Chapter 8 - Trouble in paradise

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Todoroki sat beside his princess with a smile on his face. Why was he so happy? He still couldn't figure out why his soul mate was female when he was gay. But none the less he was enjoying his time with this girl; he would even go as far as saying he was growing feelings for her.

"So my turn with the bold questions," She turned around to the young prince, "what's with the scary looking veil? Am I only allowed to half of his majesty's face?" She asked with a giggle. Todoroki took a second before he answered, the mood changing a little, "I have a rather ugly looking birth mark... not something I want to scare you with. Nothing else." Midoriya picked up on his tone of voice and didn't ask anymore about it, although his curiosity had peaked, how bad could a birth mark really be?

The two talked about small things after that, the weather and other small tedious things.

"Why is it hard to talk to you all of a sudden?" She giggled again, "It seemed easier when I didn't know we where soul mates." That was true and Shoto was feeling it too. Then he had an idea. Shoto stood up and offered out his hand to the young lady with the smile back on his face.

"I believe I owe you a dance, Miss Midoriya, would you be so kind and accompany me?" Shoto bowed a little waiting for her response, Midoriya was a little taken back but giggled, "And how does one dance without music?" Shoto looked up at her still smiling, "Take my hand and I'll show you." That was more than enough convincing for Midoriya, He stood up and took the young princes hand, which pulled him in close and giggled at Midoriya's blushing face.

"Now all we have to do is move, and pretend that there is music playing." Shoto lead Midoriya around the small area, dancing around the fountain being careful not to bump her into anything. Midoriya was enjoying every moment, even without music they were in perfect sync, with Todoroki twirling him around every now and then. He didn't want this moment to ever end. But it seemed like their dance was coming to an end as Todoroki had slowed down until eventually they were just swaying, staring into each other's eyes, neither one daring to break contact. No words where needed. It was just them in that moment.

Midoriya really wanted to take off the veil on Todoroki's face, so what if there was a birth mark there, nothing would change how he was feeling in the moment, but there was something at the back of his mind telling him not to do it, when he noticed Todoroki leaning in closer, he pushed away out of Todoroki's hold.

"I-it's getting late, maybe we should call it a day?" He was blushing and looking away from Todoroki, was he trying to kiss him or did Midoriya make that all up.

"Right, I'll show you to your room then...." Todoroki looked to the ground, a little broken, but maybe he was trying to go to fast he didn't want to scare her. There was something about her that he really liked, and he had to find out what.


A few days had passed since that night, Midoriya was adapting well to life at the castle and he and Todoroki grew closer and closer with every moment. It was safe to say they were both completely in love with each other, however there was one thing that was annoying Izuku the most, he was still pretending to be a girl. How long would he have to keep this lie up? Surely eventually Shoto would have to know... I mean they might.... Dirty thoughts.... Go away.

Midoriya was getting dressed in his room when he heard a knock at the door, it was a light knock, and only one person would come to get him this early in the morning too.

"Good morning madam," Iida had entered the room carefully peaking around the door first in case he walked into to see something he shouldn't have. Luckily, Midoriya was already in his new dress, this time it was red and white, matching Todoroki's hair, which Midoriya secretly loved.

"They are waiting for you in the dining hall this morning; I'm here to escort you down."

"Ah thank you Iida!" Midoriya slipped on his shoes and left the room with Iida following close beside him. Nothing was said, Iida was a hard man to talk to, he was always busy doing something it was rare for Midoriya to see him in one place for longer than a second.

They reached the dining room doors, which Iida opened for Midoriya,

"Miss Midoriya, your highness." Iida bowed to the family in the room and then to Midoriya before closing the door behind him. He walked over to the large table, covered with different foods, from breads to different meats, Midoriya only ever ate some of the bread and oats that where there, he wasn't one for a large breakfast in a dress he could barely breathe in.

"Ah perfect timing! We were just talking about you!" The king was always loud. How Izuku never understood, but he was pretty sure the kitchens could hear him talking half of the time.

"About me? Your majesty? Have I done something wrong?" Midoriya sat in his seat beside a Todoroki that was still half asleep. Midoriya shook him slightly to wake him back up, smiling at the boy he loved too much. Todoroki smiled back, handing Midoriya the bread that he knew he liked the most.

"You've done nothing wrong my dear, in fact you've done the complete opposite! I want to ask you a question."

"Father I've already said no." Todoroki's voice was rather cold; whatever this question was he wasn't a fan.

"Hush boy. My dear how would you feel if I was to announce your engagement to my son?" Midoriya chocked on his food. WHAT?! WHEN?! WHAT?!?!

He looked over at the king with a shook and confused expression on his face, where the hell did this come from?! He had only been living in the castle for a few days, Todoroki didn't even... WHAT?!

"Y-your highness... I'm afraid I'm rather confused. Todoroki hasn't even... I'm a little lost."

"You two are soul mates, you've been getting along well and I'm sure my son will man up soon and propose to you properly. I say why wait any longer? I just want to see you two happy."

Todoroki's face didn't share the same happiness as his father. "If you want us to be happy then let us go at our own pace, Midoriya is right, she hasn't been here very long and we have only had a few days to get to know each other properly, why should we rush things?

Midoriya felt a tight pain in his chest, this conversation was too fast for him. He didn't even stop to think that him and Todoroki would have to marry one day, and the king was probably expecting heir's from them too which Midoriya wouldn't be able to give them. The colour left Midoriyas face fast, he felt cold but his head was spinning.

"Midoriya?" Midoriya felt a shaking coming from his left side, he looked over to see Todoroki staring at him but couldn't hear anything he was saying. This was too much and he had to get out.

"I-I'm sorry, please excuse me...." Midoriya got up and left the room, he could feel everyone staring at him but he couldn't sit in that room any longer. Him and Todoroki would have to marry one day, everyone would see it, everyone would find out he was faking it and then the King would find out, and he would defiantly get killed for shaming the royal family that's not even a question. Midoriya couldn't feel any of his strength, he sat on the floor outside of his bedroom door with his head between his legs. He started to cry, this was all now too much for him. He wanted to go home to his mom, to the little bakery. The bakery...

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