Chapter 13 - Don't leave me

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Guys, this chapter might upset some of you <3 I'm just dropping the warning now!!  This chapter has some homophobic tones. I personally think i might have gone too far!  so tell me and ill edit it <3

I have it all done now so ill being rolling this out reealllyyy slowly from here. hehe

Just a warning this chapter has homophobic tones!


There was a knock at the door that Todoroki knew all too well, and like every other morning, chose to ignore. Iida pushed the door open as he did every other morning,

"Your highness, it's time to wake up, your father has request-"Iida paused to look at the mess that the room was in. Cushions had been thrown across the room, the blankets had fallen off the bed and there was clothes thrown all over the floor. Iida looked over at the bed where he saw the 2 boys sleeping, intertwined into each other's arms, with nothing on. Lucky for him the blankets where covering what Iida didn't need to see.

He walked over to the bed, leaning in closer to the sleeping prince's ear.

"Excuse me your highness," Todoroki stirred, looking up at the square boy with one eye, "your father has requested for you and miss Midoriya to talk to him." Todoroki rolled back to sleep.

"My father is away on business Iida, now leave us to sleep."

"He came home late last night, and since you have slept through breakfast, he is requesting you two."

Todoroki grunted, he didn't want to move. His grunting had cause Midoriya to flinch, hugging Todoroki tighter.

"Tell him I'll talk to him later, now go away" Todoroki shooed Iida out of the room while closing his eyes holding Midoriya tighter.

"Please don't make me pull off this blanket, cause we both know I will. Now please get up and get dressed. I'll have one of the girls bring you both up food." Iida sounded stern, walking over to the large wardrobe to pick out his clothes. Todoroki carefully untangled himself from Midoriya and sat at the end of the bed. Iida looked over to see his body covered in marks, everywhere from his neck down was covered.

"Iida, do you know what he wants at least?" Todoroki yawned,

"I believe it's about your engagement again, just hear him out like you normally do... and if I may ask, what on earth happened in here last night?" not that it wasn't obvious what happened, but Iida felt like there was more then what he was seeing.

"I asked Izuku to marry me last night," Todoroki walked over to the wardrobe to get dressed, kissing the top of Midoriya's head to wake him up.

"Then I assume a congratulations is in order, I'm happy for you both." Midoriya sat up, looking over at the 2 boys talking, feeling rather sore.

"Good morning princess seems the old man wants to talk to us, again." Todoroki pulled the shirt over his head,

"I'll leave you lovebirds to get dressed, please don't make him wait too long, her majesty would like a lie in today." And with that Iida had left the room. Midoriya looked around, giggling at the mess they had made last night,

"Wait did you seriously call me princess?" he wasn't the fastest first thing in the morning. Todoroki giggled as he walked over to his sleepy fiancé kissing him softly,

"Yes I did, now get up. If we finish this quickly we can come back up here for round 2" Todoroki stuck his tongue out playfully, Midoriya smirked at the half n half prince,

"Wouldn't it technically be round 3?" He giggled, as Todoroki kissed him and pinned him back down on the bed, Iida walked back into the room.

"Seriously, I'm sure the castle would appreciate him not waking up the Queen and making her grumpy, now get dressed and move it, both of you." Iida was annoyed, he didn't want to be yelled at because these 2 where messing around.

"Ms Midoriya, there is a dress for you on the sofa." Midoriya glared at him, "Mr.... I'll whack you next time!" He got up and walked over to the pale pink dress. "Iida you're just taking the piss now..." Iida laughed "I know and there's nothing you can do about it, now hurry up princess." Iida closed the door over, Midoriya was swearing about him in his head.

"Don't wear it, we have to tell him now we're engaged anyway, he'll have his little hissy fit and move on, just put on your shirt and pants from yesterday, its fine." Todoroki hugged him from behind, leaving light kisses on his fiancés neck.

"Let's go before Iida goes full dad mode," Todoroki walked towards the door, Midoriya threw his clothes on quickly, fixing them on the walk to the main hall where the King was waiting for them.

(An: sorry to ruin the fic, but from here the warning is now in place <3 thank you <3



King Enji sat on this throne, as the doors of the main hall where pushed open, and he watched his son and some servant boy walk in.

"Prince Todoroki and ... yes well..." Iida walked away. I'll kill him later.

"Shoto, I want to talk to you and your beloved, where is she?" Enji looked confused, getting up off his throne to walk closer to the pair.

"Actually that is something that we want to talk to you about, you see Midoriya is male and I love him regardless. As much as this displeases you, we ask you just accept it." King Enji looked stunned, and then started laughing to Shoto's disgust.

"Oh Shoto, surely it is too early for your cruel pranks. Now where is your princess?" the tone in his voice changed quickly, too quickly for Midoriya's liking. He was terrified for some reason, every part of him was screaming to run, but Shoto grabbed his hand to reassure him.

"Father, none of this is part of any prank, Izuku is my soul mate. We're engaged to be married, isn't this what you wanted?" Enji's face was now that of pure rage.

"Surely I raised you better than this." Shoto was scared of that tone, he held onto Midoriya's hand tightly, stepping back from his father.

"I didn't raise you to fuck men now did I?! HOW DARE YOU MAKE A JOKE OF OUR FAMILY NAME?!" Enji was yelling right into his son's face, Midoriya was hiding behind him shaking, Shoto had never seen his father this angry before and it scared him right down to the core, but he had to be strong for him and Midoriya.

"Separate them." Enji said in a very calm tone. Shoto panicked as the guards surrounded them, pulling him and Midoriya apart. He was holding onto Midoriya as tight as he could but the force of the guards was too much for them both.

"SHOTO!" Midoriya yelled as he was pulled off his other half, the tears he was trying so hard to hide where now rolling down his face. "Izuku it's ok, it's ok..." Shoto tried to calm him down while being held back by the guards.

"Oh, it's far from ok. Throw that one in the cells; I'll deal with my son personally." Enji sounded calm, scarily calm, as the room was filled with the yells and struggles of his son and his soul mate.

"No please Izuku!!" Shoto was struggling, crying, all he wanted to do was hold his soul mate and tell him everything was fine. But he was stuck watching him being dragged away, crying. Then he was gone, still shouting for Shoto, but the doors had been closed. Shoto stopped struggling, letting the tears roll down his face, worrying for his helpless soul mate.

"It seems your training sessions just got unbearable child, and you have no one to blame but yourself." Enji didn't look at his son, "Lock him in his room for now, I'll deal with him later, do not leave him unattended." And with that he left the room.

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