Chapter 5 - Found you

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"Young lady are you lost?," A tall and rather square looking man had scared the shit out of him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even hear his footsteps.

"Ah, um, yeah I seem to be. I was going to the bathrooms and must have taken a wrong turn somewhere and now I'm really rather lost," damn it. If he didn't waste so much time panicking he might have found the room he needed.

"No worries, has happened a few times tonight! I'll lead you back to the party, don't want to miss your chance with the Prince now do you?," The man had picked up his spirits as he escorted Midoriya back to the great hall, where now there was an unholy line of girls all waiting for their chance with the prince, to which he was at the very back of. Midoriya had turned around to thank the man but he was already gone, people in this kingdom sure where fast. Not as fast a bakugo was going to kill him tho, he needed another chance to escape, but with everyone now watching everything it was hard not to be noticed.

Suddenly the King stood up off his throne and started a rather loud speech:

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Thank you oh so very much for coming to celebrate this, the birthday of my youngest son! Today we hope that he will be able to find his one true Queen!," There was cheering and clapping as the prince moved from this throne to a smaller one in the middle of the room, just in case this was enough of a show. The prince wasn't smiling however, if anything he looked rather sad, maybe even annoyed with the situation. Who wouldn't be? Finding your soulmate is normally quite a private matter and this was far from it.

"Without further ado! Let the ceremony begin!," More cheering then the first girl went up to his throne, she was rather pretty, long black hair, red dress hitting the floor, oozing in elegance. She bowed before the Prince, who in turn bowed back. "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, it is a pleasure to meet you," she offered him her hand to which he shook and smiled, nothing else was said as she quickly moved out of the way for the next girl. This went on for about an hour, Midoriya of course was hiding , trying to find anyway to escape this line but it was no use, he was the last girl to go up. Even though he wasn't technically female.

"Nice to see you again," A warm smile came onto Todoroki's face once he had seen the green haired girl come towards him, there was just something about this girls eyes that he couldn't look away from.

"And you your highness," Midoriya bowed which was returned the same as the others but froze when he realized that he didn't have a fake name. Shit. "is there a pretty name to go with the pretty face?," Midoriya started to blush rather hard, "M-Midoriya, your highness," just drop the last name, should be fine right no one else in the room seemed to be taking notice anyway.

"Midoriya, it was a honor seeing you tonight," Todoroki placed another kiss on Midoriyas hand which made his arm burn like crazy. "Y-You too," He quickly walked away into the back of the crowd. That was a coincidence right? Right?


An hour had past since the ceremony was over, shoto felt a light burning in his wrist. Trying to be as secretive as possible he looked down to see a light, raised mark on his wrist. The mark looked like a small bunny rabbit, he was quite confused... his soulmate like rabbits? He looked at this other arm to find a little snowflake forming. He smiled a little, it must have represented his mother, what else could it have been?

These marks where a lot darker then they should have been though, just how long ago did he meet them?

Shoto felt glaring eyes peering over his shoulder. "Something to hide?," King Enji made the boy jump as he hid the marks on his arms with his sleeves, of course this did not stop his father checking anyway.

"HAHA!! My son has found his soulmate!," His words boomed in the room causing everyone in it to drop their personal conversations. The room was filled with cheers, but one question lingered on everyone's mind, which of the princess' was it?

"Her mark is that of a rabbit! Come forth my dear!,"

Shoto pulled his arm away from his fathers grasp and fixed his sleeves, slightly shocked himself that his soulmate was in the room. Surely this wasn't right... he had no attractions to any of the gir-

Could it have been?

A sudden flash of the green haired girls face came to Todoroki's mind, the only girl that he had felt anything towards all night and the only one he touched before the ceremony, surely it must be her right? He looked around the room, everyone was checking their arms, sad faces on those that didn't match, but the girl he looked for was no where to be seen.

~to be continued~


Hey guys! so i was wondering what your all thinking of the book so far! these 2 meet in the next chapter! sorry its been so slow!!


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