry on pleasuring her with my lips and tongue, her legs opening wider letting me see more of her juicy body as she comes undone.

I sit up quickly whilst she's in a dazed state, opening her bedside drawer and pulling out a foil packet. I take seconds putting the condom on before sitting up between her legs, her eyes wide with lust as she spreads them wider for me to fit. Holding my cock, I press it against her wet slit, slowly thrusting my hips I slide inside her. Closing my eyes, god I've missed this, I've missed being inside her. I watch with fascination as I begin to pound her deeper and deeper, her beauty amazes me every time I look at her.

How did I get so lucky? How could I have possibly been so spineless? How could I do this to her? I don't deserve this beautiful girl. I'm an idiot. She'll hate me very soon, I need to make the most out of what I have right now.

"I love you so much Rose." I whisper, trying so hard not to blow my load right now. Her eyes open slowly as she struggles under my pounding hips, her breathing fast as her toes clench.

"I love you Luca." She moans as I grind deeper, her smell intoxicating, her face unforgettable. I lean down kissing her hard, showing her how much she means to me, I don't want her to ever forget this kiss, to ever forget she's loved. I cum in my condom as she tightens her pussy around me. I collapse on top of her, my damp skin against hers as she smiles at me, her gentle fingers reach up stroking my face.
I'm trying so fucking hard to hold back all the tears I have held in since she opened her bedroom door, my emotions skyrocketing by the second.

I know I'll love this girl forever. There was a reason I didn't want commitment and it wasn't anything to do with Daniel and my idiotic game. I have been so selfish and I will hate myself forever.

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