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He turns off the car engine, I bend over reaching for my handbag. Trying not to make any eye contact with Luca, I don't know if I should invite him up? If he even wants to come up? I have no idea.
"Can I come up?" He asks, almost as quiet as a whisper. Well that cleared that up for me.

"Sure." I answer casually. I look up at him, his face tense and his eyes glassy. Trying not to think too much into it, I open the door and step out, surprised I haven't fallen out of it yet.
We walk in silence, throughout the building and into the lift. Once the doors close, I'm slammed into the wall behind me, his eyes holding so much power. He leans down and kisses me, hard. I grip hold of his hair, pulling him as close to me as possible.

His hands squeeze my waist causing me to moan in pleasure and pain, my heart pounding in my chest at a new speed. I want him, I need him, but should I be doing this? I know I shouldn't be doing this.
"I want you." I whisper into his mouth as he squeezes my bum, lifting me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist, his cock rock hard against my bare thighs. The cold air hitting my skin as my dress begins to ride up.

"Fuck Rose." He moans into my skin, I lean my head back as he kisses my throat. The lift comes to a stop and so does our kiss, he drops me gently and I can't help but smile up at him. His face red and flushed and his lips swollen, I pull my dress down to its normal length and strut out of the lift.

I pull my keys out of my hand bag as I reach the front door, his hands grip both sides off my waist, his lips lightly touching the side of my temple. I lean back against his body, his length still hard and ready, still unable to control my smile I unlock the front door.
Stepping inside the flat is dark, quiet. I'm almost surprised that the girls aren't here, but I shrug it off and walk inside. "Want a drink or anything?" I ask him, placing my keys on the kitchen counter.

"No, I'm ok thanks." He replies.

I walk over to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water, I twist the lid off taking a couple of sips, letting the cold liquid flow down my throat making me shiver. Luca's eyes watch me intensely as I keep my eyes locked on him.

"Shall we?" I ask him as I start to walk down the thin hallway towards my bedroom, my nerves kicking in as we enter my room. The lights still off as I feel his hands grip my waist pulling me towards him, my back pressing against his front.

"Are you ok with this?" He whispers into my ear, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. I wanted it though. I don't answer him, instead I pull out of his hard grip and turn to face him instead. Just about able to see his outstanding face in the dark room. I lean up reaching behind his head, turning on the light. I take hold of his hair pulling him towards me, giving him the answer. Our lips touch, his hands hold my dress.

He growls into my kiss as he strides towards my bed, pushing me with him. I fall and land on the soft mattress, he's on top of me in seconds. Kissing me hard, I feel his cock throbbing against his tracksuit bottoms. I try not to moan as he presses himself against my naked thighs, his lips leave mine making their way quickly down to my legs.

"You look gorgeous in this tight dress." He kisses my mid thighs as he holds onto my dress. "I can't begin to imagine how gorgeous you look naked." He whispers against my soft skin; his hands push the dress off my legs and stomach. I tug at the material, pulling it over my head aggressively. I twitch under his soft kisses, overwhelming me as he makes his way up my body.

"Please." I beg as his lips begin to kiss my stomach, he moves his kiss back down, stopping at the band off my thongs.

"Patience baby." He looks up at me, I want to just grab his head and push him in between my thighs but I can't act to eager just yet. My breathing loud as his fingers wrap around my thong and slowly pulling the material down my legs, I raise my legs and watch as it slides down my calves and over my ankles.

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