Chapter 1: Stranger

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This was supposed to be an easy mission.

Don't get me wrong, it was an easy mission. The team was supposed to arrest a group of criminals located inside of a rundown warehouse at Happy Harbour. Cliché.

And they were even winning.

Half of the gangsters were out cold and the other half is slowly being decimated too.

While Miss Martian floated through the air and attacked using her telekinesis the rest of the team were stuck to close combat.

Luckily most of the bad guys weren't carrying any firearms surprising the team's bird who's gotten used to that in Gotham.

Aqualad used his water hammers to hold them back while Superboy had no troubles lifting a criminal up and smashing him against four others.

With his useful anger issues he was the dream of every psychologist like... umm... I dunno... Black Canary... Or better Doctor Harleen Quinzel? Doesn't Poison Ivy have a PHD too?

Kid Flash was speeding around, throwing a punch from time to time but leaving the real work to his team.

He was trying to tell what he should eat after this mission. Pizza or Burger...? Why not both? Maybe a Pizzaburger? Or a Burgerpizza...? Or...

"How about a little help here Baywatch?!", Artemis threw in sassily interrupting the speedster's thoughts and punched one of the bad guys in his face.


The human ones, Robin and Artemis if you didn't know, are using their hand to hand combat skills for their advantage.

Not that they really need something else for... Ok enough with the humor and straight, well not in Robin's cause-

Straight to the point now!

When almost every criminal was out cold a cloaked figure suddenly appeared out of the shadows.

It looked humanoid but the armored and elegant black and silver colored cloak prevented any further sight at the person.

It was Superboy who firstly realized it's presence due to his super hearing.

Instead of alarming his team like every good Kryptonian would do, he lunged for the figure trying to bring it down by himself. Big mistake.

Within seconds the figure jumped gracefully over him holding to his shoulders before shoving him into the next best wall.

This drew the teams attention to the figure who is inspecting them closely.

The few standing criminals took this to their advantage and decided to run.

Except for one of them who wanted to play the hero... well villain and got knocked out by Robin almost immediately who then froze at the sight of the Mystery figure.

Poor guy... Anyways!
The figure seemed to have found what he was searching.

It lifted a hand pointing to...

"Me? What's with me?", Robin asked oddly confused, almost nervous.

"Tayir...", the thing brought out... shocked?... before lunging forward attacking their target: Robin.

Instead of the team's usual expectation Robin just stood there frozen in his place eyes wide open behind the mask.

It was almost like a freezing spell was used on the young hero by just this one word.

'Robin? You're alright?', Miss Martian asked mentally.

The unfortunate Kid Flash who decided to be especially stupid today stepped into the figure's way and speeded towards it only getting (luckily) just tripped and send flying into a wall, too.

By the way. Where's Superboy? Well that's an easy question to answer. He just woke up rubbing his neck where he found a needle injected into it.

How in the world could such a person have the tools to knock out a Kryptonian?!

'Robin!', Aqualad warned him, 'Get out of the way!'

Robin still didn't move.

Even as Miss Martian and Aqualad got weakened by a fire explosive and Artemis got knocked to the floor he didn't dare to move a muscle.

Suddenly the boy managed to snap out of his shock.

He just had to do something! This guy clearly means trouble. Big, big trouble!

"Tayir, Ti...", the cloaked figure didn't come any further as Robin lunged with inhuman speed at his opponent, his eskrima sticks already drawn.

The figure wasn't even able to take out it's weapon and vainly tried to protect itself clearly surprised by the sudden act.

Quickly Robin was joined by their Archer who recovered the fastest, then by the speedster and the half Kryptonian.

Later by their Martian and Atlantean, too, who quickly recovered after the fire was gone.

Soon the figure was cornered by six heroes and almost got nervous.


Instead of that, it grabbed something inside of his pocket.

And instead of a smoke bomb, what everyone considered, it was a blue pill.

The team gasped. Was he really going to...

"For my master,...", before he even finished with his short speech there was a loud


A projectile shot through the nearest window and hit him straight into the head, so he died before his body hit the cold floor.

Miss Martian screamed in terror.
She had never seen anyone getting killed yet.

Kid Flash too, so it was no wonder that his scream was two octaves higher than Miss Martian's.

Artemis dealt with death before, but she was still shocked by the whole act.

Aqualad and Superboy were no exceptions either. With shocked expressions they just stood there.

Only Robin remained calm. He turned quickly to the now broken window, his eyes turning cold behind the domino mask and ready to detect any upcoming danger but found none.

"I'll call the bat", he simply said and turned around before contacting his mentor.

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