Chapter 15 - the end

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Iida ran through the halls, up the stairs and straight to the prince's bed chambers. He ran straight into the room, paying no mind to the royal protocols, this was an emergency. When he burst in he found the prince curled up on the bed, hugging the green waistcoat he was holding earlier, face tear stained. He looked so peaceful, much calmer then the mess he was in earlier that day. Iida walked over and shook the sleeping prince awake.

"Todoroki, I'm sorry to wake you but I have news on Midoriya and it's urgent." Todoroki sat up quickly; finally he was getting news on his beloved after a whole day of worry. Iida's face was not one of someone with good news however.

"What's the news Iida, please tell me he's ok," Todoroki sounded panicked, all he wanted to know if he was ok, the second he was allowed out of the prison of his room he would go and get him out of the cells.

"Your highness, I need you to stay very calm." Iida sounded really serious and Todoroki didn't like it. He clutched Midoriya's waist coat tighter in his hands, waiting for Iida to work up the nerve to tell the young prince the news. Iida took a deep breath in,

"Midoriya... had been sentenced to death by the King's orders. He's to die by the rope this time tomorrow." Todoroki stopped breathing. His chest was completely tight, as if Iida's words where able to take away all the air in his lungs. The room was now blurry, he was dizzy and there was this high pitched ringing in his ears. Iida was trying to shake him out of this unknown trance but he couldn't hear a thing, he was completely numb.

Then it hit him. Iida's words had registered in Todoroki's brain, and it hit him hard, very hard. The tears started first, streaming down his face once again, the numbness took over again. His heart was shattered into millions of pieces, the promise he had made to Midoriya's mother was ringing though his head now, her smile, Izuku's smile, everything flashing before him.

Iida looked at the very still prince, worried about what was going on in his head. He sat beside him like he had only a few hours before, he had yet to finish the news that Todoroki did not want to hear, but he didn't want to pile anymore heart ache onto him. He hugged the boy, who didn't move, he was still in shock. But then the shock had worn off, Todoroki was sobbing into Iida's shoulder. Todoroki broke the hug, holding onto Iida's shoulders looking into his eyes,

"Iida, we have to help him. He can't... He can't die. I can't let him die. I need him Iida, this is all my fault. If I just made him lie more then he would be here with me now and not facing this alone!" The prince's desperation was more than clear, Todoroki had stood up and started heading towards the door before Iida could even respond. Iida rushed to stop him opening the door, knowing the guards where waiting to stop the prince from leaving at any cost.

"Todoroki, I'm so sorry," He grabbed the boy's shoulders, "You can't... The king has ordered you to stay here. He wants you in attendance of his death tomorrow." Todoroki wanted to throw up, the pain in his chest grew tighter, and how could his own father order something this?! Todoroki stumbled back from the door, falling to the floor, unable to feel anything, he was a mess and the mess was not going to end anytime soon. If anything his worst nightmare was about to come true and he was powerless, with no plan that could work to try and save his soul mate, his fiancé, the love of his life was due to die and he was to watch.


The sun had started to fall the next day, the castle town was buzzing with the news of the execution. It was rare for them to be made so public, so most of the town had shown up, shops closed early and market stalls where shut. The king had made sure that everyone in the kingdom knew what was going on. As the bells of the church tower started striking the guards in the cells had come to collect Midoriya. He had been silent during the day, refusing to eat the food that was sent down for him, sitting the corner of his cell accepting his fate. He was sentenced to death for no crime, for loving Todoroki, surely this was some sick karma he thought, he was going to pay for all his lies with his life and Todoroki had to watch.

The guards opened the cell gate and grabbed Midoriya by his arm, Midoriya didn't struggle. He was numb inside, how would he escape from this? There was no point in trying to run. He was lead to a wooden door, it lead outside to the fore court, where his fate would be sealed.

The crowd was buzzing, all the conversations about who was going on the stand, all the guessing all the complaining, but all went silent when the Royal family was introduced. King Enji sat tall on his throne, drenched in gold and jewels, the crowd cheering at the sight of their king. Queen Rei followed close behind her husband, equally being cheered, waving to the people of her kingdom.

Prince Shoto was being held by the guards that where surrounding him, stopping him from running, saving his beloved that was right underneath him. He was dressed head to toe in black, by his father's request, just another sick mind trick his father was playing on him. The crowd cheered for their prince as well, but some were concerned on the level of security surrounding him, wondering what was going on. Iida was standing right behind him for support, he might only be another servant but he wanted to be there for the princes that treated him like family. King Enji held his hand up in the air to signal the beginning of the executions. There were 4 in total; petty thieves caught trying to steal from the palace and Midoriya, who was last in the line.

As the door opened in front Midoriya he started to panic once more, this was it, the end of his life. He saw the size of the crowd, how so many people had come to see him die for nothing. The first criminal had been pulled through the doors; Midoriya looked up at the royal box, looking at the King he now hated so much, the Queen that had given him everything... and the love of his life. Midoriya felt tears building up in the back of his eyes at the sight of Todoroki, he didn't want him to witness this, it wasn't fair. This had been all his fault, why should Todoroki have to suffer as well?

The sound of the leaver being pulled made Midoriya jump, this had now hit him really hard. This was happening and no one was going to save him. He wanted his mother; he wanted to run home to his mother and hide in their tiny bakery, selling bread and cakes to the villagers that he grew up around. He wanted to go back to his life before all this confusion and torture, before he found out about Todoroki being his soul mate. The second and third criminal were dragged out together, they must have been partners in whatever crime it was they committed. Midoriya panicked, he was next. The walk looked long but was actually really short. He could see clearly what was going on now. He could see Todoroki struggling in the royal box, the guards restraining him, holding him down on his chair. Midoriya started crying; crying not because of his fate, but because of the pain Todoroki was in, the visible struggling that anyone could see, but the crowd where so focused on the criminals they didn't notice the crown prince struggles.

The guard was now pulling Midoriya's arm, as he dragged him towards the wooden stand ahead of him. Midoriya struggled, trying to break free from the guards grip but it was too strong.

Todoroki went to yell out to his soul mate but a guard silenced him, he was crying, tears streaming down his face, trying to push the guards off him when the Queen turned to her husband.

"Enji, what's the meaning of this? Surely you know who this boy is?" She was concerned

"I'm more then aware, but maybe this will teach your son what happens when he lies to me, making a joke of our family." His words where calm, not looking away from the green haired boy that was struggling so much to get away.

"Enji stop this, you have made your point that's enough." Rei was panicking now; her words didn't seem to reach her hard headed husband.

The guards let go of Midoriya, aiming their spears at the boy forcing him up the stairs. He backed up slowly, where the executioner had grabbed him. He tried to get out of his grasp but it was too late. He tied the rope around Midoriya's neck, Midoriya was sobbing it was the end of the line for the green haired boy. He saw his life flash before him, all the memories of him and his mother, of him and Todoroki replayed before him. He closed his eyes as the executioner grabbed the leaver.


Thank you so much for reading my story!!! I'm working on part 2 at the moment!! It's going to be this story but what kiribaku where up too!!

I hope you all loved this story <3


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