Chapter 17 - never again

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~2 weeks later~

"Right and why are we doing this again?" Midoriya struggled with his necktie, it seemed too short but at least it was staying on, right? "It didn't go down too well last time we told him."

"Because we have too," Todoroki untied the mess of Midoriya's neck tie and showed him how to do it properly for what seemed like the millionth time.

"You know it was so much easier when you wore the dresses," Todoroki giggled kissing his partner on his forehead.

"Let. It. GO." Midoriya scrunched up his face, the whole castle where still making dress jokes at him, surely it was a dead joke by this point. Even Iida seems to have given up now.

"Never, I plan to tell our children the story of how one of their dads cross dressed to my 18th," Todoroki laughed. As much as Midoriya wanted to hit him he was glad to see his fiancé so happy, almost everyone had already forgotten the mess that was a couple weeks ago, the pain he felt being separated from Todoroki was nothing but a distant feeling.

"Anyway, let's go, before Iida comes and whips us to it again." The boys headed towards the doors of what was now their bedroom when Todoroki stopped and turned to Midoriya, "and Izuku..."

"Yes Shoto?" Those emerald eyes that Todoroki loved so much looked up at him, staring right into his own hetrochromic eyes, until Todoroki leaned in and kissed his fiancé. It was a light kiss, but one still filled with love, but this didn't stop Izuku pulling him in closer and holding Todoroki close. After a few seconds they broke the kiss.

"Everything will be fine this time, my mother is watching over all of my father's engagements now, so no more death threats." Shoto smiled as he took the smaller boys hand, intertwining his fingers with Izuku's. They left the room together walking down the hall towards the main hall.


"Prince Shoto and Master Midoriya, your highness '" Iida opened the door smiling, knowing why they boys where in a good mood today, he nodded at Todoroki before closing the door behind them.

"Hello baby!!" Rei got up off her throne and ran to give her son a hug, she squeezed him tightly almost making it hard for the dual toned boy to breathe.

"Mother please..." Rei let go pouting

"You will never be too old for my hugs," she giggled as she turned to Midoriya and gave him a hug as well, not as tight but still rather uncomfortable.

"What brings you boys here today then? Do you need something?" Rei sat back on her throne, smiling at the pair as they held each other's hands once again. They looked at each other before they looked back at the King and Queen staring at them.

"Well actually we have something that we have to tell you," Midoriya smiled, this time he wasn't scared, mostly because Rei was there, but also because he was with Shoto.

"Midoriya and I are engaged to be married," Shoto said with a wide smile on his face, Midoriya smiled as well, holding onto his fiancé's arm tightly trying to hide some of his excitement. This time things felt different, a good different.

"You alr-" King Enji was cut off by a rather excited Rei running back down to the pair, holding them both tightly in her arms, coughing back tears of joy.

"My baby is getting married," she sniffed, "We will start getting it all planned right away!!! IIDA!" Rei was over the moon, almost jumping for joy as she turned around to her husband, glaring at him.

"Isn't this wonderful dear, we have a wedding coming up. Our baby is going to get married!"

"Mmm. It's wonderful dear." Enji's tone of voice did not match his words. Not that it mattered to anyone else in the room. Enji was under his wife's careful watch now, as she insisted that she sat in all of their important meetings and attended all of the important journeys. The trust between them had been shattered and for good reason.

"It seems are kingdom will have 2 fine kings ruling it one day, I'm so happy for you boys!" The mood was happy and light, something that the castle needed after the low mood that had been flowing through it for the past couple of weeks. Rei started mumbling about wedding plans and other things, but the boys were not listening, they were too busy looking at each other, imagining the rest of their lives together.

King Enji stood up from his throne and left the room, nothing he would have said would have meant a thing to either of the boys. The king had tried to talk to them a few times afterwards but the pair had made it very clear that they wanted nothing to do with him. To them he was just their King and nothing more.

"SO," Rei grabbed both boys by the arms and started leading them towards the doors,

"To the Library, I want to hear all of your plans so far! Both of you! We'll have Iida make us tea as well! Also Izuku what dress size should we order you?"

"OMG LET IT GO!!" Todorokis....

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