Chapter 16 - Thank you

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AN: im not that heartless :p end~


The crowd stopped their cheering, the voice echoed around the fore court. Everyone looked around to see where the voice was coming from. The King looked over at his wife, stunned at her outburst.

"Enji... this time you have gone too far." Queen Rei stood up off her chair, not looking at her husband.

"Untie that boy, he has done no wrong. His crimes are unwarranted; he does not deserve this treatment. He is innocent." She yelled at the guard. The crowd where confused, mumbling wondering what was going on. Why did the Queen just stop the execution?

The rope was removed from Midoriya's neck as the Queen had just publicly requested, he was helped down from the stalls, not fully understanding what was going on all he knew was that he owed the Queen his life once again. The guard escorted him back through the door that he was dragged out of not too long ago.

Queen Rei turned around to see the amount of guards surrounding her son, disgusted with the way he was being treated. Todoroki's face was red and tear stained, his clothes where wrinkled from being held down, his expression was a mixture of stress and relief, he was breathing heavily, almost trying to catch his breath.

"Let. My son go. Right now." She was stern, stern enough to scare the guards that where holding him, they let go straight away as Todoroki took a deeper breath in, looking at his mother with fear still showing in his eyes. He didn't move, trying to regain some kind of self control.

"Thank you," he sobbed "Thank you," He got up and held her tight, relived that she had saved his soul mate from what he thought was certain death, saving him from watching the love of his life die helplessly before him.

"Thank me later dear, you have a very scared soul mate waiting for you in the cells and I'm sure there is nowhere else you would rather be right now." She kissed him lightly on the forehead before breaking their hug and pointing towards the door. Todoroki didn't think twice, he ran right out the door in a flash, Rei turned to face her husband, glaring at him and him glaring back at her.

Todoroki was running as fast as he could down the stairs to the cells, wiping his face of all the tears that he had been crying. He skilfully dodged the unsuspecting servants that where in the way, trying not to break his speed. He reached the door of the cells, pushing the door wide open to find his fiancé locked in a cell.

"What is he locked back up for?! Let him out this instant or it will be you at the stands!" He yelled at the guard beside Midoriya's cell.

Midoriya stood up the second he saw his red and white prince enter the damp room, he had never been so happy to see anyone. He ran up to the bars wanting to be as close to Todoroki as he could. The guard unlocked the cell gate, Midoriya pushed past him attacking Todoroki. He held him tightly, Todoroki held him back just as tight, the both of them collapsing on the cold floor in tears, the stress of the past 24 hours had taken its toll on the pair, they were just happy holding each other, neither one daring to let go.

"Izuku... I'm so sorry, I wanted to come get you so bad but I couldn't leave my room cause of the guards and..." The smaller male shushed his fiancé,

"You have nothing to apologise for Shoto, this isn't your fault do not blame yourself," Midoriya shivered.

"Your freezing, let's get you warmed up," he took Midoriya's hand helping him up off the floor, his hands felt like ice. Todoroki led them to the main seating room where there was a fire already lit, He moved a chair closer to the fire place where Midoriya sat down. The heat felt good, the cold of the cells had made his body stiff.

"Midoriya are you alright?" A rather panicked Rei walked into the room, she rushed over to the boys that where now holding each other in front of the fireplace, Todoroki was wrapping Midoriya in the blanket that was draped over the back of the chair.

"I-I'm ok, just about, cold but alive. Thank you so much, if you didn't yell out when you did then I would be..." Todoroki shushed the freckled boy, wiping away the threatening tears at the corners of his eyes.

"You're ok now, that's all the matters. You have nothing to thank me for." She kneeled in front of them both holding their hands, letting out a sigh of relief.

"REI!" The door of the room was slammed closed; the voice could only be one person. Rei's face was that of pure anger and disgust, she stood up and walked towards Enji. Shoto held Izuku tighter at the sight of his so called father entering the room, He felt Izuku gripping onto his shirt, this time Shoto was going to protect Izuku with his life. Rei slapped Enji across the face with a strong force, leaving a glowing red hand print on his cheek.

"How... DARE YOU! Show your face in front of these two, have you not caused enough heartache for them?! Look at the mess you have caused!! What next Enji? Are you going to have our son killed for breathing?! Hmm! Or will you have the guards drag Midoriya off again for your pathetic reasoning?"

"Rei, I..."

"DON'T EVEN ATTEMPT TO TALK YOURSELF OUT OF THIS. You had our sons soul mate sentenced to death?! Has your obsession with power gone to such lengths that it has clouded your judgement?! Or are you just a foolish king?" Rei was angry, this man had hurt her son in ways she could not forgive.

"You owe both of these boys a very sincere apology to which they should not even think of accepting! Midoriya was scared to death! You had Shoto held down like some dog! Like it or not Enji Todoroki he is your son, and weather he loves men or women should not be a concern to you! Your duty as a father is to love and protect him with your life, NOT THREATEN HIS WITH YOUR FOOLISHNESS! Look for one second at the mess your son is in. LOOK AT MIDORIYA. We welcomed him into our family for Shoto, not for you to do as you please."

Rei pointed at the boys sitting the in the corner, still holding each other. The stress had become too much Midoriya, mixed with the warmth of the room and Todoroki's scent surrounding him he fell asleep. Todoroki lifted Midoriya in his arms, keeping the blanket around him as best as he could,

"We do not wish to hear it, nothing he will say will or do will make this better, you attacked my family, the person that I love and that is something I will never forgive. You can live with the hatred that I have for you now, these events will not go away because you demand them too."

Todoroki left the room, without saying anything else. The argument between Enji and Rei continued throughout the night, but Todoroki just wanted to sleep this horrible day away, forgetting it and hold his fiancé.

He set the sleeping boy down on the clean sheets, Iida must have had his room fixed at some point in this madness, he removed the dirty trousers that he had on and covered him with the bed covers. Izuku looked peaceful; the steady breathing from the green haired boy was soothing for Shoto, knowing that his soul mate was safe in his sight, vowing to God that he would never let Izuku face anything like that again.

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