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The cool water running over my feet as I watch Chloe and Darcy jumping around on Lee, but Rose is under the water. What is she thinking? The same as me? How hard it was not to kiss her, not to have my way with her. I could tell she was struggling to compose herself too. After last night I wished it was her I had against that wall, seeing her today in that incredible bikini I want her even more. Keeping my eyes trained on the spot of water she disappeared from I wait.

She appears out from the water slowly, only feet away from me. Whipping her hair back and pushing it away from her face. She's soaking wet and I don't think I have ever seen something more beautiful. Fucking hell this is cruel, she's so cruel for wearing something so tiny. Her toned stomach flexing and glistening with water droplets. I can't help but look at her small bikini top, it's tempting me. Tormenting me, I just want to rip it off her. She's doing this on purpose, I know it.

I've never been with someone with a body like hers before, I always go for tiny petite girls but Rose is a curvy goddess. She's womanly and sexy, her marble blue eyes open catching me instantly. And then she smiles. She fucking smiles and I feel myself harden, are you fucking kidding me?

"You alright mate?" Daniel appears by my side, covering my junk in a casual way. I turn myself towards him quickly, before he catches me having a mini heart attack over his sisters' incredible body.

"Yeah, this is a nice beach." I lie. Like I care what the fucking beach looks like, there are probably hundreds of girls across the beach with their bodies out and all I want to do is look at Rose. I turn my head slightly to take her in, she's now on Lee's back and all three of them are climbing on him trying to dunk him under the water playfully. Her round arse in full view and my cock twitches at the sight, sucking in a deep breath through my teeth; I turn on my feet and walk back towards our bags.

Minutes later everyone comes back to their bags, I watch Rose as her bouncing tits come into my view, her stunning face glistening in the sun. I look away quickly, before someone notices my excitement. I wrap my towel around my centre, trying to hide it. This is not okay.

"How did your date go last night?" Daniel asks, looking at Rose as she wraps the towel around her body to dry herself. She's hesitant and when her eyes roll my interest heightens further.

"It was okay, he disappeared hallway through the night. I tried calling and texting but nothing." She shrugs her shoulders almost like she's uninterested. That's why she found me last night, she was looking for Jacob. What a cock.

"So, he ditched you?" I spit out before I can stop myself, Rose looks at me with a smile. How could someone ever ditch a girl like Rose, I don't think I could after having her in bed. I think I would keep her naked forever.

"Exactly that, he's ditched me." Her watchful eyes study me, my heart starts to pound in my chest. What the hell is Rose doing to me? Daniel has banned me from trying anything. She's forbidden, but I have no self-control and she really is reeling me in.

"Where the hell did you wander off too last night Luca? Did you get lucky?" Lee nudges my shoulder. Wiggling his eyebrows at me. All of the girls burst out into fits of laughter. Great so she told them.

"Maybe I did." I wiggle my eyebrows back.

"Yeah in the alley." Rose scoffs, my eyes shoot to her, everyone starts to laugh but I don't care, I know Rose enjoyed watching me. Her eyes lingering onto mine, I've only met her a couple of times and she's the hardest person I've ever had to resist.

Finishing a quick phone call with my boss, I head back over to the group. Lee and Darcy are nowhere to be seen, Daniel is texting and Chloe's applying more sun cream. I take my eyes away from her and land on Rose, lying on her back. The sun beaming down on her curvaceous body, teasing me further.

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