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Tesco isn't busy, but it isn't empty either, people scanning the microwavable meals for a quick easy dinner. A group of teenagers huddling round the sweet aisle. I go straight to the frozen aisle, scanning the shelves of Ice cream. I reach in and pick out Ben and Jerry's Phish food and their new Birthday cake flavour, placing them in my basket I walk over to the alcohol section. I pick up two bottles of Rose, even contemplating on hitting the vodka instead.


Text Message [From: Unknown] You've grown up so much princess, I'm going to make you mine again

And then my screen lights up again.

Text Message [From: Unknown] God I've missed you

A cold shiver shoots up my spine, I look around the shop again and I can't see him. Looking back at my phone I open up my contacts, within three rings he answers.

"Hey Rose, you okay?" He asks casually, obviously trying to act calm about everything since the last time we spoke.

"Can you come and get me, I'm in Tesco express, I keep getting weird texts messages and I think it could be Wayne." I'm honest, I feel sick to my stomach.

"The Tesco close to yours?" He asks quickly, his breathing picking up by the second.

"Yes, I don't want to walk, even if it's just five minutes." I tell him honestly, picking up my basket, feeling calmer by the second that my brothers coming.

"I won't be long, stay inside." He tells me, before hanging up the phone. I can't seem to calm the nerves that are flipping around in my stomach, I scan every single product in the sauces aisle just praying traffic isn't bad and he'll be here soon. My phone begins to ring again, but this time it's Chloe, I quickly answer.

"Hi, where are you?" She asks, her voice slightly worried.

"I'm waiting for Dan to come pick me up, long story short, but I think Wayne's here." I tell her, straight to the point. Trying not to let my fear shine through my voice.

"Fuck, did you want me to come down?" She asks quickly.

"No, its cool, I'll be home soon." Be calm Rose.

"Text me when he's with you ok?" She says, concern laced in her tone.

"Of course." I answer. After I hang up, I walk over to the self-checkout and begin to scan my items, after showing my I.D for the alcohol I linger back inside the shop. My eyes catch with the security guard, probably looking very suspicious as I linger around the food awkwardly.

It's been at least twenty minutes since Dan left and I'm starting to get bored and I'm running out of stuff to look at, this shop is only tiny and I know the security have a close eye on me.

"Rose?" I hear my name being called, I rush over to the entrance where my brothers stood. He wraps his arms around my shoulders pulling me in for a hug.

"Are you okay?" He holds my shoulders, looking me straight in the eyes.

"I just want to get home." I tell him honestly, he nods his head in response before holding onto my wrist and walking me into the dark night.

"Have you seen him?" He asks, I shake my head, holding my phone out for him to read the text messages.

"You sure it's him?" He asks again.

"I don't know, but it sure sounds like him, I can't risk it." I explain, he closes his eyes obviously remembering what happened to me. I text Chloe letting her know I'm with Daniel, we walk a couple more feet before we reach his car.

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