Chapter 2 - My son, My rules

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AN: AYO! So I was at a con and I'm so sorry that I didn't update before I left!! This chapter is mostly all Todoroki! Video isn't related... was just in my head when i was writing this bit xD


Todoroki walked towards the dining hall with his head hung low, his rude awakening had left him rather tired, as many of the servants could tell by the large yawns he would let out. He reached the large wooden doors and froze, did he really want to face his father this today? He was too tired to deal with the bullshit his father was about to spew at him why couldn't he just turn around and go back to bed?

"Your Highness...?,"

That's why.

"Your highness, you actually have to open the door in order to go through it... are you really that tired?," Todoroki turned around slowly to see a rather tall man staring back at him, Iida.

"Iida, must I really face this shit today? Would anyone really notice if i just hid for the day?," Todoroki said with the slightest amount of self pity in his voice, if shooting off his own foot was the only way to get out of the day, then all he needed was the gun.

"The King would notice and it wouldn't be your head he would have over it either," Iida replied with a sigh, "Just carry on with the day as normal, we both know that none of the princess' are going to be your soulmates, so just play along. The faster you get the day done, the faster you can return to your demanding schedule of doing absolutely nothing." Iida smirked as he pushed open the doors, signaling Todoroki to enter.

He let out a huge sigh before walking into the large room, not after lightly hitting Iida on the arm for speaking out of turn of course, but he wouldn't know what he would do without his right hand man.

"SHOTO, HOW LONG DO YOU THINK YOU CAN KEEP ME WAITING?!," A rather large man watched as Todoroki walked into the room, standing up out of his chair, he was draped head to toe in different jewels and gold chains, supporting a red cape over his broad shoulders.

"Sorry." He replied with a cold tone.

"You know what day it is today I assume, I hope that your attitude changes when our guests arrive. I expect you to find your queen tonight, weather she's your soulmate or not," the tall man sat down in his chair resuming his breakfast as his son sat beside him. "As the heir to my throne I expect to see my grandchildren well before my passing, and with you now the age to wed I expect I shall not be waiting long."

Oh fuck off. Todoroki wanted to say so loudly, but he knew what happened last time that he spoke out of turn, as much as the training was probably good for him, he didn't want to go through it again, so chose to remain silent and ate what he could of his breakfast.

"I sure there will be someone there that I will get along with...," As long as they're male, "Don't worry Father you'll have a stable bloodline for years to come," ughhhhhhhh!!! I hate saying this shit, it's not even true... wait can male's have babies.... holy shit am I that tired?!

"The princess' will arrive at 7 sharp so make sure that you are presentable! Get that servant of yours to buy you something new if you must," Enji had said while eating the last of his toast. He Enji stood up continued going through the plans of the day and the expectations that he had for his son, none of which Shoto ever listened too. Shoto was staring out into space trying to make the day seem a little less painful.

"Enji... I'm sure he knows all of this, you don't have to lecture him. Let him finish his breakfast in peace." A sweet voice had spoke up silencing the rather loud man, Rei! Mom knew all about shoto's situation and was just as willing for the day to pass swiftly as Shoto was, she didn't like seeing her son uncomfortable.

"Shoto will find someone tonight, why any princess would be lucky to have our son's hand. Just let him relax, yo wouldn't want him wound up for the party tonight now would you?," She was good at getting him to shut up.

"I will find someone, just leave that part to me at least." Shoto wanted to change the conversation, hoping his mother would pick up on his tone of voice, but just as she went to say something, Enji stood up and starting walking towards the door.

"Don't fail me." those final words rung in shotos head, not knowing weather he should take it lightly or if his father was dead serious, Enji had left the room, saying nothing else leaving Shoto staring at the door. Not long after he heard a rather large sigh coming from his mother, he looked round to see the warm smile that he loved seeing every morning.

"Honestly, if he got anymore wound up he might actually explode one day," she giggled trying to lighten the air in the room. "Happy Birthday baby!," She got up to give her son a big hug, squeezing him as tight as her strength would let her.

"Thanks mom. But do I really have to go through this shit today? wasting the time of all these girls doesn't seem quite fair to them," maybe mom will let him hide today.

"Unless you want your father starting a kingdom wide man hunt for you i suggest you play along," she giggled again before getting up, "besides you never know, maybe one of them will be a prince in disguse!" she laughed at the face her son was giving her, a face that clearly showed that shoto was wishing that statement to be true.

"Let's hope," He gave his mother a smile as she left the room leaving him alone with his thoughts. Yeah.... let's hope.

An: so yeah this was a Todoroki chapter. I had to use the first names cause they are all todorokis xD For those that where confused Enji is Endeavor, Rei is his mom and Shoto is obvs half n half!

Next chapter is all mido and inko!!

Thanks for reading guys!! next part won't take as long to write i swear!

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