Chapter 4 - Save my soul.

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~in the castle~

Todoroki was being dressed by some of the servants in his household.  He was uncomfortable already, too many layers was making him overheat, he was wearing a royal blue suit, with a red sash and a gold chain around his neck, supporting a heavy, fur cape on his shoulders which was the reason he was over heating but his father had send orders for him to look completely unresistable, whatever that meant.  Placing a gold crown on his head he looked in the mirror ready to face the bullshit he was about to sit through.

"Um... your highness," a rather shaky girl was standing behind him, he turned around to look at her, she was small in size with a short brown bob of hair and eyes Shoto could see his own face in. "I'm really sorry, but the king has asked you to wear this too...  over your... s-scar...," she was holding a black veil, Shoto could feel the rage rising within him.  Why should he have to hide something that the King had put there in the first place! If he didn't push that servant to the brink of insanity he wouldn't have the scar to begin with. 

Todoroki  breathed out a heavy sigh snatching the veil from the girls hand and telling her to leave, he wanted a moment to collect his thoughts, to calm down before facing his people.  He put on the veil over his scarred eye and straighten himself up when their was a fimilar knock at the door.

"You highness, are you ready to meet your Queen?," Iida was standing at the door trying not to laugh, Todoroki was allowed to beat him right?

"Hilarious." He said with a very low tone. "Let's get this shit done with." He walked past Iida, who had closed his bedroom door behind him heading to the ballroom.


The party was in full swing, drinks where flowing, music was playing and everyone was having a good time. Except Midoriya. He was in a rather tight dress, heels he couldn't even stand in and the itchiest wig Bakugo could have possibly found.  He wanted nothing more then to go home.  But he was here on a mission, he had to somehow make it to the King's study without getting caught... Think Izuku.

"Could I offer you a drink m'lady?," As Midoriya turned around he was greeted by a rather handsome looking noble, he had bright yellow hair with what seemed to be a lightening bolt going through it, smiling widely at Midoriya as he handed him a glass of what he assumed was champagne.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing at a ball like this?," Midoriya was confused.  Was he hitting on him? Because that was really bad, even he was cringing. Was it not obvious why there was so many ladies here?

"W-why I hope to win... the princes heart...." If the ground would like to swallow him u at any moment then please make it fast.

"you and many other maidens here im sure," midoriya heard a cold voice coming from behind him, as he turned around slowly, he saw probably the most beautiful face he had ever come across. Red and white hair split perfectly in the middle, white clear skin, mismatched eyes that Midoriya couldn't help stare right into.  OH. I'M STARING.

"Ah! Y-your highness! Um yes well im sure whoever you choose is very lucky...," Midoriya was trying to hide his now bright red face from the prince.

"ah todoroki, must you really kill my chances here?," 

"I believe there is a young girl over there that hasn't been able to stop staring at you all night,"  Todoroki pointed in a general direction to which the blonde boy needed nothing else, he was already gone by the time Midoriya looked back over at him.

"are you alright? You looked rather uncomfortable," todoroki stared at midoriya with a genuine expression. "i am now thanks to you,"  he let out a sigh. "how are you finding the party?," Todoroki was trying to come u with some kind of conversation, for some reason this girl was standing out the most to him and he wanted to know why.

"Ah, it's very grand, nothing like the ones i'm used too at home, but i'm enjoying it!  It's not every day you get to spend the night in the palace after all!" Midoriya gave him a warm smile, talking to the prince was easier then Bakugo made it out to be, the words just came out so well and before they knew it 10 mins had gone by and people where staring.  Of course they where staring, the Ice Prince was smiling.

The sounds of bells ringing was Todoroki's que to get ready for the ceremony, as much as he didn't want to leave this green haired princess he had too.

"I'm sorry, but i must get ready. I hope that your part of the ceremony however," Todoroki grabbed Midoriyas hand and left a light kiss on it, that got a few gasps from their not to subtle audience, he gave the boy one last smile and walked away. Midoriya. Was trying not to melt.

Midoriya walked over to the drinks table with his head completely frazzled. He didn't really know why either. After he chugged down one last glass of whatever this fizzy juice was he looked around, all the girls where getting ready for their meeting with his royal highness, thats when he spotted a group of ladies leaving the main doors.  He took this chance to quickly leave as well, suddenly remembering that he was here to do something.  He followed the ladies to the bathrooms and then rushed around the corner before anyone noticed. Now all he had to do was find the study and not get caught.

But this castle was a maze, every door looked the same. Every hall was the same.  How was Midoriya supposed to find anything in this madness. He sighed, looking down at the sudden burning feeling in his wrist, then his heart stopped.

A light mark, slightly raised and red had appeared on his wrist.  The mark grew darker and darker when his other arm started getting the same feeling.  He hid around a corner to get a better look at these marks. They where soulmate symbols. I FOUND MY SOULMATE HERE?!  OH ALL TIMES AND PLACES IT HAD TO BE HERE AND NOW?! Midoriya was trying not to panic, quickly going through all the people that he had touched within that past hour. He was so lost in thought that he didn't feel the hand that hand just grabbed his shoulder.


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