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I sighed in relief as it was finally time to put the closing sign on the door of the cafe.

Mondays were always the busiest around here. People usually walked in timid and frustrated with the world only because it was Monday, the most hated day of the week.

Even I was on edge, but today being Monday wasn't the reason.

My phone rang for the fifth time and I groaned loudly, violently smashing the answer button and pressing it to my ear.

"What do you want Kyler?!" I shouted.  We broke up three weeks ago and ever since then he's become this clingy asshole who verbally abused me 25/8. Mind you he was the reason I broke things off.

"I want you back!" I rolled my eyes at his lame answer. "Claire was a mistake, I didn't know what I was doing!"

"You knew exactly what you were doing! You knocked her up in the girls bathroom at school, might I add that you were completely sober!"

"Now that we're about to graduate you won't have to worry about her anymore. That was high school, now I only want you Rosalie."

"You're screwing with me right?" I chuckled bitterly as tears stung the back of my eyes. "You were going behind my back for three months and expect me to just take you back?!"

"No one else wants you so you might as well come crawling back like you always do," the smirk and arrogance in his tone was so sickening I wanted to throw my phone at the wall.

"Bastard!" I ended the call abruptly and slammed my phone down on the counter as tears slipped down my cheeks and dripped from my chin.

The bell above the door jingled, signaling someone entered the building. I sighed in frustration and turned on my heels with a pathetic glare on my face as I tried to swallow my tears.

"Did you not see the closing sign?" my breath hitched in my throat as I recognized the man shaking rain out of his hair.

"I know, I just needed somewhere to hide until things. . ." he froze in place as his eyes met my puffy ones. ". . .cooled off." I averted my gaze past his shoulder to the eager girls outside being blocked from coming in by security.

"Looks like we're both stuck here for another thirty minutes or so," I said quietly, looking everywhere but him so he wouldn't see that I was crying.

"What's your name?" he stared at me intently, cocking his head to the side a little.

"Excuse me?"

"Since we're kind of stuck in here-"

"All thanks to you," I mumbled and he squinted his eyes at me.

"Might as well make things less awkward," he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. Even though we were across the room from each other, I still felt paralyzed in my spot.

"Rosalie," I said in a small voice. A little smile made its way to his face when I told him my name.

"So dainty. It fits you," I tucked loose strands of hair behind my ear as a blush tainted my cheeks. "I'm-"

"Harry Edward Styles, I know."

"You look like you've been crying," crap. "What's wrong?"

"I-It's nothing really. Just something I'd rather not talk about at the moment," I cursed myself mentally as the warm tear rolled down my cheek.

"If it's nothing, why are you so broken over it?" my eyes trailed up to his as he somehow closed the distance between us without me noticing.

Because I don't feel like a person anymore. I feel used; like an object.

My eyes fluttered closed as his hand caressed my cheek and his thumb gingerly wiped away my tears. The feel of his touch was foreign -- something I never felt with Kyler, who I'd been with for almost a year. It tingled my spine and made my toes curl.

His security guard peeped his head inside once the girls cleared out. "It's clear, but we have to get a move on before they return."

"I want you at the show tomorrow," Harry turned to face me, his tone low and deep.

"I can't. I have to work and I don't have ti--"

"Hey," he gently tilted my chin upwards, forcing me to look him in the eye. He didn't say anything afterwards and after what seemed like forever of silently staring at each other, I gave in. "Just show up and I'll handle the rest."

"Time's ticking kid," his security guard said, holding the door open.

"Harry--" I grabbed his hand to stop him, about to change my mind, but he pushed me back against the counter softly, his hand lingering on my waist.

"I'll see you tomorrow at eight," Harry gave me one last knee clutching, lopsided smirk before turning on his heels and exiting the cafe.

"Maybe," I whispered to myself after the door closed behind him.


"I've never seen you act that way," Paul said, breaking the silence as we drove down the familiar, empty streets of LA.

"I want her at the show," I replied, keeping my eyes glued to the window.

She was different; talked different, looked different, felt different.

And I wanted her to myself.

Author's Note

I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time in giving my first book a read!

I've always wanted to write a HS book, but kind of got discouraged when I saw just how many ppl write about him. However, I decided to combine two cliche story ideas that just about every HS book is based on and create something different and fulfilling.

I won't say which two ideas I've combined, but if you continue to read I'm sure you're going to be in for a pleasant surprise ;)

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