Chapter 18 - The 2 kings

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Midoriya woke up to an empty bed, something he wasn't quite used too. He searched for his partner on the cold side of the bed but he was not there. As Midoriya sat up the cold morning air was quick to attack his warm body, he looked around the room, only to realise that this wasn't the room that he shared with Todoroki. This was the room that he stayed in when he had first come to the castle, when he first met Todoroki.

He looked over at the small table where a silver tray was waiting for him; Iida must have left him his breakfast without waking him up, how strange.

Hanging over the sofa was a white... ball... gown.....

"IIDA TENYA!" Midoriya yelled, as the servant boy opened the door trying not to laugh at what Izuku hoped was just a cruel joke.

"Good morning Midoriya, excited for your wedding?"

"What is that doing in here?!" Midoriya pointed at the white ball gown that was hanging over the sofa, last time Midoriya checked his outfit of choice for his wedding wasn't *ANOTHER* dress... It seems that the running joke he thought was finally over, wasn't.

"Why it's your wedding dress, surely you haven't forgotten what day it is today." Iida was doing all he could not to burst into laughter, the face of worry that was on Midoriya's face was almost too much for him to handle.

"Iida... you have 3 seconds..." Midoriya got up out of his bed, walking over to the tray of food that was left for him grabbing one of the rolls, tossing it about in his hands, threatening to throw it at the square man.

"Ok ok," He giggled as he moved the dress to reveal what Izuku was actually going to wear. It was a white suit, freshly pressed waiting for him to wear on the biggest day of his life. Midoriya ate his breakfast quickly, his excitement building with each bite, some of the servant girls had come in and started to fuss with his face and his hair which he didn't like too much. But something told him Rei was behind it.

He and Shoto didn't get much say when it came to their wedding, between Rei and Iida pretty much planning everything for them. The only thing that they had any say in was who was going to be in attendance, Midoriya didn't invite as many people as Todoroki had too. He invited his mother, who had to be there anyway, Bakugo and Kirishima where invited, but he has heard nothing back from them. There were a few others from the Yagi village that Midoriya had invited, Todoroki's list was full of nobles and important people that Midoriya had never heard of but he guessed that Todoroki had to invite them as some royal duty.



Invited guests started making their way into the church hall, the atmosphere was buzzing. The first gay wedding in royal history was about to happen right in front of them, they where here to witness history.

Todoroki stood at the front of the hall nervously. Iida was trying to keep him calm, after being asked to be the best man he wasn't able to refuse, what a honour for a simple servant to be the best man of a royal wedding.

King Enji and Queen Rei where one of the last to enter the church, Rei wearing a stunning royal blue dress that hit the floor perfectly, lighting up her grey eyes. King Enji wearing his over the top outfit as he would normally, beside them was Inko, she was in a simple pink dress with her hair tied up in a high bun, she sat beside the King and Queen as mother of the bride er groom.

There was only one person missing now, the one person Todoroki wanted to see the most today. The music started playing throughout the church as the crowd stopped their conversations to get a glimpse of the arriving groom.

Izuku walked down the aisle alone, with a white veil now draped over his head, this didn't bother him though because right in front of him was the man he was going to spend the rest of his life with. It took every fibre of his being not to run down the aisle to him.

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