It was scary how Conner reported every detail about what happened yesterday without showing any emotion.
Well, after all, he was still Superman's clone designed by Cadmus to kill.
But luckily for the heroine, Conner wasn't a closed up book like most of the others and after the training sessions with her he even trusted or liked her.
"And how did you feel then, Conner?", she asked him about the dead man.
Conner tried to remember what emotions he felt inside of him... Were they good? Bad?
"I don't know", he admitted.
That fact surprised Black Canary.
"What do you mean? Can't you remember?"
Was it an amnesia... Or a form of PTBS?
"No. I don't know how to describe it..."
The young Kryptonian was confused.
Wait... Confusion?"Didn't you know what to do? What to feel? How to act?", she asked him.
He stared at her for a moment before nodding slowly.
"You were confused", she stated.
"What?", he asked confused again, "How?"
"That's what we are trying to figure out", she said before an idea flashed through her mind.
"What do you think of killing?", she finally asked the clone.
He shrugged.
"Do you think it's right or wrong?"
He lifted his head and stared blankly at the wall.
"It is right for the right targets", he repeated the voice in his head, "Wait... No! It isn't! Or... is it?"
Now it all made sense to her. Conner was Superman's clone created and especially programmed or influenced by Cadmus to kill the original Superman.
His programming tells him that killing is right, but his life experience with the team says otherwise.
"Conner...", she stopped for a moment trying to figure out what exactly to say...
"Does it still hurt?", Conner asked Megan as he inspected the bandaged hand.
"A bit but it's getting better", the Martian said, "I watched on the TV that kissing a treated injury would take the pain away..."
At this moment, she was just thinking out aloud but when she realized what she just said she blushed heavily.
Luckily for her, her green skin could mask most of it.
Conner raised a brow and tried to remember if he ever was given the information about pain curing kisses.
But when he found none he resisted the urge to shrug and took Megan's hand into his before gently placing a soft kiss on her palm.
"Better?", he asked feeling his face getting really hot.
"Better", the Martian giggled holding her bandaged hand close to her chest mumbling dreamily, "...our kids would be beautiful..."
"...Let's get back to the others..."
When they came back to the living room they were met with an odd sight.
Wally was playing the brand new superheroes themed fighting video game at the TV... Without Robin...
He was sitting on the couch just staring at one point lost in thoughts.
"Robin?", Megan put her hand on his shoulder while calling out for him.
Instead of a Robin-normal reaction, he flinched out of his thoughts, then jumped up ready to break her good arm.
While Conner now seemed to be ready to rip off Robin's hands Megan screamed, "It's me! Robin, it's me!"
Suddenly his eyes widened and he immediately let go of her.
Wally who had stopped playing video games and had seen the whole scene was as surprised as everyone else.
"What's wrong with you?!", a overprotective Conner screamed angrily at his friend.
Robin said nothing, just briefly looked shocked at everyone of them then looked at his hands before rushing out to the Zeta tube.
"Friends! What happened?", it was Kaldur, their leader, who just came in.
"Robinisactingkindaoffandhedidn'twanttoplayvideogameswithmeandwhenmegantriedtotalktohimhewentallkamikaze!", Wally said as he speeded over to him.
Kaldur, who couldn't understand a word that the speedster was trying to tell him asked Megan what happened and she explained everything to him close to tears before sitting back on the couch quietly.
She wasn't angry or afraid. She wasn't disappointed or scared. She was just confused and worried about her friend.
"I'll go after him", Kid Flash said worried before he speeded away.
Not even two seconds after that a calm Artemis came in and sat wordlessly on the couch next to Megan.
She was followed by Black Canary who stopped at the entrance.
"Conner, you're next..."
Tayir (Book 1: Robin)
Fanfiction"Tayir...", the thing brought out... shocked?... before lunging forward attacking their target: Robin. Instead of the team's usual expectation Robin just stood there frozen in his place eyes wide open behind the mask. It was almost like a freezing...