Chapter 9 - the truth is.

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I life was busy sorry guys!  I have this typed out on my laptop so I should have a lot more chapters soon!! Im also putting this on Ao3 so its a bit slow here while they catch up! This one was hard to write again >< so i hope you guys like it! 

During all this drama, he completely forgot why he was in this mess in the first place; he was trying to make the money to keep him and his mother going through the winter. He wanted to make the money to pay her rent for the next couple of months at least and he left that all behind for what?

"Midoriya are you alright?!" Midoriya lifted his tear stained face to see Todoroki walking towards him. Even from this distance he was beautiful.

"Yeah, was just too much and I needed to breathe, sorry." He looked back down to his dress which was soaked with the tears he was just crying. Too many lies and Midoriya couldn't keep them up anymore. They were killing him, he wanted his soul mate to love him for who he was, not this. Not what he currently was doing. All these lies would have to come out eventually; he might as well deal with the rejection now. So he can go home and help his mother like he should be doing.

Todoroki was kneeling on the floor beside him, wiping away the damp left on the freckled boys face.

"Don't cry, my father is an ass but he has good intentions, I think. To be honest I wasn't expecting it either this morning. But we will go at our own pace ok? I will happily wait a life time if that's how long it will take."

I love him. This was the only thing going through Izuku head, how much in this moment he loved this boy, and how much pain he was about to put him through. The thought made Izuku tear up again.

"Hey what's wrong? Come on let's go in here." Todoroki held out both his hands to help her up off the floor. Izuku gets up and follows Todoroki into the room. This was going to hurt him a lot, but he couldn't lie to his soul mate any longer. The truth was eating him up inside and it needed to come out. The couple sat on the bed, Todoroki gently hugging Izuku to try and make him feel better, when Izuku stood up.

"There is something I have to tell you, and you're going to hate me for it. But I can't hide it anymore." Todoroki was taken back a little, this was rather sudden, but he loved this girl and was always here to listen to what she had to say.

"What is it? And I doubt I'll hate you..."

Midoriya took a deep breath in; as he reached for the back of his dress he unfastened the buttons as the back, pulling it off from the front, taking off the wig with it. He was physically shaking in fear, unable to look in the direction of Todoroki at all. He let the dress and the wig fall to the floor,

"I'm... a guy."

Todoroki looked at the male in complete awe. He had freckles all over his body; his toned stomach was enough to make him blush with unholy thoughts. He looked at the boys face; he was blushing, waiting for something. Todoroki found this situation rather funny; too funny in fact so funny he burst into fits of giggles which then turned into full blown laughter.

Midoriya was a little shocked at his reaction, was he laughing at him? He wanted the ground to swallow him up there and then. This situation was eating away, slowing killing Izuku inside and the man he loved was laughing at him. Todoroki stood up and walked towards the smaller male, Midoriya closed his eye tight not sure what to expect to happen next.

Midoriya then felt something soft against his lips, he opened his eyes a little to see Todoroki was kissing him. He was confused but wasn't complaining. He leaned into it, accepting whatever was going on. The moment felt like it went on for ages when really it went on for 30 seconds; Todoroki had wrapped his hands around Izuku's neck making the kiss even deeper. Then he broke the kiss,

"You pretended to be a female this whole time?" he looked right into Izuku's eyes.

"Y-yeah, I was afraid to tell you in case you hated me or something... But this wasn't the reaction I was expecting." Midoriya was letting out all the truths now, no more hiding anything.

"You have no idea, how happy this has actually made me. Midoriya, I'm gay. And I've been worried this whole time that I wouldn't be able to love you as much as I should, there was always something at the back of my mind telling me that I loved you so much but wished you where male. But now everything makes sense."

Everything did make more sense now. Midoriya actually feels stupid for hiding this for so long, he should have just told Todoroki a long time ago and saved so much drama. He loved this man more than anything on this world and he wanted him to know that. Midoriya pulled Todoroki in for another kiss, this time a little more passionate. Todoroki wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist pulling him as close as he could. Izuku ran his hands through the prince's hair, and then moved his hands onto his face where he felt something rather rough.

Midoriya pulled out of the kiss to try and see what it was realising that his hand had gone under the veil that Todoroki insisted that he kept on around him. Todoroki grabbed hold of his hand and frowned a little, his eyes were now filled with sadness.

"I guess I should be truthful with you too then." He took a step back, still holding on to Midoriya's hand. "It's not as big a secret as yours, I think, but still something I haven't been truthful about..." He lets go of the males hand to unclip the veil hiding the left side of his face, he holds it there for a second, before finally moving it to show the scar hiding underneath.

Midoriya was taken back a bit; the scar covered most of the left side of his face and his eye. It was a darkish red colour and looked like it caused him a lot of pain.

"How...?" The only word Midoriya could say.

"When I was 5, a crazy servant girl poured boiling water over my face, because it reminded her of my father, who worked her to her insanity. I don't blame her, I blame him."

"Why do you hide it?" Midoriya was asking all the wrong questions, he knew but he couldn't help it,

"I don't normally, but my father wanted it hidden for the party, he sees it as unsightly. He didn't want to ruin my chances with anyone with it. Then when I met you I didn't want to scare you with it. It sounds stupid now I say it out loud."

"It's not stupid..." Midoriya looked the boy deadpan in the face, "You were scared I wouldn't accept you, the same way I was scared you wouldn't accept me. You're not stupid." Midoriya had a sweet but serious tone to his voice. He walked up to the taller boy and lightly kissed the scar he was so scared to show him.

"You're still beautiful to me; it's not unsightly at all." Midoriya smiled brightly at the now blushing prince. If it was possible, Todoroki was now more in love with him then he ever was.

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